Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1018479 NEW HATCH Tumer, N, . Tumer, NI. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ A Novel Lipid Transfer Protein Gene for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance
1025713 NEW HATCH Mehta, SU, . Mehta, SU, . WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV A Novel Approach to Use Plant-Based Essential Oils in Developing Therapeutic Textiles and Assessment of their Performance Efficacy Using Neurophysiology.
1017421 NEW HATCH Ortiz-Bobea, AR, . Ortiz-Bobea, AR. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A Near Real-Time Crop Yield Forecasting System for the Eastern United States
1009710 NEW HATCH Giraldo, JU, . Giraldo, JU, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA A Nanobiotechnology Approach to Study Plant Physiology and Enhance Plant Productivity
1021093 NEW HATCH Dando, RO, . Dando, RO. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A Multi-level Approach for Sodium Reduction Strategies
0204174 NEW HATCH Baldwin, J. BALDWIN, J. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA A morphological and molecular evolutionary framework/classification in support of novel approaches to managing plant-parasitic Tylenchida.
1002733 NEW HATCH Baldwin, J. Baldwin, J. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA A morphological and molecular evolutionary framework/classification in support of novel approaches to managing plant-parasitic Tylenchida.
1017501 NEW HATCH Mccoy, E. Mccoy, E. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH A Location-Specific Model of Soil Organic Matter within the Surface of Managed Putting Greens
1014280 NEW HATCH Kawashima, TO, . Kawashima, TO. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY A key to unlocking the seed size and number dilemma: a new approach to make bigger seeds for better yield
1023925 NEW HATCH Boisclair, YV, . Boisclair, YV. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A Hormonal Mechanism Linking Liver Dysfunction, Hyperketonemia and Reduced Appetite in Early Lactating Dairy Cows
1006534 NEW HATCH Wharton, P, . Wharton, P, . UNIV OF IDAHO ID A holistic approach to detecting, diagnosing and managing important potato diseases in Idaho.
1015277 NEW HATCH Gonehal, VE, . Gonehal, VE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA A high-resolution analysis of stem cell maintenance and organ patterning in shoot apical meristems under normal and drought stress
1023289 NEW HATCH Nunney, LE, . Nunney, LE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA A genomic study of host adaptation in the plant pathogenic bacterium, Xylella fastidiosa
1000819 NEW HATCH Thompson, G, . Croom, BA. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1000981 NEW HATCH Hains, B. Epps, RE. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1014434 NEW HATCH Sorensen, TY, J.. Sorensen, TY, JO. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1014555 NEW HATCH McKim, AA, . McKim, AA. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1014650 NEW HATCH Stofer, KA, AN. Stofer, KA, AN. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1014696 NEW HATCH Myers, B. Myers, BR, E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1014706 NEW HATCH DiBenedetto, CA, A. DiBenedetto, CA, A. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1016039 NEW HATCH Link-Perez, ME, . Link-Perez, ME. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1022085 NEW HATCH Smith, KA, L. Smith, KA, L. UNIV OF IDAHO ID A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1024396 NEW HATCH Hasselquist, LA, . Hasselquist, LA. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1024737 NEW HATCH White, PE, TR. White, PE, TR. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture
1025276 NEW HATCH Hasselquist, LA, . Hasselquist, LA, . SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasize the STEM content in agriculture
1019737 NEW HATCH Flaherty, EL, . Flaherty, EL. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN A framework for professional development curriculum for natural resource science undergraduate students
1018788 NEW HATCH Judge, J. Judge, J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL A downscaling-assimilation framework to obtain high-resolution crop yields using remote sensing
1023156 NEW HATCH Kaplan, KE. Kaplan, KE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA A cross-species analysis of septins in response to cell stress
1017988 NEW HATCH Pietrantonio, PA, . Pietrantonio, PA, V.. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX A Comprehensive Physiology - Toxicology Program for Arthropod Pests Significant to Texas
1011274 NEW HATCH Beckstead, RO, BY. Beckstead, RO, BY. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC A Comprehensive Approach to Diagnose and Prevent Blackhead Disease in Poultry