Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1020672 NEW HATCH Zhang, YO, . Zhang, YO. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Climate change effects on wild blueberries and trees in Maine
1022709 NEW HATCH Zhang, ZH, . ZHANG, ZH. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI In-season prediction of potato production using UAV-based hyperspectral imagery and multi-task machine learning for sustainable irrigation management
1024620 NEW HATCH Zhao, BI. Zhao, BI. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Develop translational genomics tools for improving disease resistance to bacterial spot in pepper
1017713 NEW HATCH Zhao, FE, . Zhao, FE. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Mastitis Resistance to Enhance Dairy Food Safety
1017546 NEW HATCH Zhao, LI, . Zhao, LI. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Future Challenges in Animal Production Systems: Seeking Solutions through Focused Facilitation
1025365 NEW HATCH Zhao, SH, . Zhao, SH. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Sustainable Practices, Economic Contributions, Consumer Behavior, and Labor Management in the U.S. Environmental Horticulture Industry
1023866 NEW HATCH Zhao, YA, . Zhao, YA. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Engineering for food safety and quality
1026643 NEW HATCH Zhao, YA, . Zhao, YA, . UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Precision Management of Animals for Improved Care, Health, and Welfare of Livestock and Poultry
1026236 NEW HATCH Zhen, SH, . Zhen, SH, . TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Improving Yield, Quality, and Profitability of Food Crop Production in Greenhouses and Indoor Farms
1025512 NEW HATCH Zheng, XI, . Zheng, XI. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions
1018648 NEW HATCH Zhong, G, . Zhong, GA. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
1020608 NEW HATCH Zhong, S. Zhong, S. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Characterization and utilization of Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat
1017543 NEW HATCH Zhou, HU, . Zhou, HU. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Advanced Technologies for the Genetic Improvement of Poultry
1018147 NEW HATCH Zhou, HU, . Zhou, HU. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Genetic Bases for Resistance and Immunity to Avian Diseases
1018213 NEW HATCH Zhou, HU, . Zhou, HU. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA National Animal Genome Research Program
1023826 NEW HATCH Zhou, HU, . Zhou, HU. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Growth and Differentiation
1022036 NEW HATCH Zhou, JI, . Zhou, JI. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Improve crop production by adopting smart technologies in agriculture
1022598 NEW HATCH Zhou, XI, . Zhou, XI, . TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Improving Rice Disease Management Practices
1025704 NEW HATCH Zhou, XU. Zhou, XU. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY From “Scared to Death” to “Peace of Mind”: the neuroscience governing social buffering in termites
1013621 NEW HATCH Zhou, YU, . Zhou, YU. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Molecular and genetic studies of both vegetative and reproductive growth in crops.
1021467 NEW HATCH Zhou, ZH, . Zhou, ZH. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Characterizing liver function in transition dairy cows in response to nutrient supplementation
1004616 NEW HATCH Zhu, G. Zhu, G. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Biochemistry of Protozoan parasites in animals and humans
1014898 NEW HATCH Zhu, M. Zhu, ME. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Beneficial and Adverse Effects of Natural Chemicals on Human Health and Food Safety
1017837 NEW HATCH Zhu, HO, . Zhu, HO. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Genetic and molecular basis of symbiotic specificity in Medicago
1003906 NEW HATCH Zhu, JI, . Zhu, JI, . UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Biotechnological Application of an Arabidopsis DEAD Box RNA Helicase in Tomato and Rice and Its Closest Rice Homologs in Rice for Improving Cold Tolerance
1021832 NEW HATCH Zhu, JI. Zhu, JI. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Sterilizing effect of pyriproxyfen on adult female mosquitoes
1017258 NEW HATCH Zhu, JU, . Zhu, JU. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Future Challenges in Animal Production Systems: Seeking Solutions through Focused Facilitation
1021293 NEW HATCH Zhu, ME, "M. Zhu, ME, "M. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Land use and management practice impacts on soil carbon and associated agroecosystems services
1016725 NEW HATCH Zhu-Salzman, KE, . Zhu-Salzman, KE. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Dissection of Insect-Plant-Environment Interaction via Molecular and Genomic Approaches