Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0229156 NEW HATCH Sadoulet, E. Sadoulet, E. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Reducing vulnerability to weather shocks through technological and institutional innovations
0229044 NEW HATCH Felton, G. K. Felton, G. K. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Preserving Ecosystem Services by Managing Transport of Nutrients with Diverse Best Management Practices in Diverse Ecosystems
0229039 NEW HATCH Percival, S. S. Percival, SU. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Dietary Modification of Immunity: Plants that Prime Innate Cells
0228999 NEW HATCH Krawczel, PE. Krawczel, PE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Competitiveness and Sustainability of the Southern Dairy Industry (S-217)
0228976 NEW HATCH Dunkel, F. Dunkel, FL. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Community-Based Natural Products for Pest Management
0228956 NEW HATCH Huang, A. Huang, A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Male flower maturation and hybrid seed production
0228955 NEW HATCH Springer, P. S. Springer, PA, S. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Brassinosteroids and the regulation of plant architecture
0228953 NEW HATCH White, B. J. White, B. J. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA The Genetic Basis of Anthropophily in Anopheles Mosquitoes
0228943 NEW HATCH Driver, J. P. Driver, JO, P.. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Enhancing Immunity in Pigs through NKT-cells
0228674 NEW HATCH Ohs, C. L. Ohs, CO. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Refining Culture Methods for Select Marine Baitfish
0228620 NEW HATCH Barrett, R. H. Barrett, R. H. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY CA Improving Wildlife Management on Private Ranchlands
0228508 NEW HATCH Havens, K. E. Havens, K. E. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Plankton food web dynamics
0228384 NEW HATCH Bourg, B. Bourg, B. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Integrated Approach to Enhance Efficiency of Feed Utilization in Beef Production Systems
0228247 NEW HATCH Odero, D. C. Odero, DE, CA. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Weed Biology and Management in the Everglades Agricultural Area
0228237 NEW HATCH Lorca, G. L. Lorca, GR, L. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Elucidation of flavonoid directed regulation in probiotic lactobacilli
0228235 NEW HATCH Torres, J. A. Torres, J. A. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Engineering for food safety and quality
0228133 NEW HATCH Hains, B. Hains, BR. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Applied Behavioral Sciences (formerly Ag Ed Research)
0228099 NEW HATCH Sabaldica, A. Sabaldica, A. NORTHERN MARIANAS COLLEGE MP Livestock Breed Research Evaluations for an Efficient Livestock Systems for the Northern Mariana Islands
0227909 NEW HATCH Cohen, A. C. Cohen, A. C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Insect Rearing Education and Research
0227893 NEW HATCH Preston, J. F. Preston, J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Plant-Parasitic Nematode Management as a Component of Sustainable Soil Health Programs in Horticultural and Field Crop Production Systems
0227726 NEW HATCH McCloskey, W. B. Mccloskey, BI. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Weedy and Invasive Species Management in Arizona Crop and Non-Crop Landscapes
0227516 NEW HATCH Rimbey, N. Rimbey, N. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Factors Affecting the Economic Viability and Sustainability of Rangelands
0227440 NEW HATCH Moraru, CA. Moraru, CA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Antimicrobial Coatings for Foods and Food Contact Surfaces
0227379 NEW HATCH Kandilov, I. T. Kandilov, I. T. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC International Trade, Labor Markets, and High-speed Internet in Agricultural, Manufacturing, and Services Sectors
0227372 NEW HATCH Komarnytsky, S. Komarnytsky, SL. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Health promoting constituents of fruits and vegetables
0227366 NEW HATCH Chase, C. A. Chase, CA, AN. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Ecological Bases for Weed Management in Sustainable Cropping Systems
0227331 NEW HATCH Cullor, J. Cullor, J. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Increased Pathogen Reduction by Bundling UV Light with Heat to Enhance the Pasteurization of Waste Milk for Improved Animal Health of Neonatal Calves
0227330 NEW HATCH Cullor, J. Cullor, J. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA The Use of EDTA to Reduce the Bacterial Load and STEC Contamination of Bovine Hides: A Food Safety Intervention
0227282 NEW HATCH Fuhrmann, J. J. Fuhrmann, J. J. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Viral lysogeny in soybean bradyrhizobia
0227239 NEW HATCH McClellan-Green, P. D. McClellan-Green, P. D. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Reproductive capacity and oxidative stress in blueback herring in the Chowan River, NC