Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0213679 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Simonne, E. Simonne, E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Reducing nutrient loss below the root zone of drip-irrigated vegetables using low-pressure, increased irrigation time
0205089 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Reberg-Horton, S. C. Chris Reberg-Horton UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Reducing Off-Farm Grain Inputs on Northeast Organic Dairy Farms
1020646 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mahadevan, L. Mahadevan,Lakshmi TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Reducing Opioid Use And Misuse: Mental Health First Aid In Rural Texas Counties (MHFA_RTX)
1008563 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wang, C. Wang,Changlu RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Reducing pest infestations and insecticide residues in low income housing
0190621 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schaffner, D. W. Schaffner, D. W. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Reducing risk of Clostridium spp. food poisoning using predictive modeling
0190109 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hillers, V. N. Hillers, V. N. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing Risk with Food Thermometers: Strategies for Behavior Change
0214477 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eigenbrode, S. D. Eigenbrode, S. D. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Reducing Risks Associated with Viruses Affecting Legumes in the Inland Pacific Northwest
0223375 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Li, Y. Li,Yi UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Reducing Root Suckering of Transgenic Poplar
1012073 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Xu, Y. Xu,Yixiang VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Reducing Salt in Processed Meats Using High Pressure Processing and Grape Pomace: Building Capacity in Non-thermal Technologies at VSU
0207667 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Venkitanarayanan, K. S. Venkitanarayanan, K. S. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Reducing the Colonization of Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter Jejuni in Chickens with Caprylic acid
0214640 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sischo, W. M. Sischo, W. M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing the environmental load of food and waterborne pathogens on CAFOs
0196829 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hegerfeld, J. Hegerfeld, J. M. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Reducing the Foodborne Illness Risks Associated with Direct Marketed Foods in South Dakota
1004215 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. B. Walsh,Douglas WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing the impact of industry-critical insect and disease problems in hops through developmment of preventative and predictive strategies
0200447 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sischo, W. M. Sischo, W. M. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA Reducing the Use of Antibiotics and the Incidence of Antibiotic Resistance on Calf Ranches
0212165 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Sischo, W. M. Sischo, W. M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Reducing the Use of Antibiotics and the Incidence of Antibiotic Resistance on Calf Ranches
0226844 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hatfield, P. Hatfield,Patrick MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Reducing tillage intensity in organic crop systems: ecological and economic impacts of targeted sheep grazing on cover crops,weeds & soil
0190837 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Harter-Dennis, J. Harter-Dennis, J. UNIV OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MD Reduction in Animal Waste Pollution Through the Use of Enzymes to Improve Phosphorus Digestion
1017031 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Maga, E. A. Maga,Elizabeth A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Reduction of androgens by gene editing for the genetic containment of livestock
0186347 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lan, Y. Lan, Y. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Reduction of E. coli O157:H7 on Goat Meat Surfaces Utilizing Electricity
0197333 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gustin, M. Mae Gustin UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Reduction of Nutrient Loading & Impacts of Mercury Contamination from Nonpoint Source Pollution thru Wetland Mgmt. Steamboat Creek Watershed
1007709 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mostafa, A. M. Mostafa,Ayman M. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Reestablishing IPM Recommendations for Aphids in Alfalfa Hay in the Low Desert
1011052 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shennan, C. Shennan,Carol UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Refining anaerobic soil disinfestation for disease management in strawberry and apple production
0188208 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hepperly, P. Hepperly, P. THE RODALE INSTITUTE PA Regenerating Small Family Farms: Combining Education, Research and Marketing
1027553 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Henderson, H. Post,Ava WATTS LABOR COMMUNITY ACTION COMMITTEE CA Regenerating Watts Farmers, Renewing Watts Farms
1020331 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mordecai, J. A. Mordecai,Julie A SLV LOCAL FOODS COALITION CO Regenerative Poultry and Vegetable Farming in the San Luis Valley for Socially Disadvantaged and Immigrant Farmers.
0201447 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Farrell-Poe, K. L. Farrell-Poe, K. L. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Region 9 Water Quality Coordination
0193936 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Farrell-Poe, K. L. Farrell-Poe, K. L. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Region IX Water Quality Coordination
0184864 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Batterson, T. R. Batterson, T. R. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Regional Aquaculture Center