Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0192919 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Zeikus, J. G. Zeikus, J. G. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Bioprocessing for Utilization of Agricultural Resources
0194869 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hollingworth, R. M. Hollingworth, R. M. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI NC Region IR-4 Leader Lab Program to Clear Pest Control Agents for Minor Uses
0195202 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kaneene, J. B. Kaneene, J. B. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Bovine Tuberculosis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Pathogenesis
0195203 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kelly, J. D. Kelly, J. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Improving the Sustainable Production of Specialty Crops
0195205 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Buhler, D. Buhler, D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Sustainable Agriculture 2003: Expanding and Refining the Ecosystem Base
0195324 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Brewer, M. J. Brewer, M. J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Mating Disruption, Monitoring, and Alternative Management of Tree Fruit Pests
0195356 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Zeikus, J. G. Zeikus, J. G. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Bioprocessing for Utilization of Agricultural Resources
0195357 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Sundin, G. W. Sundin, G. W. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Controlling Fire Blight Disease of Apple Trees
0195380 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hammerschmidt, R. Hammerschmidt, R. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Controlling Armillaria Root Rot of Cherry
0196630 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hausbeck, M. Hausbeck, M. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Using Reduced Risk Fungicides and a Disease Forecaster to Manage Foliar Blights on Ginseng
0199413 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Buhler, D. D. Buhler, D. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Sustainable Agriculture 2004: Production and Food Ecology Systems
0199414 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kaneene, J. B. Kaneene, J. B. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Bovine Tuberculosis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Pathogenesis
0199746 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hammerschmidt, R. Hammerschmidt, R. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Controlling Armillaria Root Rot of Cherry
0199759 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Sundin, G. Sundin, G. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Controlling Fire Blight Disease of Apple Trees
0199851 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Brewer, M. J. Brewer, M. J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Mating Disruption, Host Resistance, and Insecticide Management Strategies for Tree Fruit Pests
0199943 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Brewer, M. J. Brewer, M. J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Integrating New Natural Enemies into Soybean Aphid Biological Control
0200049 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kelly, J. D. Kelly, J. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Improving the Sustainable Production of Specialty Crops
0200456 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Isaacs, R. Isaacs, R. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Integrating Alternative Approaches to Control Key Pests in Eastern U.S. Vineyards
0200505 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Gut, L. J. Gut, L. J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Improved Bait-and-Kill for Fruit Fly Control in FQPA-Targeted Fruit Crops
0200790 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Zandstra, B. Richardson, R. J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Reducing Use of the At-Risk Pesticides Atrazine, Simazine, and Chlorothalonil in Christmas Trees
0201046 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Dale, B. E. Dale, B. E. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Bioprocessing for Utilization of Agricultural Resources
0201337 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Keathley, D. Keathley, D. E. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Advanced Technology Applications to Eastern Hardwood Utilization
0202588 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Isaacs, R. Isaacs, R. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Pesticide Reduction in the Face of Japanese Beetle Invasion: Testing a Local IPM Strategy in the Context of Regional Invasion
0202826 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hollingworth, R. M. Hollingworth, R. M. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI NC Region IR-4 Leader Lab Program to Clear Pest Control Agents for Minor Uses
0202929 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kelly, J. D. Kelly, J. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Improving the Sustainable Production of Specialty Crops
0203016 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Hamm, M. W. Hamm, M. W. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Sustainable Agriculture 2005: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
0203084 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Brewer, M. J. Brewer, M. J. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Mating Disruption, Host Resistance, and Insecticide Management Strategies for Tree Fruit Pests
0203138 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kaneene, J. B. Kaneene, J. B. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Bovine Tuberculosis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Pathogenesis
0203388 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Sundin, G. Sundin, G. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Controlling Fire Blight Disease of Apple Trees
0205081 TERMINATED SPECIAL GRANT Kamdem, D. Keathley, D. E. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Advanced Technology Applications to Eastern Hardwood Utilization