Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026471 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Boyer, N. R. Boyer,Nathaniel R WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Elucidating determinants of regulating nitrogenase gene expression in the associative diazotroph Azotobacter vinelandii
1026511 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jocson, D. Jocson,Dowen WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Using Vibrational Communication for Mating Disruption and Pest Management
1027027 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. Walsh,Doug M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Washington State IPM Extension Implementation Program 2021-2024
1027037 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kalyanaraman, A. Kalyanaraman,Ananth WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA AI Institute: Agricultural AI for Transforming Workforce and Decision Support (AgAID)
1027068 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sablani, S. Sablani,Shyam WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Virtual and Remote Laboratories for Enhanced Food Science and Engineering Education
1028110 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Clark, R. E. Crowder,Dave WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Applying time-series models to predict outbreaks of aphids and pathogens in crops and non-crop weedy hosts
1028317 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, S. Chen,Shulin WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Producing Biopolymers from Organic Wastes to Achieve Economical and Environmental Wins
1028434 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Andrus, R. A. Andrus,Robert Anton WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Investigating drivers of damaging insect outbreaks in Douglas-fir forests: improving managers capacity to adapt forests to climate change
1028929 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Northfield, T. Northfield,Tobin D WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Integrating vector and pathogen phenology to optimize X-disease management
1029068 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Deringer, N. Deringer,Nancy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Cultivating Our Future, Respecting Our Qlispé Past
1029110 EXTENDED 3D GRANT McLean, L. McLean,Linda WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA 2022-2026 Colville Reservation FRTEP Project
1029162 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Turner-Depue, N. Turner-Depue,Natalie WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Trauma-Informed Communities of Practice: Building Capacity to Address Opioid Misuse in Rural and Tribal Communities
1029249 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS DeVetter, L. W. DeVetter,Lisa Wasko WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving end-of-life management of plastic mulch in strawberry systems
1029664 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kalyanaraman, A. Kalyanaraman,Ananth WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA International Collaboration: AgAID AI Institute: Accelerating Research Thrusts and Training through International Partnerships
1030645 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jiang, Z. Jiang,Zhihua WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Workshop on the Central Dogma of Phenomics
1031593 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McMoran, D. McMoran,Don WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program III
0196048 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ho, T. D. Ho, T. D. Washington University MO Water Deficit Stress Induced Gene Expression in Plants: Function of Stress Proteins HVA1 and HVA22
1023639 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moon, T. Diao,Jinjin Washington University MO Development of kill-switches for biocontainment of genetically engineered microbes
1009787 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ricci, S. M. Ricci,Stephen Michael WASTE HUB, LLC CO Value Extraction and Protein Recycle from Liquid Acid Whey Using Catalytic Electrolysis
1032143 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yu, X. Yu,Xuejun WATER ILLUMINATION INC CA A chemical-free UV light-driven PFAS destruction technology to treat nontraditional water resources for agricultural irrigation
1030094 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT May, A. May,Alexa WEAVER LABS LLC OK Investigation of Novel Fluor Mop Adsorbent for Prevention and Remediation of PFAS contamination in Livestock
0203089 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, D. R. Johnson, D. R. Webwriters LLC MI Economic Development of the West Michigan Lakeshore Through Application of 3D Virtual Tourism
1024638 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sjolie, S. Sjolie,Sarah WELLBEING PARTNERS, THE NE Healthy Neighborhood Store: A Business Development Catalyst for Latinex Markets
0196921 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fujii, J. S. Fujii, J. S. WEST MOUNTAIN VIEW INTERNATIONAL LLC WA Formation of a Structural Core Material from Wood Residuals and Recycled Fiber
0212804 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Parker, D. B. Parker, D. B. WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Abatement of Phenolic and Indolic VOC Emissions for Odor Control at Animal Feeding Operations
1031524 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ozmaeian, M. Ozmaeian,Masoumeh WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Empowering Young Women and Educators: Promoting the Significance of STEM Education in Agricultural Practices through Hydrologic Sciences
1015049 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sanjaya, D. Sanjaya,Dr. WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Genetic Improvement of Seed Storage Compounds in Oilseed Plants
1017246 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Toledo, J. U. Smith,Ami Marie WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV West Virginia State University`s 1890 Facilities Five-year Plan of Work (2018-2022)
1021894 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Muthan, B. Muthan,Bagyalakshmi WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY WV Strengthening Bioenergy Research and Educational Programs with Biotechnology Tools for Oilseed Crop Yield Improvement