Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1024167 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wetzel, D. Wetzel,Dana MOTE MARINE LABORATORY FL Novel tech for development of a rapid in-situ seawater and shellfish red tide toxin biosensor and testing feasibility of using land-based recirculation depuration as a red tide mitigation strategy
1022676 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wetzel, W. Wetzel,William MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Extreme weather events and the sustainable management of pests on potato
1031883 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wetzel, W. Wetzel,William MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Pests and Beneficial Species in Agricultural Production Systems
0214702 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT whalen, J. John Whalen HARMON BROOK FARM (MAINE SMELT HATCHERY ME "Intensive Commercial Rainbow Smelt Culture"
1027524 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, C. J. White,Chana Janine NATIVE BRAND HONEY, LLC NC Creating Profitable Farm Business Opportunity for Native Americans and Veteran Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in North Carolina
1012825 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, J. White,Jill Dominican University IL Multicultural Scholars Registered Dietitian Pipeline at Dominican University
1023615 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, J. C. White,Jason C. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Nanoscale sulfur for plant nutrition, disease suppression and food safety
1024986 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, J. C. White,Jason C. CONNECTICUT AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION CT Biodegradable polymer-nanoparticle composites for controlled release and targeted delivery of phosphorus during plant growth
0196732 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, M. White, M. LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College Extension Inititative
0198337 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS White, N. M. White, N. M. EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY NC Integrated Watershed-Based Molecular and Hydrologic Monitoring Techniques to Assess Pathogen Loading in Estuarine Environments and Improve
1026249 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, R. White,Robin VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Collaborative Research: CPS: Medium: Greener Pastures: A pasture sanitation cyber physical system for environmental enhancement and animal monitoring
1024523 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT White, S. White,Sarah TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Enhancing sustainability and profitability of tropically adapted beef cattle utilizing a novel skeletal muscle energetics approach
0209222 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT whiteley, M. Whiteley,Marvin THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN TX Signal Trafficking in the Alfalfa Symbiont Sinorhizobium Meliloti
1022405 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whitesides, L. D. Whitesides,Louis D SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC SC State 1890 Research & Extension Agriculture Innovation Scholars
1022256 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitham, S. A. Whitham,Steven Alan IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Virus-mediated gene editing in switchgrass and sorghum
0192878 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whiting, P. J. Whiting, P. CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV OH Quantifying Sheetwash and Rill Erosion with Radionuclide and Geochemical Tracers
1028163 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Whitley, H. T. Whitley,Hannah Terese PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Examining Stakeholder Engagement for Inclusive Transboundary Water Management & Agricultural Sustainability in the Klamath River Basin
1022343 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. Whittaker,Wesley LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Langston University 1890 Scholarship Program
1031216 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. Whittaker,Wesley LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK Facilities Development in the Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences: Langston University Continuing Growth Pathway
1018205 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittaker, W. L. Whittaker,Wesley L LANGSTON UNIVERSITY OK 1890 Facilities Grants Program
1021798 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Whittinghill, L. J. Nzaramyimana,Theoneste KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Using organic and urban agriculture to address issues of food justice through student engagement and community outreach.
1026900 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wiarda, J. Wiarda,Jayne IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IA Delayed weaning in pigs to reduce intestinal inflammation associated with intraepithelial T cells
1021869 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wickersham, T. Wickersham,Tryon TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Enhancing Sustainability Of Beef Production By Elucidating Subspecies? Differences In Urea Recycling In Response To Supplementation
1024345 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wickings, K. G. Wickings,Kyle N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Utilizing Acoustics to Enhance the Monitoring and Management of Belowground Pests and Their Aboveground Predators
1026844 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wieczorek, A. WIECZOREK,ANIA UNIV OF HAWAII HI Hawaii-One-Ag: Developing new pathways in agricultural education and future career growth
1021243 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wieder, W. Wieder,William University Corporation for Atmospheric Research CO Conference Grant Application: Soil organic matter synthesis- Improving models with data from cross-site observations & manipulations
1020233 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wiedmann, M. Wiedmann,Martin CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A systems approach to microbial food safety in produce: Leveraging data science approaches to inform food safety decisions
1020550 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wiedmann, M. Wiedmann,Martin CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A systems approach to improve quality and shelf life of organic dairy products for domestic and export markets
1024163 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wiedmann, M. Wiedmann,Martin CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Development of data analytics platform to allow for public health classification of Salmonella serovars and clades and improved focus of control strategies to achieve beneficial public health outcomes