Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024324 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stahl, C. Salem,Mohamed UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Using HDAC inhibitors to improve swine growth
1001476 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Silvia, W. J. Silvia,William Joseph UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Using Heterospecific Embryo Transfer (HET) to study conceptus:uterine interactions in Large Bovids
1022688 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dillman, A. R. Dillman,Adler Ray UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Using insecticidal nematode toxins in biological control
0224554 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Robinson, K. L. Robinson,Kenneth L. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SC Using Local Food Banks to Promote Sustainabilty of Small and Limited Resource Farms
0210655 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dwyer, G. Dwyer,Greg UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IL Using mechanistic models to understand the combined effects of a viral disease and a fungal disease on gypsy moth populations
1021798 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittinghill, L. J. Nzaramyimana,Theoneste KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Using organic and urban agriculture to address issues of food justice through student engagement and community outreach.
1023053 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mcconnell, C. A. Mcconnell,Curt Andrew PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Using Oxygen Isotopes to Trace, Quantify, and Model Soil Phosphate Biogeochemistry
0220482 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kulmatiski, A. Kulmatiski,Andrew UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA - ANCHORAGE AK Using plant-soil feedback to inform an activated carbon-based restoration program
1020491 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Caldeira Rocateli, A. Caldeira Rocateli,Alexandre OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Using Reduced-Lignin Alfalfa Cultivars To Improve Water Use Efficiency, Forage Yield, And Forage Quality In Water-Limited Environments
1026467 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jones, J. Jones,Jennifer MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Using soil microbial functional traits and trade-offs to explain soil carbon storage and crop response to drought
0230468 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kelly, J. Williams-Wheeler,Meeshay NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Using Technology to Deliver Parent Education and Information
1025204 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Roe, B. Roe,Brian OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Using the FoodImageTM App To Assess Smart Interventions Designed to Improve Nutrition & Reduce Food Waste
1026511 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jocson, D. Jocson,Dowen WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Using Vibrational Communication for Mating Disruption and Pest Management
1023521 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, N. C. Anderson,Nichole C UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Using virtual reality to increase student understanding and interest in farm animal welfare
1027574 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, N. C. Anderson,Nichole Chapel TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Using virtual reality to increase student understanding and interest in farm animal welfare
1027573 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ivie, D. S. Ivie,Deborah Sue UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT USU FASL Hands in the Garden Program
1027744 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, Y. Li,Yuzhi UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Utilization of computer vision as a means to understanding the etiology of tail biting outbreaks in growing-finishing pigs
1026499 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tasie, O. Tasie,Ogechukwu ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Utilization Of Non-Thermal Processing Methods On Reduction Of Antinutrients And Impact On Nutrients And Polyphenol Content In Industrial Hemp
0218913 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lee, E. Lee, E. SUMMIT SEED, INC. IL Utilize corn derived products driven from ethanol production for horticultural weed control, a natural fertiilzer with enhanced plant growth
1024091 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Johnson, T. Johnson,Tim UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Utilizing a genomic and phenotypic pipeline for predicting risk among emergent Salmonella in poultry production
1024122 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bellows, L. Bellows,Laura CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Utilizing Digital Health Approaches to Promote Early Childhood Healthy Eating and Activity Behaviors
0206934 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Latimore, Jr., M. Latimore, Jr., M. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Utilizing GIS to Enhance the Environmental Soil Science Instructional Program
1022912 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cofer, T. Cofer,Tristan PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Utilizing Glycosidically Bound Volatiles to Improve Maize Resistance to Fall Armyworm
0192446 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Day, J. W. Bates, J. L. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Utilizing Mississippi River Diversions for Nutrient Management in a Louisiana Coastal Watershed (NUMAN)
1028798 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Parajulee, M. Parajulee,Megha TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Utilizing native resistance from wild relatives for integrated insects and disease management in sustainable corn production
1027917 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vipham, J. Vipham,Jessie KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Utilizing Pre-Harvest Enumeration and Risk Factors to Predict Ground Turkey Test Results
1023090 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Enos, J. Enos,Janice UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Utilizing Vocal Playback Techniques to Reduce Damage to Grain Corn Crops by Red-Winged Blackbirds
1030157 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bastarrachea, L. J. Bastarrachea,Luis J UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT UV-A Light Activated Biodegradable Antimicrobial Packaging: A Sustainable Hurdle Technology for Food Preservation
1020223 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Iorizzo, M. Iorizzo,Massimo NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC VacciniumCAP: Leveraging genetic and genomic resources to enable development of blueberry and cranberry cultivars with improved fruit quality attributes
1026921 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Giles, K. Giles,Kris OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Validation And Delivery Of Integrated Natural Enemy + Sugarcane Aphid Economic Thresholds And Monitoring Protocols In Grain Sorghum