Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0206506 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Elliott, B. J. Elliott, B. J. TDA RESEARCH, INC. CO Low-cost Conversion of High Free Fatty Acid Oils and Fats into Methyl Esters (Biodiesel)
1010384 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xu, Y. S. Xu,Yunsheng Shawn ENERGY AMERICAS LLC MO Technology of Transforming Waste Heat and Moisture into Energy in Poultry Barns
0215070 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Radin, D. N. Radin, D. N. BIOSTRATEGIES, LLC AR Plant-based BioProduction of Chicken IL-12 Adjuvant for Bird Flu Vaccine
0203020 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rapp, G. L. Rapp, G. L. Rapp Technologies, Inc. IL Odor Control for Deep Pit Swine Confinement Facilities: Testing the Rapp Technology
0190128 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Grant, A. J. Grant, A. J. AMERICAN BIOPHYSICS CORP. RI Method for the Control of Biting Midges Using Odor-Baited Traps
1029025 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sims, N. Sims,Neil Anthony KAMPACHI FARMS, LLC HI Precocious puberty in Seriola rivoliana: induction of early maturation to accelerate selective breeding outcomes in high-value finfish
0210258 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Anderson, D. B. Anderson,David B. ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, LLC. CO Reducing in-transit losses in swine by modification of electrolyte balance prior to transportation
0199530 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lin, S. Lin, Samuel Applechem Inc NJ Develop Value-Added Natural Oils With a New Oil-Structuring Technology
1031886 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Brister, P. Brister,Paul C. FOUNDATION INSTRUMENTS, INC. TN SBIR Phase I: Sustainable Management of Quality Drinking Water Through Greener and More Affordable Analytical Monitoring Tools and Techniques
1028419 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xiong, X. Yu,Liang INTEGRATED LIPID BIOFUELS LLC WA SBIR Phase I: Sequential Hydrothermal Extraction (SeqHTE) for Recovering Bioactive Compounds from Potato Peels and Agricultural By-products
1006190 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Snow, D. Snow,Dustin HORN CANNA FARM, INC OK Increase production of canna germplasm using multiplex PCR screening and antiviral treatments for rhizome sanitization
0196189 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Goldstein, C. Goldstein, C. HAWAII AGRICULTURE RESEARCH CENTER HI Improved Production of an Economically Important Botanical
1030017 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roodenko, E. Roodenko,Ecatherina MAX-IR LABS INCORPORATED TX Infrared biochemical sensor for Algal production efficiency improvement
1023180 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Davis, A. Davis,Aubrey MICROBIO ENGINEERING, INC CA Cultivation of Microalgae for Aquaculture Feed Applications
0221878 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Weaver, D. B. Weaver,Daniel BEE POWER, LP TX Selection and Genomic Characterization of Honey Bees Resistant to Viral Pathogens
0206730 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cohen, A. C. Jacqueline Cohen Insect Diet and Rearing Institute, LLC AZ Developing Artifical Diet-Based Mass Production for Noxious Weed-destrying Insects
0230133 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rogoff, N. S. Rogoff,Natasha Lance KidsCOOK Productions MA KickinKitchen.TV - an innovative, digital learning interactive educational program on nutrition, cooking and active lifestyles
0213564 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Porada, J. L. Joseph Porada Bagaduce River Oyster Company ME Evaluating subtidal and intertidal grow-out methods for cultured hard clams in eastern Maine: a series of manipulative field experiments
0199731 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nemser, S. M. Lester, N. COMPACT MEMBRANE SYSTEMS, INC. DE Enhanced Control of Fruit Ripening
1028626 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Richardson, D. Richardson,Donald SOLARID AR, LLC. AR Integrating artificial intelligence and computer learning into the SolaRid monitoring device to create a comprehensive decision-making support system
0206547 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wilson, D. E. Wilson, D. E. BIOTRONICS, INC. IA Enhancing Pork Quality and Value Using Live Animal Ultrasound Technology for Better Breeding and Marketing Decisions
0196420 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McAdams, T. McAdams, T. Resodyn Corporation MT Sonically-Intensified Mixing for Enhanced Plant Cell Culture Productivity
1030621 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hamilton, A. R. Hamilton,Adam Robert FORGEBEE, LLC IL An automated system for honey bee husbandry that enable high-throughput biological assays
1025868 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ryan, R. Ryan,Rachael BACKYARD FARMS, LLC NM Technical and Market Feasibility of Using Lyophilization to Improve Local Fruit and Vegetable Market Sales.
0226009 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kamrud, K. I. Kamrud,Kurt I Harrisvaccines, Inc IA Replicon Particle Vaccine for White Spot Syndrome Virus in Marine Shrimp Phase II
1028881 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Thakur, A. Thakur,Aayush CONNECT DYNAMICS, INC. AR Implementation of Relay Trucking Software and Infrastructure to Benefit Rural Workforce
1016210 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stewart, L. B. Stewart,Laura Beth STEWART, CHESTER NC Off Grid High Value Crop System: Harnessing Mushroom Farm Bi-Products for Soil and CO2 Enrichment to Produce Additional Specialty Crops
0218198 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Putnam, D. L. Putnam, D. L. PACIFIC TECHNOLOGIES WA Ammonia Sensor for CAFO Monitoring.
0204239 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Doelling. V. W. Ricks, C. A. EMBREX, INC. NC Enhancement of Early Development in Turkeys by in Ovo Feeding
0199677 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Nelson, N. D. Neil Nelson, N. D. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN Wood Science for Economic Development