Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1023442 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Loriz, C. Loriz,Cara ORGANIC SEED ALLIANCE WA Connecting community to strengthen organic seed breeding and research
1023458 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dimitri, C. Dimitri,Carolyn New York University NY Supporting a Vibrant Organic Sector through Economic Analysis: A Research and Extension Needs
1023463 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS de Mejia, E. de Mejia,Elvira UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Nutrition Policy and Food Regulations Certificate Program for Masters Students: Academia, Industry, and Government Partnership
1023464 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Aradhyula, S. Aradhyula,Satheesh UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Towards an Accessible Agribusiness Education for College Students in Borderland Areas of the U.S. Southwest: An Agribusiness Analytics Minor
1023468 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fields, J. S. Fields,Jeb Stuart LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Ensuring the Future Success of North American Specialty Crops through Soilless Substrate Science
1023477 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ward, T. Gilmour,Lindsay EASTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MD Building the Capacity of Community-Based Produce Safety Education for Hard-to-Reach Farmers in the Mid-Atlantic
1023482 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Fulcher, A. F. Fulcher,Amy Fagerlin UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN L.E.A.P. Labor, Efficiency, Automation and Production for Sustainability in the Nursery Crops Industry
1023486 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Interlandi, S. DeVoss,Margaret SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY LAND TRUST RI Multilingual Food Safety Training from Field to Market for Small R.I. Farmers and Food Processors
1023488 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Feiereisel, K. Feiereisel,Kali COMMUNITY ALLIANCE WITH FAMILY FARMERS FOUNDATION CA Expanding Food Safety Resources for Local Food Producers in California
1023491 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Mitchell, W. McCarthy,Billy NATIONAL FARMERS UNION FOUNDATION DC Assisting Small- and Medium-Sized Farmers through Cross-State Collaboration
1023493 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Adhikari, A. Adhikari,Achyut LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Develop And Deliver On-Farm Biological Soil Amendment Of Animal Origin Course Integrated With Hands-On Training
1023495 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wieczorek, A. WIECZOREK,ANIA UNIV OF HAWAII HI Hi!ag Consortium University of Hawaii: Expanding Agricultural Education in FY2020
1023502 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Buckland, K. Buckland,Kristine OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Developing the Organic Medicinal Herb Industry
1023505 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Blas, A. L. Blas,Andrea L UNIVERSITY OF GUAM UOG STATION GU Capacity improvement for agricultural biotechnology and molecular diagnostics research and education at the University of Guam
1023509 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Heins, B. Heins,Bradley UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Pre-Weaned Calf Rearing Options for Organic Dairy Systems
1023519 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McFall, P. McFall,Pauline AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS American Samoa Community College - RIIA Grant
1023522 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Collier, S. Collier,Sarah UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Transforming the Capacity of Higher Education to Train Future Food Systems Leaders: A Novel UW/WSU Approach
1023527 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wickings, K. G. Wickings,Kyle N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Assessing Best Management Practices, Design Options and Public Perceptions Towards a New Ionic American Lawn
1023534 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Estepp, C. Estepp,Christopher UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR PREPARES: Providing Relevant Experiences and Pedagogy in Agriculture to Retain and Engage Students
1023541 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ullmann, K. Dixon,Colin UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Modernizing agricultural education through community based, culturally responsive experiential learning
1023543 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Magee, C. Magee,Christianne COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Virtual Bovine Anatomy
1023555 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Saraswat, D. Saraswat,Dharmendra PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Computational Skills Development for Next Generation Agriscience Professionals for Sustaining Data Driven Agriculture
1023559 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Simmons, C. W. Simmons,Christopher W UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Development And Evaluation Of Novel Online Virtual Environment And Virtual Reality Tools To Enhance Instruction of Food Processing Curricula
1023563 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shankle, M. W. Shankle,Mark W. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS CleanSEED: A planning project to ensure the sustainability of U.S. sweetpotato seed programs.
1023569 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jacobsen, K. L. Jacobsen,Krista L. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Reclaiming High Tunnel Soil Health for Sustained Specialty Crop Production
1023574 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scott, S. Scott,Samuel NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE FL Developing Market System Resilience through the Delivery of Food Safety Training and Outreach to Beginning, Socially Disadvantaged, and Veteran Farmers in Treasure Coast and South Florida Counties
1023581 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zegarra, J. Zegarra,Jorge COLLEGE OF THE SEQUOIAS FOUNDATION CA College of the Sequoias FSMA Training for small and mid-sized farms, small processors, and small fruit and vegetable wholesalers in California’s Central Valley.
1023587 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tobin, D. Tobin,Daniel UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Northeast Organic Seed Conference: Strengthening the Regional Organic Seed Sector
1023589 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Chen, Y. Chen,Yan LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Establishing Partnership And Building Infrastructure For Production, Harvesting, Processing, And Marketing Of U.S.-Grown Tea
1023590 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kaye, J. P. Kaye,Jason Philip PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Decision support to reduce the nitrogen yield gap in organic agriculture