Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0203127 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fuller Jr., J. C. Fuller Jr., J. C. METABOLIC TECHNOLOGIES, INC. IA Development of Solanum glaucophyllum as a Source of Vitamin D for Laying Hens
0193156 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT SIMS, N. A. SIMS, N. A. BLACK PEARLS, INC. HI First Triploidy in Tropical Bivalves: Can This Increase Profitability in Pearl Farms?
1029165 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hewitt, S. Mraz,Amy NUPHY, INC. WA Development of a High-Throughput Crop Virus Diagnostic Service Using Viral Enrichment and RNA Sequencing
1022710 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Boatright, W. Boatright,William VERRAGLO, LLC KY Commercial Assay Kit Using Novel Compound Semiconductor Materials for Measuring Peroxide Value in Edible Fats & Oils
0199674 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McLaughlin, J. R. John McLaughlin IPM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OR Early Warning Systems to Detect, and Suppress, Eastern Tent Caterpillar on Horse Farms
1028468 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sagardia, S. J. Sagardia,Sebastian Jose HUERTO RICO LLC PR Developing Cultivation Methods and Characterization of Superior Biological Compounds for Neotropical Ganoderma Species
1009562 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Bremmer, M. F. Bremmer,Martin Frederic WINDCALL MANUFACTURING, INC. NE New Technology with Miniaturized Handheld Grain Combine for Eliminating Increasing Costs of Outdated Practices for Pre-Harvest Sampling
0196921 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fujii, J. S. Fujii, J. S. WEST MOUNTAIN VIEW INTERNATIONAL LLC WA Formation of a Structural Core Material from Wood Residuals and Recycled Fiber
1030444 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jackson, J. Jackson,Jonathan GLOBAL NEIGHBOR, INC. OH On-Planter Directed Energy Seed Priming to Increase Producer Profitability
1027135 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Reifenrath, W. Reifenrath,William STRATACOR CA Development of a Fatty Acid Emulsifiable Concentrate Formulation as a Biopesticide for Livestock Fly Control
0228894 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mattas, R. Mattas,Richard N-Ovation, Inc. IL Development of an Efficient On-Farm Fertilizer Manufacturing System Utilizing a Pulsed Microwave Air to Nitric Oxide Plasma Reactor Powered
0211486 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chen, X. Chen,Xin INDUSTRY VISION AUTOMATION CORPORATION MD Automated X-ray & Laser Imaging System for Detecting Bone Fragments on Poultry De-boning Lines
1020213 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Logan, K. Logan,Kerry ADVANCED VASCULAR THERAPIES, INC. IN Smart Pneumatic Compression Device for Critical Limb Ischemia
0219420 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Harmon, B. G. Harmon,Bud G AGRI PROCESSING SERVICES, LLC IN Diversion From Land Disposal Of Nutrients Recovered From Non-MPP Processing Plant Wastewater To Value-Added Use In Multi-Spec. Feed Rations
0206511 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Flynn, T. Flynn, T. Primordial Solutions, Inc. CO Production and Deployment of Photosynthetic Nitrogen-Fixing Biofertilizers
0196303 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ling,Q Ling,Qingyue FizzyFruit North America, Inc. TX Optimal Processing Conditions for Fruit Carbonation Systems
1030058 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yadavalli, N. Yadavalli,Nataraja CYTONEST, INC. GA Building sustainable food systems: edible 3D nanofiber scaffold solutions for cell-cultured meat
0200680 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sigstedt, S. V. Jenny Sigstedt HEALING PLANET HERBS, INC. CO Compatible Economic Development in the Rocky Mountain Region: Diversifying Agricultural Income with Cultivation Techniques for Osha
1028736 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xin, R. Xin,Ruikun SOLMEM LLC TX A Low Cost Solar Desalination Method For Agriculture Drainage Management
1014229 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ehsani, M. Ehsani,Mohammad QUAKEWRAP, INC. AZ InfinitPipe: An Economically Sustainable Pipe for Agricultural Use
1023180 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Davis, A. Davis,Aubrey MICROBIO ENGINEERING, INC CA Cultivation of Microalgae for Aquaculture Feed Applications
0221879 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fu, Y. Fu,Yongzhu LYNNTECH, INC TX Biomass-based Commodity Polymers from 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural
0207512 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Luttrell, R. S. Robert Shane Luttrell Creare Design Group, LLC TN Detection of Termites Using Distributed Wireless Monitoring
0196963 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Eudeline, S. B. Benoit eudeline TAYLOR RESOURCES, INC. WA Expanding Market Potential for Polyploid Oyster Technology by Cryopreservation
1030621 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hamilton, A. R. Hamilton,Adam Robert FORGEBEE, LLC IL An automated system for honey bee husbandry that enable high-throughput biological assays
0217713 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lee, S. B. Lee,Sang Beom NANODYNAMICS LIFE SCIENCES, INC. PA Slow Release Non-Toxic Antifouling Additives for Coatings Used in Aquaculture
0203051 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT D'AOUST, B. G. Brian G. D'Aoust Common Sensing Inc ID Integration of Oxygen and Total Dissolved Gas Pressure (TDGP) Sensing
0190882 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hebrank, J. H. Hebrank, J. H. EMBREX, INC. NC Automated System for Detection and Removal of Non-Viable Poultry Eggs
1028953 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT King, K. Aufdembrink,Lauren FRONTLINE BIOTECHNOLOGIES INC. MN A Sorbent Technology for eDNA Collection and Concentration for Aquaculture Pathogen Detection