Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0196666 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Broughton, R. Broughton, R. M. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Added-Value Products from Poultry Feather Fiber and Protein
0196665 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Preston, A. M. Rivera-Cano, M. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR Nutrition of Puerto Rican School Children: Importance of The Federal Breakfast and Lunch Programs
0196664 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Rosell, R. C. Rosemarie Rosell UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS TX Whitefly Endosymbionts: Correlating Morphology and Phylogeny
0196663 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Harris, M. O. Harris, M. O. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Function and Fitness Costs of Grass R Genes and Hessian Fly Avr Genes
0196662 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, Y. L. Yi Li UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Biotech Approach to Neutralize the Potential Invasiveness of Rosa Multiflora and Euonymus Alatus
0196661 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bukenya, J. O. Bukenya, J. O. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Spatial and Economic Analysis of Urbanization of Agricultural Land in North Alabama
0196660 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Solaiman, D. Solaiman, D. USDA, ARS PA Structural Study of Poly (hydroxyalkanoate) Synthase Responsible for Biobased Polymer Production
0196659 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Prisley, S. P. Prisley, S. P. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Modeling Production and Decay of Coarse Woody Debris in Loblolly Pine Forests
0196658 TERMINATED HATCH Buccola, S. T. Buccola, S. T. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR University-Industry Relationships in Agricultural Biotechnology Research
0196657 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Froman, D. P. Froman, D. P. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Expressed Sequence Tags for the Study of a New Heritable Metabolic Disease
0196655 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lemmon, R. Lemmon, R. SI TANKA UNIVERSITY SD Harvest Dollars Capacity Grant
0196654 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Suri, R. P. Milton Cole VILLANOVA UNIV PA Presence and Fate of Antibiotics and Hormones in Mushroom Farming
0196653 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Caton, J. S. Caton, J. S. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Strengthening Research Infrastructure Through Improving Analytical Capability for Macro- and Micro- elements in Agricultural and Biological
0196651 TERMINATED HATCH Harmsen, A. G. Harmsen, A. G. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Local Immunity to Bovine Viral Respiratory Infection
0196650 TERMINATED HATCH Dougher, T. A. Dougher, TR. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Commercializing Production of Native Montana Plant Species
0196649 TERMINATED HATCH Blodgett, S. L. Blodgett, S. L. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Integrated Pest Management of Montana Field and Forage Crops
0196648 TERMINATED HATCH Peterson, R. K. Peterson, RO, K.. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Agricultural and Biological Risk Assessment and Integrated Pest Management
0196647 TERMINATED HATCH Johnson, G. D. Johnson, G. D. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Epidemiological investigations on arthropod-borne diseases of domestic livestock and wildlife
0196646 TERMINATED HATCH Weaver, D. K. Weaver, DA, K.. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Basic and Applied Research for Management of Wheat Stem Sawfly and Stored Grain Insects
0196643 NEW NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Young, G. Young, G. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Endocrine Control of Oogenesis in Rainbow Trout
0196642 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Yilma, T. D. Yilma, T. D. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA A Rapid and Inexpensive Kit for On-Site Diagnosis of Vesicular Stomatitis and Food and Mouth Disease.
0196641 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Cullor, J. S. Cullor, J. S. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA Measuring the Antimicrobial Properties of Chelating Agents Combined With Antibiotics to Treat Mastitis Caused by Streptococcus Species
0196640 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Conrad, P. A. Conrad, P. A. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA (VET-MED) CA Evaluaton of Fecal Pathogen Pollution in California Freshwater Estuarine and Nearshore Marine Environments Using Bivalves as Bioindicators
0196639 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mistry, V. V. Mistry, V. V. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Microfiltration Unit for Dairy Processing Operations
0196638 TERMINATED HATCH Willis, D. W. Willis, D. W. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Prey Fish Dynamics in South Dakota Waters
0196637 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Johnson, S. E. Johnson, S. E. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Phosphoregulatory Events Controlling Skeletal Myogenesis
0196636 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tschinkel, W. R. Tschinkel, W. R. FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY FL Does the Fire Ant, Solenopsis Invicta, Suppress Native Ants?
0196634 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Canham, C. D. Canham, C. D. CARY INSTITUTE OF ECOSYSTEM STUDIES NY Invasion of Northeastern Forests by Exotic Tree Species: Interactions Between Population Dynamics and Ecosystem Processes
0196633 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Grafton, K. F. Grafton, K. F. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Alternative Crops