Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1016641 TERMINATED HATCH Privalsky, M. Privalsky, M. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Investigation of AEV pathogenesis
1016637 TERMINATED HATCH Csallany, A, . Csallany, A. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Studies on Free Radical Induced Degradation of Lipids, Edible Fats and Their Protection in Food Systems
1016619 TERMINATED HATCH Seevers, B. Seevers, B. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM The Land-grant Mission - Increasing Understanding and Strengthening Delivery
1016610 TERMINATED HATCH Upadhyaya, SH, K.. Upadhyaya, SH, K.. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Integrated Systems Research and Development in Automation and Sensors for Sustainability of Specialty Crops
1016599 TERMINATED HATCH Cheng, HA, . Cheng, HA, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA National Animal Genome Research Program
1016572 TERMINATED HATCH Wang, YI, . Wang, YI, . UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Evaluate Deficit Irrigation for Potato Production in Wisconsin
1016568 TERMINATED HATCH Dickson, RY, WI. Dickson, RY, WI. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Resource Optimization in Controlled Environment Agriculture
1016534 TERMINATED HATCH Cunningham-Sabo, LE, . Cunningham-Sabo, LE, . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Development and Pilot Testing of a Series of Cooking Activities for Low Income 4th Graders
1016515 TERMINATED HATCH Harris, L, . Harris, L, . UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Refining approaches for integrating sea urchins into aquaculture operations as a value added product in the Gulf of Maine
1016513 TERMINATED HATCH Schaeffer, SE, M.. Schaeffer, SE, M.. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Soil, Water, and Environmental Physics Across Scales
1016511 TERMINATED HATCH Bowen, CA, . Bowen, CA, . PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Behavioral economics and the intersection of healthcare and financial decision making across the lifespan
1016497 TERMINATED HATCH Dhondt, AN, A. Dhondt, AN, A. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Control of Endemic, Emerging and Re-emerging Poultry Respiratory Diseases in the United States
1016486 TERMINATED HATCH Figueroa, ME, . Figueroa, ME, . UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Understanding mechanisms of plant immunity and virulence of plant pathogenic fungi
1016444 TERMINATED HATCH Hildreth, M, . Hildreth, MI. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Non-intrusive Assessment and Management of Endoparasites in Bison Herds within the U.S.A. Northern Great Plains
1016440 TERMINATED HATCH Young, T. Young, T. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Exotic and Native species in California Grassland Restoration
1016431 TERMINATED HATCH Carpita, NI, . Carpita, NI, . PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Structure and biosynthesis of plant cell walls
1016421 TERMINATED HATCH McGraw, BE, A. McGraw, BE, A. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Explorations in the Turfgrass Phytobiome: Understanding Microbial Associations and Developing Tools for Management
1016408 TERMINATED HATCH Starkey, CH, W. Starkey, CH, W. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Growth and Differentiation
1016360 TERMINATED HATCH Akins, MA, . AKINS, MA, S. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises.
1016358 TERMINATED HATCH Cabrera, VI, E. Cabrera, VI, E. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises.
1016355 TERMINATED HATCH Choi, CH, . CHOI, CH. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises.
1016343 TERMINATED HATCH Hall III, C, . Hall III, C, . NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Enhancing Pulse Crop Utilization as Functional and Health Ingredients in Foods
1016342 TERMINATED HATCH Maddock Carlin, KA, R.. Maddock Carlin, KA. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Growth and Differentiation
1016327 TERMINATED HATCH Myracle, AN, D.. Myracle, AN, D.. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Exploring the Potential of Phytonutrient-rich Cold Hardy Fruit to Combat Inflammation
1016324 TERMINATED HATCH Zhen, CH, . Zhen, CH. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA The Effects of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) on Nutrition
1016321 TERMINATED HATCH Katagiri, F. Katagiri, F. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Proteomics-based separate measurements of the protein synthesis and degradation rates in seedlings
1016306 TERMINATED HATCH Yerka, ME, . Yerka, ME. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Management and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources and Associated Information
1016286 TERMINATED HATCH Dee, DE, R.. Dee, DE, R.. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Effect of glycosylation on aggregation of mammalian prion protein
1016279 TERMINATED HATCH Machtinger, ER, TH. Machtinger, ER, TH. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Fly Management in Animal Agriculture Systems and Impacts on Animal Health and Food Safety
1016270 TERMINATED HATCH Bjostad, LO, . Bjostad, LO, . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Impact of phytochemical nutrients on bumblebee health and longevity