Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0215585 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ravlin, F. W. Singer, R. A. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Income Enhancement Emonstration Project
0215583 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Stith, S. Stith, S. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS KSU/Air Force Family Maltreatment Definitions Validation and Training Project
0215575 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wang, D. Wang, D. THE RUBENSTEIN SCHOOL OF ENVIRON & NATURAL RESOURCES VT Forest Ecosystem Health in a Globalizing World: Building a Diverse Community of Scholars
0215570 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pace, R. D. Pace,Ralphenia D. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Tuskegee University Undergraduate Program in Public Health Nutrition (UPPHN)
0215563 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lu, L. Lu,Li KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Creation of Summer Educational Opportunities in Biotechnology to Recruit Students and Enhance STEM Areas at Kentucky State University
0215562 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Knowles, C. D. Knowles,Christopher David OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Team-oriented graduate training in forest resources utilization and advanced forest-based products marketing
0215561 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Blewett, T. Blewett,Thomas UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION WI Continuing Support for the Great Lakes Regional Water Program A Regional Water Resource Project for North Central States in USEPA Region 5
0215555 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wolt, J. D. Gppd, C. Iowa State University of Science and Technology IA Environmental Fate and Effects Assessment for a Genetically-Engineered Bioenergy Feedstock Crop
0215540 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cramer, S. Cramer,Stephen UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Travel Funding for the Iron Sulfur Enzyme Gordon Research Conference
0215539 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nahashon, S. N. Nahashon,Samuel N. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Training in Information Technologies to Enhance Agricultural Instruction, Research and Outreach
0215538 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dweik, M. Dweik, M. LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Nano-Biotechnology
0215537 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jefferson-Moore, K. Y. Jefferson-Moore, K. Y. NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Educating Students for Successful Careers in Agribusiness
0215536 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Flury, M. Markus Flury WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Integrated Education and Research for Sustainable Development: Linking Engineering Science and Economics
0215535 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fernandez, M. L. Fernandez, M. L. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Pre-doctoral Training Program. Treatment of Obesity and Associated Health Problems with Diet
0215532 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Capareda, S. C. Capareda, S. C. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Preparing Underrepresented Scholars for Challenges in Agriculture Bioenergy and Sustainability-A Research and Leadership PhD Program
0215531 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Roise, J. Roise,Joseph NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Graduate Education in Forest Resource Decision Sciences: Preparing Professionals to Meet Global Needs
0215530 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Javed, K. Javed, K. KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Development of a Master`s in Environmental Studies Degree Program & Graduate Student Recruitment & Retention at Kentucky State University
0215528 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Six, D. L. Six, D. L. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MT Graduate training in multi-scale analysis of forest disturbance ecology
0215506 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marchant, M. A. Marchant, M. A. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Improvement and Marketing of the Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS)
0215486 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Padro-Soler, G. Padro-Soler,Gladys GIRLS SCOUTS OF THE USA NY Girl Scouts in Rural Communities
0215479 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Drake, D. Drake, D. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI 6th Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals Conference
0215476 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Field Demonstration Projects for Biopesticides
0215473 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zeman, D. H. Zeman, D. H. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD NAHLN: SD (National Animal Health Lab Network: South Dakota)
0215452 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shennan, C. Kate Aja UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ CA Project planning grant: Assessment of the use and effectivenes of ecological management practices across different cropping systems and envi
0215446 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tubene, S. L. Tubene,Stephan L. UNIV OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MD Strengthening the International Capacity of University of Maryland Eastern Shore Students and Faculty: A Belize Field Experience
0215445 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS WANG, Y. Wang,Yong ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL On-line Dual Credit Partnerships and Recruiting for 21st Century Professionals in Food and Agricultural Science
0215433 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Young, A. P. Young,Allison Parker ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Strengthening the Preparation of Underrepresented Minorities for Entrace into Family and Consumer Sciences Professions
0215432 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Verghese, M. Verghese, M. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Advancing Food Science in Pre- and Post Secondary Education
0215431 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Steinberg, F. M. Steinberg, F. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Nutritional Biology graduate training program in human nutrition, obesity and diet