Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0224270 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Partington, S. N. Cottrell,Lesley WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV West Virginia Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Project
0224443 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS McNeel, J. F. Mcneel, JO. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Promoting Natural Resource Based Research in West Virginia and the Appalachian Region
0224521 TERMINATED HATCH Sperow, M. Sperow, M. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Economic and biophysical implications of energy and climate change policies on carbon dioxide emissions, terrestrial carbon sequestration, and land use
0224707 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Katzner, T. E. Katzner, T. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Application of Novel Technologies and Approaches for Enhancing Wildlife Ecology and Conservation
0224772 TERMINATED HATCH Griggs, T. C. Griggs, T. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Ecophysiological Aspects of Forage Management
0225020 TERMINATED HATCH Olfert, M. D. Olfert, M. D. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Prevention of Chronic Disease Through Development of a Randomized Trial of Lifestyle Behavioral Interventions in Young Adults
0225305 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Arano, K. Gazal, KA. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Forest Management Decisions of Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners in West Virginia
0225313 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Maumbe, K. Maumbe, K. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Assessing tourism destination competitiveness of the state of West Vrginia: An application of the destination competitiveness and sustainability model.
0225491 TERMINATED HATCH Bowdridge, S. A. Bowdridge, SC. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Sustainable Small Ruminant Production in the Southeastern U.S.
0225632 TERMINATED HATCH Bowdridge, S. A. Bowdridge, SC. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Development of protective immunity during gastrointestinal nematode parasite infection of sheep
0225914 TERMINATED HATCH Gebremedhin, T. G. Gebremedhin, T. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Real Estate Investments and Economic Development in the Northeast Region of the United States
0226222 TERMINATED HATCH Verlinden, S. Verlinden, SV. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Changes in Ethylene Responsiveness : Clues to the Master Switch of Petal Senescence
0227066 TERMINATED HATCH Park, Y. Park, Y. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Management of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
0227067 TERMINATED HATCH Singh, KA. Singh, KA. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
0227096 TERMINATED HATCH Barnes, K. Barnes, K. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Regulation of Adipose Tissue Accretion in Meat-Producing Animals (NCR97)
0227135 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Liang, J. Liang, J. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Mapping and Managing Central Appalachian Temperate Forest and Alaska Boreal Forest under Climate Change: Population Dynamics, Carbon, and Biodiversity
0227396 TERMINATED HATCH Welsh, A. B. Welsh, A. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Conservation Genetics of Fish and Wildlife Populations
0227582 TERMINATED HATCH Singh, K. Singh, KA. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Sustainable Wood Energy
0227810 TERMINATED HATCH Knights, M. Knights, M. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Increased Efficiency of Sheep Production
0227831 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Panaccione, D. G. Panaccione,Daniel G. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Alteration of alkaloid profiles of forage and turf grasses by genetic manipulation of endophytic fungi
0227913 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Zhou, M. Zhou, M. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Managing Central Appalachian Forests for Timber, Carbon Credits and Renewable Energy under Risk and Uncertainty
0228314 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bowdridge, S. Bowdridge,Scott WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Development of host protective immunity during gastrointestinal nematode infection in parasite-resistant sheep
0228340 TERMINATED HATCH Olfert, M. D. Olfert, M. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Assessing and addressing individual and environmental factors that influence eating behavior of young adults
0228645 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Selin, S. W. Selin, S. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Forest and Watershed Restoration in Central Appalachia: Integrating Social Sciences in Landscape-level Science, Planning, and Management
0228807 TERMINATED HATCH Waterland, N. Waterland, NI. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Improvement of Post-Harvest Quality of Ornamental Crops by Increasing Stress
0228808 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Pierskalla, C. D. Pierskalla, C. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Tourism and economic development associated with small businesses and state parks offering stream fishing for trout
0228988 TERMINATED HATCH Kenney, P. B. Kenney, P. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Effects of genetics, nutritional regimen, and pre- and postharvest handling on texture development in muscle foods derived from turkeys and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
0229264 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Dahle, G. A. Dahle, GR. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Using Biomechanical Approaches to Understand How Branch Development Leads to Stable Crown Form in Urban Landscape Trees
0229472 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Rodgers-Melnick, E. Rodgers-Melnick,Eli WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Elucidating the impact of network context toward heterosis in hybrid Populus