Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017460 REVISED HATCH Boyer, CH, D.. Bajwa, SR. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Multistate Research Coordination, Western Region
1017476 REVISED HATCH Crozier, C. Crozier, CA, R.. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Verifying fertilizer management strategies for corn, soybean, and emerging agronomic crops in eastern North Carolina
1017494 REVISED HATCH Womac, AL. Womac, AL. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
1017507 REVISED HATCH Fernandez, C, J. Fernandez, C, J. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Strategies for improving crop water use efficiency: screening and characterization of drought tolerant and high-yielding genotypes.
1017523 REVISED HATCH Raman, SR, . Raman, SR. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Engineered Bacteriophages as Biocontrol Agents Against Foodborne Pathogens
1017544 REVISED HATCH Viteri-Dillon, DI, . Flores, CA, A.. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization
1017580 REVISED HATCH Gallardo, FE. Robles, WI. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Using wild bee hives to assess melliferous plants, honey bee health and honey quality
1017582 REVISED HATCH Demirci, AL, . Demirci, AL. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
1017597 REVISED HATCH Van Der Sluis, EV. Van Der Sluis, EV. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Agricultural Trade and Public Policies: Economic Effects in the Northern Great Plains
1017605 REVISED HATCH Gebhart, C. Gebhart, C. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Enteric Diseases of Food Animals: Enhanced Prevention, Control and Food Safety
1017615 REVISED HATCH Trout-Fryxell, RE. Trout Fryxell, RE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Fly Management in Animal Agriculture Systems and Impacts on Animal Health and Food Safety
1017618 REVISED HATCH Davis, DA, . Davis, DA. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD The Economics of Food and Food Assistance Programs
1017619 REVISED HATCH Loor, J. Loor, J. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients for Lactating Cows
1017620 REVISED HATCH Hochman, GA, . Hochman, GA. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
1017628 REVISED HATCH Wright, MA, G. Wright, MA. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Modified Parasitoid to Facilitate Augmentative Biocontrol
1017632 REVISED HATCH Dechow, CH, . Dechow, CH, DA. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Genetic Improvement of Dairy and Animal Health and Well-being
1017661 REVISED HATCH Caicedo, A. Caicedo, A. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Harnessing natural variation in the crop model grass Brachypodium distachyon to elucidate microbial associations that improve plant growth
1017669 REVISED HATCH Wei, LI, . Wei, LI. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
1017689 REVISED HATCH Gunderson, MI, . Gray, A. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Industry Dynamics and the Strategic Choice of Firm Boundaries in the Input Supply, Farming, and Food Processing Industries
1017705 REVISED HATCH An, LI. An, LI. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Statistical and Computational Methods for Investigating the Role of Microbiome in Agricultural Animals Health and Disease
1017715 REVISED HATCH Walter, MI, TO. Walter, MI, TO. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Testing Online Nutrient Management Decision Support Tool
1017717 REVISED HATCH Ho, EM, . Ho, EM. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Nutrient Bioavailability--Phytonutrients and Beyond
1017732 REVISED HATCH Molofsky, J. Molofsky, J. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Centaurea moncktonii Is an Invasion on the Vermont horizon?
1017739 REVISED HATCH Waite-Cusic, JO, . Waite-Cusic, JO. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis
1017747 REVISED HATCH Ma, WE, . Ma, WE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Pathogen effectors as molecular probes to understand plant diseases and develop management strategies
1017752 REVISED HATCH Dando, RO, . Dando, RO. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Improving Quality and Reducing Losses in Specialty Fruit Crops through Storage Technologies
1017755 REVISED HATCH Clark, JA, . Clark, JA. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Soil fertility practices to sustainably enhance crop production and nutrient use efficiency in South Dakota
1017756 REVISED HATCH Pivarnik, LO, F. Nicole Richard, NI. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis
1017760 REVISED HATCH Hale, I, L.. Hale, IA, L.. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources