Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1011090 TERMINATED HATCH Olfert, M. Olfert, M. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Using Behavioral and Environmental Tools to Identify Weight Related Factors Associated with Health in Communities of Young Adults
1011308 TERMINATED RREA Cochran, BR, . Moss, EL. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV West Virginia State University RREA Program
1011395 TERMINATED RREA McGill, DA, . McGill, DA. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV WVU RREA 2017-2021 Five-year plan
1011537 TERMINATED HATCH Schaeffer, PE, V. Schaeffer, PE, V. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Regional Location of Knowledge-Based Economic Activities: Implications for Rural Economies of Appalachia
1011951 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Stephan, KI, . Stephan, KI. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV The role of understory nitrogen metabolism in watershed-level nitrogen retention in an Appalachian hardwood forest
1012057 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hankins, G. R. Hankins,Gerald R WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Harnessing whole genome sequence of pepper for association mapping of novel fruit quality phenotypes with enhanced phytonutrients
1012058 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nimmakayala, P. Nimmakayala,Padma WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Strengthening Vegetable Improvement Center with Genomic Selection Tools for Nutraceuticals and Fruit Quality
1012449 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Maumbe, K. Maumbe, K. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Community Tourism Development in West Virginia: Application of the Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) model to establish the state's community tourism development needs and evaluate tourism performance, impacts and growth potential
1012506 TERMINATED HATCH Ku, KA, . Ku, KA, . WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Phytochemicals’ variation in horticultural crops and their enhancements by using biotic and abiotic stresses for agricultural uses and human health
1012709 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Hass, AM, . Hass, AM. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Forestry Reclamation Approach Effect on Subsurface Spoil and Water Quality
1012828 TERMINATED HATCH Kotcon, J. Kotcon, JA. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Plant-Parasitic Nematode Management as a Component of Sustainable Soil Health Programs in Horticultural and Field Crop Production Systems
1013404 TERMINATED HATCH Verlinden, SV. Verlinden, SV. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Long Term Organic Management of Vegetables and Its Effects on Soils, Yield, Weed and Pest Pressure, and Economic Returns
1013758 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Walker, T. R. Walker,Tracy Renee ALLEGHENY EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICE WV WV152: Expansion Of Veterinary Services in Preston & Tucker Counties, West Virginia
1014109 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chandran, R. S. Chandran,Rakesh S WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE WV WV Extension Implementation Program
1014935 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burns, R. Burns,Robert WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Developing a Regional Education Program in Sustainable Land Reclamation Management in Central Appalachia
1014939 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cumming, J. R. Cumming,Jonathan Reast WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV FASE: Acquisition of an ICP to Support Environmental Research from Genes to Ecosystems
1014996 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sivanandan, L. Page,Melanie WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE WV Improving Manufacturing Method for Production of a New Smoky Dried Apple Snack and Promoting Small-Scale Fruit Drying Businesses to Process Unsold Apples in West Virginia
1015048 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Muthan, B. Muthan,Bagyalakshmi WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Genetic Improvement of Switchgrass for Energy uses
1015050 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ericksen, A. Payne,Hannah WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Cultivating Young Agripreneurs
1015051 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eya, J. C. EYA,JONATHAN C WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Improving efficiency of growth, nutrient utilization and mitochondrial oxidative function using alternative feed ingredients
1015507 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gutensohn, M. Gutensohn,Michael WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Tissue-specific engineering of terpenes with activity against aphids in cultivated tomato
1015859 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Morrissey, E. Morrissey,Ember M WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Identifying Microbial Allies in N Retention with 15N Quantitative Stable Isotope Probing
1015924 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Moss, S. C. Moss,Spencer Courtney WEST VIRGINIA FOOD AND FARM COALITION, INC. WV West Virginia SNAP Stretch Program
1016221 TERMINATED HATCH Panaccione, DA, G.. Panaccione, DA, G.. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Mycotoxins: Biosecurity, Food Safety and Biofuels Byproducts (NC129, NC1025)
1017168 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kotcon, J. Kotcon,James WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Overcoming barriers to transitioning small ruminants to organic production: Effects of feeding birdsfoot trefoil on parasite control, nutritional status and profitability
1017169 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Govindan, M. Govindan,Megan WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV The CHIP Project: Developing and implementing food safety education and outreach for Commercial-Kitchens, Home-Kitchens, Incubator-Kitchens and Food Producers in West Virginia
1017325 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McKibben, J. D. Perdue,Emily WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Building a Skillset of Application Based Scientific Inquiry through the Assembly of Constructive Objects of Agricultural Learning (COALs): Developing Workforce and College Ready Students in the Mounta
1018082 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nimmakayala, P. Nimmakayala,Padma WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Speed breeding for introgression and fine mapping of diverse alleles of pepper fruit size, shape, flavor and color