Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1014416 TERMINATED HATCH RUEGG, PA, L. RUEGG, PA, L. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Mastitis Resistance to Enhance Dairy Food Safety
1014420 TERMINATED HATCH HERNANDEZ, LA, L. HERNANDEZ, LA, L. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Mastitis Resistance to Enhance Dairy Food Safety
1014422 TERMINATED HATCH Groblewski, G. Groblewski, G. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Mastitis Resistance to Enhance Dairy Food Safety
1014469 TERMINATED HATCH ROSA, GU, J . ROSA, GU. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Development of an Automated Computer Vision System to Monitor Behavior of Pre-weaned Dairy Calves
1014574 TERMINATED HATCH Parks, BR, . Parks, BR, . UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Systems Genetics Analysis of the LCORL-NCAPG Quantitative Trait Locus Associated with Body Growth Traits in Cattle
1014882 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT DAMODARAN, S. DAMODARAN,SRINIVASAN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI A Novel Method To Produce Protein-Polysaccharide Conjugates With Improved Heat Stability And Functional Properties
1014929 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT PARKIN, K. L. Van Pijkeren,Jan Peter (JP) UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Molecular cross-talk between AhR- and Nrf2-mediated responses as the basis to ameliorate gut inflammation by bioactive food components
1014938 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schlappi, M. Schlappi,Michael MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY WI Establishment of an Efficient Transformation System for Functional Analysis of Cold Tolerance Genes in Rice
1014978 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS VENTURA, S. J. VENTURA,STEPHEN J UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Farming the City: Building a Competent and Diverse Workforce for Urban Agriculture
1015027 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kirkpatrick, B. W. KIRKPATRICK,BRIAN W UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Characterization of a major gene for bovine ovulation rate
1015276 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gutierrez Chacon, L. Gutierrez,Lucia UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Resource allocation optimization for multi-environment trials and genomic selection in barley
1015300 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Digman, M. Howry,Sierra UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Building Undergraduate Research and Outreach Capacity in Urban and Small-Scale Agricultural Production at University of Wisconsin-River Falls
1015336 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rausch, B. Rausch,Beth UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Creating Career Pathways through Innovative Agricultural Science Curriculum and Outreach
1015425 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Crossley, M. Crossley,Michael UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Factors driving adaptation to insecticides in agricultural landscapes
1015521 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cox, M. S. Cox,Madison S UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Assessment of rumen microbiota composition and function following dosing with rumen contents in developing preweaning dairy calves
1015572 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT GRATTON, C. GRATTON,CLAUDIO UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Does resource continuity at a landscape scale benefit natural enemies and biocontrol?
1015616 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT MacIntyre, A. M. MacIntyre,April M UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI How trehalose metabolism affects Ralstonia solanacearum virulence and fitness during bacterial wilt disease
1015769 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT TALAAT, A. M. Talaat,Adel M. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Functional Genomics of Johne`s Disease: Deciphering Kinetics of Effective Immunization
1015794 TERMINATED HATCH Olson, MI, . Olson, MI, . UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP)
1015912 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jancewicz, A. Kessens,Ryan AMEBAGONE, INC. WI Combatting potato soft rot with free-living phagocytes
1016165 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Westmark, C. J. Westmark,Cara J. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Defining a Proteomic Signature for Soy-Induced Metabolic Changes in Mice
1016235 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tomandl, J. Tomandl,Joseph DAIRY GRAZING APPRENTICESHIP, INC. WI Creating a Dairy Farming Career Track for Military Veterans
1016237 TERMINATED HATCH Olson, BE, . Olson, BE. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI EFNEP Related Research, Program Evaluation and Outreach
1016238 TERMINATED HATCH Hickey, W. Hickey, W. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Managing Plant Microbe Interactions in Soil to Promote Sustainable Agriculture
1016355 TERMINATED HATCH Choi, CH, . CHOI, CH. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises.
1016358 TERMINATED HATCH Cabrera, VI, E. CABRERA, VI, E. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises.
1016360 TERMINATED HATCH Akins, MA, . AKINS, MA, S. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises.
1016572 TERMINATED HATCH Wang, YI, . WANG, YI. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Evaluate Deficit Irrigation for Potato Production in Wisconsin
1016713 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, C. M. Edler,Rebecca COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Advancing and Supporting Indigenous Perspectives of Sustainability at Home and Beyond