Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0232953 TERMINATED HATCH Zhu, M. Zhu, ME. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Beneficial and Adverse Effects of Natural Chemicals on Human Health and Food Safety
0232963 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Lange, B. M. Lange, BE. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Understanding the formation and storage of conifer terpenoids for their utilization in value-added bioproducts
0233354 TERMINATED HATCH Sablani, S. S. Sablani, SH. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Polymer Packaging Films for Improved Shelf-Life of Foods Processed Using Advanced Preservation Technologies
0233543 TERMINATED HATCH Yang, B. Yang, B. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Nutrient Bioavailability--Phytonutrients and Beyond
0233797 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Johnson, K. A. Johnson,Kristen A WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Support for the 4th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition Meeting
1000186 TERMINATED HATCH Keller, MA. Keller, MA. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Wine and Juice Grape Physiology and Production Systems
1000201 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Snyder, W. E. Snyder,William WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA BAN PestS: Biodiversity and Natural Pest Suppression
1000243 TERMINATED HATCH Stark, JO, . Stark, JO. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Biological effectiveness of bioretention for stormwater pollution control
1000339 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Karkee, M. Karkee,Manoj WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Human-Machine Collaboration for Automated Harvesting of Tree Fruit
1000506 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Oatley, J. Oatley,Jon WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Spermatogonial Stem Cell Transplantation in Cattle
1000669 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Fuerst, E. Fuerst,E. Patrick WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Biochemical and Molecular Mechanisms of Resistance to Decay in Weed Seeds
1000759 TERMINATED HATCH Glawe, D. Glawe, D. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Biology and Systematics of Powdery Mildews, Phylloplane Yeasts and Allied Fungi
1000783 TERMINATED 3D GRANT Walsh, D. Walsh,Douglas WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Washington State Extension IPM Coordination Program 2013-2016
1000909 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mealey, R. H. Mealey,Robert H. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Determinants of antibody-mediated protection against Theileria equi infection
1000937 TERMINATED HATCH Mcnamara, J. Mcnamara, J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients for Lactating Cows (NC-1009)
1000967 TERMINATED HATCH Kahn, MI, . Kahn, MI. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Nutrient Exchange and Metabolism in the Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis
1001162 TERMINATED HATCH du Toit, LI. du Toit, LI, J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Managing Plant Microbe Interactions in Soil to Promote Sustainable Agriculture
1001198 TERMINATED HATCH Elling, A. Gleason, CY. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Variability, Adaptation, and Management of Nematodes Impacting Crop Production and Trade
1001246 TERMINATED HATCH Zhang, QI, . Zhang, QI. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Integrated Systems Research and Development in Automation and Sensors for Sustainability of Specialty Crops
1001299 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Neff, M. Neff,Michael WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Increasing seed size and plant biomass via manipulation of the AHL gene family
1001410 TERMINATED HATCH Fellman, J. Fellman, J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving Quality and Reducing Losses in Specialty Fruit Crops through Storage Technologies
1001578 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Beyreuther, T. Beyreuther,Todd WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Next generation CLT: mass-customization of hybrid composite panels
1001736 TERMINATED HATCH Jiang, Z. Jiang, ZH. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA National Animal Genome Research Program
1001737 TERMINATED HATCH du Toit, LI. du Toit, LI, J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Integrated Disease Management in Small-Seeded Vegetable Seed Crops in the Pacific Northwest
1001738 TERMINATED HATCH Lavine, L. Lavine, LA. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Understanding the Genetic Basis for Trait Growth & Change
1001809 TERMINATED HATCH Yang, B. Yang, B. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
1001986 TERMINATED HATCH Peever, T. Peever, T. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Speciation of Plant Pathogenic Fungi
1002121 TERMINATED HATCH Johnson, KR, A. Johnson, KR, A. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Enhancing the Sustainability of Beef Production Systems through Nutritional and Environmental Management Strategies
1002513 TERMINATED HATCH Ross, C. Ross, C. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Understanding Food and Beverage Quality Using Sensory Evaluation and Chemical Analyses