Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029921 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hansen, B. Hansen,Brian AEROPHASE INC CO Bio-Aerosol Protection for Worker Safety and Food Safety in Meat and Poultry Processing
1029930 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Barashkov, N. Barashkov,Nikolay MICRO-TRACERS INC. CA Disinfection of Water used in the Poultry Industry by Combined Advanced Oxidation Processes
1029936 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ghosal, S. Ghosal,Sarbajit SC SOLUTIONS INC CA Rapid Real-time Image Analysis for Meat Quality Monitoring
1029938 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dweik, B. Riley,Ian GINER, INC. MA Effective Microbial Treatment for Prevention of Carcass Contamination
1029968 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Welborn, R. Welborn,Rachel MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Moving DEIA Forward
1029978 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cheng, X. Cheng,Xuemei INDUSTRY VISION AUTOMATION CORPORATION MD Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Increase Capabilities and Efficiencies of Poultry Productions
1030012 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. Gonzalez,Guadalupe SAGINAW CHIPPEWA TRIBAL COLLEGE MI Enhancing Connections with Tribal Community
1030047 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wakefield, D. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions, Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
1030341 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bailey, M. Bailey,Marilyn UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Lifting Facilities in Support of Enhancing Learning Environments for Teaching and Education
1030394 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Blair, M. W. Blair,Matthew TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN High-throughput Plant DiTech phenotyping for Climate Resiliency in Legumes Species
1030425 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ziegenmeyer, H. Fish,Jessica CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND CCCC Extension Serving Spirit Lake Community from Elders to Youth
1030776 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ricatto, P. Ricatto,P. J BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE NJ Bergen Community College New Jersey NexTGen for Sustainable Farming
1030921 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Joseph, H. Joseph,Hugh THIRD SECTOR NEW ENGLAND, INC. MA Providing Excellence in Outreach and Assistance to Community Food Projects
1030940 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Harrelson, F. Harrelson,Flint MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY KY Teaching Swine Unit Modernization
1030949 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rothman, J. A. Rothman,Jennifer Allison YELLOW FARMHOUSE EDUCATION CENTER, INC. CT Farm-based Curriculum, Professional Development, and Experiential Learning Opportunities for High School Family & Consumer Science Culinary Teachers and Students
1030986 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Maxey, L. Maxey,Lori THE HOUSE TUSCALOOSA AL Know : Grow : Show Community Garden Service-Learning Program
1031080 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Balasuriya, U. Balasuriya,Udeni LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA USDA - NIFA - NAHLN - Level 1 Support FY 2023
1031107 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Prarat Koscielny, M. Prarat Koscielny,Melanie DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OHIO OH NAHLN Infrastructure Support for Ohio Level 1 Lab
1031111 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yaroch, A. Yaroch,Amy CHN NEBRASKA NE NTAE 2.0: Building on Success from NTAE 1.0 to Strengthen GusNIP for All Audiences
1031116 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reed, D. Reed,Debbie MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY KY NAHLN: Service Contracts for Murray State University Breathitt Veterinary Center
1031137 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ferdinand, R. Ferdinand,Rashida SANKOFA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP LA Sankofa Community Food Planning Project
1031159 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dodd, K. Dodd,Kimberly MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN)) Level 1 Laboratory: Michigan State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
1031182 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brown, C. C. Brown,Corrie C LIFESTOCK, INC. GA Program enhancement of Veterinary Services Grant Program through increased awareness and targeted support of potential applicants
1031187 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Turner, A. Turner,Aaron CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Improving Organic Vegetable Profitability by Identifying Cost-Effective Technologies that Optimize Production and Whole-Farm Planning in the Southeast: A Planning Grant
1031194 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tautges, N. Tautges,Nicole FIELDS, MICHAEL AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE INC WI Planning for an Upper Midwest Organic Gluten-Free Grain Value Chain: Economic, Field, and Stakeholder Data Aggregation
1031195 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Weigle, J. Griffin,Ashley EXTENSION FOUNDATION MO Advancing Agrosecurity and Community Resilience through Innovation, Collaboration, and Capacity-Building in the Cooperative Extension Service
1031212 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wakefield, D. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Alcorn State University-School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Facility Grant
1031214 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simonsen, J. Simonsen,Jon UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Expanding a diverse database to aid in making high risk decisions under volatile profit margins and adoptions of climate smart technologies