Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0195073 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Yarborough, D. E. Yarborough, D. E. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Wild Blueberry Production and Processing Technologies
0203520 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Yarborough, D. Yarborough, D. E. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Lowbush Blueberry Research
0213954 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Yarborough, D. Yarborough, D. E. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Maine Lowbush Blueberry Sustainable Production and Processing Research
0221498 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Yarborough, D. E. Yarborough, D. E. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Sustainable Production and Processing Research for Lowbush Specialty Crop, ME
0211926 TERMINATED HATCH Yarborough, D. E. Yarborough, DA, E. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Weed and Pest Management in Wild Blueberries
0224175 TERMINATED HATCH Yarborough, D. E. Yarborough, DA, E. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Enabling Pesticide Registrations for Specialty Crops and Minor Uses
0229436 TERMINATED HATCH Yarborough, D. E. Yarborough, DA, E. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Weed and Disease Management Strategies for Maine Wild Blueberries
1008734 TERMINATED HATCH Yarborough, DA, E. Yarborough, DA, E. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Facilitating Registration of Pest Management Technology for Specialty Crops and Specialty Uses
0219750 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yarborough, D. E. Yarborough,David E UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Systems Approach to Improving the Sustainability of Wild Blueberry Production
0206430 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Yarie, J. A. Yarie, J. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK The Dynamics of Forest Growth in Interior Alaska as Influenced by Climate Change and Potential Management
0220110 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Yarie, J. Yarie, J. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Measurement and Management of Alaska Boreal Forest Under Risks
0228539 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Yarie, J. A. Yarie, J. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Adaptive Management Plan for the University forest tied to Current Monitoring and Experimental Manipulation of Environmental Controls
1004428 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kim, J. K. YARISH,CHARLES UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Developing an environmentally and economically sustainable sugar kelp aquaculture industry in southern New England from seed to market
1020863 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yaroch, A. L. Yaroch,Amy CHN NEBRASKA NE Comprehensive and Integrated Center for Nutrition Incentive Program Training, Technical Assistance, Evaluation and Reporting
0218555 TERMINATED HATCH Yarrow, G. Yarrow, G. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Mitigation and reduction of human-wildlife conflicts: evaluation of field applications of GonaCon in reducing gray squirrel fecundity
0230680 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yarwood, S. Yarwood,Stephanie UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Agricultural Greenhouse Warming Potential and Soil Carbon Sequestration in Organic and Long Term Rotational Systems
1009410 TERMINATED HATCH Yates, DU, . Yates, DU. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Physiological Mechanisms of Accelerated Muscle Growth: Application to Animal Health and Performance
1011126 TERMINATED HATCH Yates, DU, . Yates, DU. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Growth and Differentiation
0196968 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yates, S. Yates, S. R. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CA Development of a Reactive Surface Barrier to Reduce Fumigant Emissions from Soil Surfaces
1015581 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yates, A. Yates,Ashley OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Combining metabolic labeling and proteomics methods to characterize proteins secreted by resistance-breaking soybean aphids (Aphis glycines)
0229613 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yates, D. Yates,Dustin UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Chronic hypercatecholaminemia evokes IUGR pathology in myoblasts and skeletal muscle of the heat-stressed fetus
1018853 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yates, D. Yates,Dustin UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Recovering performance and quality in IUGR-born low birthweight livestock
1021843 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yates, D. Yates,Dustin UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Abatement of inflammation as a means to combat heat stress in finishing livestock
0231364 TERMINATED HATCH Yavitt, J. B. Yavitt, JO. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Under-appreciated Production and Consumption of Climate-Forcing Nitrogen Oxides
1007286 TERMINATED HATCH Yavitt, JO. Yavitt, JO. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Isolation, Cultivation, and Characterization of the Microorganism that Consumes Nitrous Oxide (N2O) in Soils
1017518 TERMINATED HATCH Yavitt, JO. Yavitt, JO. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Controlling Agricultural Nutrient Runoff With Wetlands Without Producing Greenhouse Gases
0190565 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Yazwinski, T. A. Yazwinski, T. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Development and Control of Parasitisms Established in Arkansas Farm Animals
0231023 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Yazwinski, T. A. Yazwinski, T. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Surveillance of helminth infections of farm animals, and investigations into the control of said infections
0206653 TERMINATED SERD GRANT YoungBear-Tibbetts, H. Yazzie,Victoria L. COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Assessing American Indians Affinity to Forestlands: Social Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management on Tribal Lands
0214420 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ybarra, T. Ybarra, T. YAKIMA VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE WA Enhancing Opportunities for Workforce Training and Education in Food and Agricultural Sciences