Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0226789 TERMINATED HATCH Moyer, M. Moyer, MI, M.. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Understanding the Roles of Site Selection and Establishment, Canopy, Manipulation and Management, and General Viticulture Practices on Grape Production
0226940 TERMINATED HATCH PETERS, R. T. Peters, R. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Multi-State Evaluation and Demonstration of Low Energy Precision Application (LEPA) on Center Pivots
0226941 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fortuna, A. Fortuna,Ann-Marie WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil Quality in Long-term Integrated and Transitional Reduced Tillage Organic Systems
0227451 TERMINATED HATCH Musacchi, ST, . Musacchi, ST, . WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Tree-Fruit Production Through Changes in Rootstock Use
0227614 TERMINATED HATCH Moore, D. A. Moore, D. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Impacts of Stress Factors on Performance, Health, and Well-Being of Farm Animals (from W1173)
0227615 TERMINATED HATCH Power, T. G. Power, TH. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Children's Self-Regulation and Obesity Risk
0227616 TERMINATED HATCH RODGERS, B. D. Rodgers, B. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Molecular Regulation of Striated Muscle Development
0227669 TERMINATED HATCH Felsot, A. S. Felsot, A. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Environmental Contaminants for Rational Development of Regulatory Policy
0227671 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tang, J. Tang,Juming WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Educating Food Engineers to Develop High-Performance Integrated Processing and Packaging Technologies that Enhance Food Safety and Quality
0227675 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Spencer, T. E. Spencer,Thomas WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Physiological Roles Of Hydroxysteroid (11-Beta) Dehydrogenases And Cortisol During Early Pregnancy
0227700 TERMINATED HATCH Gang, D. Gang, DA. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Control of Natural Product Production in Aromatic Herbs, Spices and Biofuel Plants
0227898 TERMINATED HATCH Zhang, J. Zhang, JI. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Development of new polymer applications using biorefinery co-products and agricultural residues
0227932 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Srikumaran, S. Srikumaran,Subramaniam WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Genetic engineering of cattle resistant to Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin
0228241 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hulbert, S. H. Hulbert,Scot H WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Functional analysis of conserved effectors from Puccinia rust fungi
0228369 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Oatley, J. M. Oatley,Jon M WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Culture of Bovine Spermatogonial Stem Cells
0228757 TERMINATED HATCH Du, M. Du, MI. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Deciphering Mechanisms Regulating Intramuscular Adipogenesis and Fibrogenesis in Beef Cattle
0229607 TERMINATED HATCH Davenport, J. Davenport, J. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving Soil Health, Nutrient Use Efficiency, and Agricultural Water Quality in Irrigated Crops in the Pacific Northwest
0229849 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McElwain, T. F. Baszler,Timothy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Participation as a Core Laboratory in the National Animal Health Laboratory Network.
0229864 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Galinato, G. I. Galinato,Gregmar WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Effectiveness Of A Pacific Northwest Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax In The Context Of The Federal Biofuel Policy
0230068 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Sischo, W. Sischo, WI, MA. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Evolutionary Genetics and Ecology of Salmonella Dissemination
0230079 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Orr, C. Brady,Michael WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Watershed Integrated System Dynamics Modeling (WISDM): Feedbacks among biogeochemical simulations, stakeholder perceptions, and behavior
0230080 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Frear, C. Kruger,Chad E WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA US Dairy Adoption of Anaerobic Digestion Systems Integrating Multiple Emerging Clean Technologies:Climate, Environmental and Economic Impact
0230247 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ramsay, J. D. Ramsay,Joshua David WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Correlates of protective immunity against pre-erythrocytic stage of Theileria equi
0230469 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Murphy, K. M. Murphy,Kevin WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Developing adapted varieties and optimal management practices for quinoa in diverse environments
0230470 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Reganold, J. P. Reganold,John P. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Role of Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems in Transitioning to Dryland Organic Farming in the Pacific NorthWest
0230682 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Knowles, N. R. Knowles,N. Richard WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Potato Variety Development in the Northwest
0230974 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Walsh, D. Walsh,Douglas WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Costs and Benefits of Managing Spider Mite Resistance on Western US Perennial Specialty Crops
0231060 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Spencer, T. E. Spencer,Thomas WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving Fertility of Dairy Cattle Using Translational Genomics
0231063 TERMINATED HATCH Ostrom, M. Ostrom, MA, R. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Renewing an Agriculture of the Middle: Value Chain Design, Policy Approaches, Environmental and Social Impacts
0231542 TERMINATED HATCH Wu, J. Q. Wu, J. Q. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Hydrologic Modeling for Urban Stormwater Management and Groundwater Protection