Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0213501 TERMINATED HATCH Smith, S. M. Smith, SH, MI. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Gene Expression Patterns, Rust Infection Process and Corresponding Responses of Soybean Isolines Conferring Race-specific and Slow-rusting Resis
0213500 TERMINATED HATCH Lamb, G. C. Lamb, GR, CL. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Beef-Cow-Calf Nutrition and Management Committee.
0213499 TERMINATED HATCH Park, Y. Park, YO. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Development of Spatially Targeted Pest Management Strategies Using Geospatial Technology
0213498 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lemieux, B. Lemieux, B. BIOHELIX CORPORATION MA Lateral flow molecular assay for horse strangles
0213494 TERMINATED HATCH Morgan, K. T. Morgan, K. T. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Modeling of water and nutrient uptake, and soil nutrient transformations and transport in Florida sandy soils
0213493 TERMINATED HATCH Morgan, K. T. Morgan, K. T. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Improved nutrition of citrus, sugarcane, and vegetable crops grown on sandy soils in southwest Florida.
0213492 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Dohms, J. E. Dohms, J. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Characterization of Pathogenic Avian Escherichia coli Strains Isolated From Delmarva
0213489 TERMINATED MCINTIRE-STENNIS Quackenbush, L. J. Quackenbush, LI, J. STATE UNIV OF NEW YORK NY Remote Sensing Based Classification of Forests Infested by Sirex Woodwasps
0213488 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stevens, G. N. Stevens, G. N. VA POLY INST & STATE UNIVERSITY VA Establishment of Native Plants in an Exotic Matrix: The Role of Root-based Food Web Interactions in California's Central Valley
0213487 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Young, L. Young, L. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Joint US-EU Workshop on Metabolomics and Environmental Biotechnology
0213486 TERMINATED HATCH Hoffman, D. Hoffman, DA, J. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Food systems, health, and well-being: understanding complex relationships and dynamics of change
0213485 TERMINATED HATCH Oltjen, J. Oltjen, JA, W. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Integrated Approach to Enhance Efficiency of Feed Utilization in Beef Production Systems
0213484 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Miske, S. J. Miske, S. J. NATIONAL 4-H COUNCIL MD 78th National 4-H Conference
0213482 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Payne, F. A. Payne, F. A. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Syneresis Sensor Technology Development for Curd Moisture Content Control. Renewal Application
0213481 TERMINATED HATCH Gitaitis, R. D. Gitaitis, RO, D.. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Biology and Management of virus (IYSV) and Thrips in Onions.
0213480 TERMINATED HATCH Long, C. Long, CH, R.. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression in Mammalian Preimplantation Embryos
0213479 TERMINATED HATCH Knabel, ST. Knabel, ST. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Novel Methods for Tracking and Controlling Foodborne Pathogens
0213478 TERMINATED HATCH Charlton, B. Charlton, B. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Alternative management systems for plant-parasitic nematodes in horticultural and field crops
0213477 TERMINATED HATCH Petrolia, D. R. Petrolia, D. R. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Valuation of Environmental Good and Natural Resources
0213475 TERMINATED HATCH Schara, G. Schara, G. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Wood Utilization Research on US Biofuels, Bioproducts, Hybrid Biomaterials Composites Production, and Traditional Forest Products
0213474 TERMINATED HATCH Williams, S. C. Magnarelli, L. A. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Assessing Behavior Of White-Tailed Deer Along Connecticut Roadways To Predict Collisions With Vehicles
0213473 TERMINATED HATCH Mervosh, T. L. Mervosh, T. L. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Management Strategies for the Invasive Plants Pale Swallow-wort and Mile-a-Minute Vine.
0213472 TERMINATED HATCH Hamilton, G. Hamilton, GE. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds
0213471 TERMINATED HATCH Rottinghaus, G. Rottinghaus, G. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Mycotoxins:Biosecurity and Food Safety
0213470 TERMINATED HATCH Taylor, A. Taylor, AN. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Teacher-Child Relationship Quality and Children's Adjustment to School: Exploring Ethnic and Gender Disparities in Context Over Time
0213469 TERMINATED HATCH Yao, J. Yao, J. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV National Animal Genome Research Program
0213468 TERMINATED HATCH Thies, J. E. Hoffmann, M. P. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Rhizosphere microbial interactions as a key mechanism for the success of invasive species of Phragmites in New York State
0213467 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pate, J. L. Jansen, J. SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF REPRODUCTION, INC. WI First World Congress on Reproductive Biology
0213466 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Varela-Stokes, A. Varela-Stokes, A. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Biological significance of three bacteria, Ehrlichia chaffeensis, Borrelia lonestari, and Francisella tularensis, transmitted by the tick, Ambl
0213465 TERMINATED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Perez, D. Perez UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza in the United States