Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1004207 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Cassels, A. Cobb,Nila WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV WVU CYFAR Sustainable Community Project
1004217 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Stockdale, T. P. Stockdale,Tom P. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV West Virginia AgrAbility
1004222 TERMINATED HATCH Edwards, J. Edwards, J. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Ecology ad Management of Urban Wildlife in the Mid-Atlantic Region
1004359 TERMINATED HATCH Thompson, J. Thompson, J. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Hydropedology of Vernal Pool Systems
1004360 TERMINATED HATCH Zegre, N. Zegre, N. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Sustainability of Central Appalachian Fresh Water Resources: Implications of climate and environmental change on water quantity and water quality
1004415 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Elliott, E. Elliott,Eloise WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV McDowell CHOICES Project Outreach: Coordinated Health Opportunities Involving Communities, Environments, and Schools
1004461 TERMINATED HATCH Barnes, K. Barnes, K. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Effect of Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Adipose Tissue Depots and Insulin Resistance
1004970 TERMINATED HATCH Klandorf, H. Klandorf, H. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Assessment of mitochondrial structure, function and antioxidant defense mechanisms of inflammation-induced oxidative stress in poultry fed allopurinol
1005095 TERMINATED HATCH Skousen, J. Skousen, J. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Post-mining Land Use Development in West Virginia
1005261 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, J. Wang,Jingxin WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Enhancing the Nanostructure of the Lignocellulosic Cell Wall as A Natural Template for Highly-ordered Mesoporous Carbons
1005291 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Matak, K. Matak,Kristen E. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Innovative Protein Sources for a Growing Population: Repurposing Protein from Underutilized Resources
1005952 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Devallance, D. Devallance, D. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Thermochemically Modified Woody Biomass for Value-Added Material Application
1006224 TERMINATED HATCH Orr, EL, . Orr, EL. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Considering the Everyday: Vernacular Cultural Landscapes in Central Appalachia
1006416 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Anderson, J. Anderson, J. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Wintering American Black Duck Wetland Carrying Capacity Evaluation in Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia
1006625 TERMINATED HATCH Yang, JE, . Yang, JE, . WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Consumer Behavior and Mass Customization in the Apparel Industry
1006662 TERMINATED HATCH Etienne, X, . Etienne, X. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Risk Analyses for Energy, Agriculture, and Natural Resource Protection
1007044 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Singh, KA. Singh, KA. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Production and Application of Highly Porous Activated Carbon (HPAC) Materials from Bioenergy Crops
1007634 TERMINATED HATCH Shen, CA, . Shen, CA. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Control of Salmonella spp. in poultry products by physical and chemical treatments
1007636 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Oporto, GL, S.. Oporto-Velasquez, GL, S. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Advanced applications for nanomaterials from lignocellulosic sources
1007851 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McFadden, J. W. McFadden,Joseph William WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Characterizing the relationship between ceramide and insulin resistance in overweight dairy cows transitioning from gestation to lactation
1008506 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Kelly, CH, . Kelly, CH. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Quantifying ecosystem changes following American chestnut restoration in mixed hardwood forests
1008678 TERMINATED HATCH Haas, VA, . Haas, VA. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV The Green Corridor Potential of Appalachian Stream Buffers: Access, Ecological Restoration, and Management Strategies
1008949 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yao, J. Yao,Jianbo WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Role of a novel oocyte-specific KRAB-containing zinc finger transcriptional regulator in early embryonic dev. in cattle
1009072 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS McNeel, JO, . McNeel, JO. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Promoting Natural Resource Based Research in West Virginia and the Appalachian Region
1009125 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Smaldone, D. Smaldone, D. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Strategies for improving communication with audiences about complex and controversial science topics on public lands
1009166 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Elbakidze, L. Elbakidze,Levan WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV ‘Evaluating irrigation water quality regulation in fresh produce production: the case of Treasure Valley in Eastern Oregon and Southwest Ida
1009357 TERMINATED HATCH Benedito, V. Benedito, VA, AU. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Functional characterization of novel nodule-specific GRF transcription factors regulating symbiotic nitrogen fixation in Medicago truncatula
1009598 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Brown, DO, . Brown, DO. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Climate Change Impacts on Survival, Growth, and Competition of Plethodontid Salamanders in the Central Appalachians
1009924 TERMINATED HATCH Ventura-Marra, M. Ventura-Marra, ME. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Changing the Health Trajectory for Older Adults through Effective Diet and Activity Modifications
1009925 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Rota, CH, . Rota, CH. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Incorporating Ecological Theory into Models of Habitat Use and Species Distributions