Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026238 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cyrus, K. Gibbs,Jasmine SOUTHERN UNIV LA Moving Toward the Golden Years: Understanding Healthy Aging
1026239 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Gorkovenko, A. M. Gorkovenko,ALEXANDER MI TRGEL LLC CA Polyurethanes from woody resources
1026242 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SUNYER, O. SUNYER,ORIOL UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PA Induction of immune responses in newly found semi-organized lymphoid structures of teleost fish.
1026246 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tinsley, P. M. Tinsley,Phillip M VENTI, LLC NC Remote environmental sensor system for wildfire detection and response
1026247 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Goodwin, A. Goodwin,Adam VECTECH, LLC MD Computer vision driven automated counting traps for remote mosquito surveillance
1026248 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arhancet, G. Arhancet,Grace NANOSUR LLC FL Development of efficacious ribonucleic acid-based formulations for the control of gypsy moth
1026250 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Harbour, T. Sinha,Anshu HANGAR ALPHA LLC NY Near-real-time potential control location and strategy planning tool for wildland fire management
1026257 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, R. Anderson,Ryan TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Wow- The Women of Welding Series
1026262 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Webb, C. C. Webb,Christopher Charles AI CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES INC. MS Aquaculture Operations Management & Control Systems
1026263 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, R. Anderson,Ryan TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Enhancing STEM skills through Metal Fabrication as a regular submission
1026266 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wang, H. Wang,Hanping OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Advance aquaculture production through refining and transferring technology of commercial-scale production of monosex yellow perch
1026274 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Williams, R. Williams,Robert Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Developing Urban Agricultural Educators for the 21st Century
1026277 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lepcha, I. Lepcha,Isaac UNIV OF TENNESSEE TN Establishing a forage nutrition laboratory to strengthen forage-animal science curriculum and, expanding research and outreach in livestock communities
1026282 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rosser, T. G. Rosser,Thomas Graham MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Management Of Fish-Borne Trematodes In Pond-Raised Ictalurid Catfish
1026288 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Daley, C. Daley,Cindy California State University, Chico CA Creating the Agricultural Management Systems Learning Collaborative
1026291 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stager, A. Stager,Adam TRIC ROBOTICS LLC DE Development of an autonomous vehicle for application of a non-chemical, alternative technology addressing disease and pest control
1026293 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Herrera Estrella, L. R. Herrera Estrella,Luis R TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Tissue-culture independent gene editing of shoot apical meristem cells by a long-distance RNA transport system
1026296 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hollenbeck, C. Hollenbeck,Christopher TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-CORPUS CHRISTI TX Building foundations for genetic improvement of Eastern oyster in Texas
1026299 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Rowland, R. Rowland,Raymond UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Preventing porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) through modifications in the virus receptor, CD163
1026300 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Geske, J. Geske,Jeremy MINNESOTA STATE UNIVERSITY, MANKATO MN Building a Regional Soil Health Initiative
1026306 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ruyle, G. B. Dalke,Amber M UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Expanding Extension Capacity Through RangeDocs: Searchable Rangeland Science
1026323 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Harp, D. Harp,Derald Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Plant DRIPS – Plant Drought Response and Insect Pollinator Studies at Texas A&M University-Commerce and Tarleton State University
1026324 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nolting, J. Nolting,Jacqueline OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY - VET MED OH Repairing Ohio`s `Leaky Pipeline` Through Awareness and Engagement in STEM Careers
1026326 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rowe, S. M. Rowe,Susan Roberta M OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Meeting critical USDA workforce training via STEM afterschool near-peer mentoring
1026351 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burge, C. A. Burge,Colleen Amy UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Impact of OsHV-1 Microvariants on Cassostrea virginica family lines
1026359 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kim, T. H. Kim,Tae Hyun PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Functional Mapping of Muscle and Fat Specific Enhancers in the Bovine Genome by Epigenome Editing in Embryonic Stem Cells
1026361 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ledebuhr, M. Ledebuhr,Mark APPLICATION INSIGHT, LLC MI Reduced drift and enhanced precision spray nozzles for aerial application using improved surface aerodynamics.
1026366 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Crockett, J. L. Crockett,Joseph L. UNIV OF NEW MEXICO NM Identifying heat and drought stress limitations to southwestern conifer seedling survival
1026370 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dowtin, A. Dowtin,Asia MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Integrating Fire into a Proven E-Learning Program on Forest Carbon and Climate Change