Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032102 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McCarthy, F. M. McCarthy,Fiona M UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ A systems-based interrogation of porcine Clostridioides difficile diarrhea
1032101 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ma, W. Ma,Wenjun UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Safe And Effective Newcastle Disease Virus Vectored Live Attenuated Swine Influenza Vaccines
1032100 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gomez, C. Gomez,Celina PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Leveraging indoor farming technologies to improve plant propagation processes
1032099 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cruz, C. Cruz,Christian PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN PARTNERSHIP Agricultural Biosecurity: Advancing Corn Pathology Research and Biosecurity Enhancement: Integrating Trusted and Innovative Methods to Model Tar Spot Epidemics and Unravel Corn-P. maydis I
1032098 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hermann, S. Hermann,Sara PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA A New Method of Augmenting Biological Control: Implementing predator cues for pest damage mitigation
1032097 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Relling, A. Relling,Alejandro OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Rumen-native bacteria as an alternative to translate lower methane emissions to feed efficiency improvements
1032096 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Steinbach, S. Steinbach,Sandro NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND PARTNERSHIP: Evaluating the Economic Consequences of Genetically Modified Organism Regulations on International Trade, Food Security, and Welfare
1032095 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Coleman, G. D. Coleman,Gary D. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD The Role of Ethylene Regulated ERF Transcription Factors in Tree Nitrogen Cycling
1032094 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strauss, S. Strauss,Sarah UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Altering the soil environment for increased resiliency in high-intensity specialty crop production
1032092 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sreevatsan, S. Sreevatsan,Srinand MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI A novel probiotic based oral delivery vaccine for bovine tuberculosis
1032090 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Coetzee, J. F. Coetzee,Johann F KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Validation of a novel Bovine Rate of Consumption Index (BROCI) to assess pain and thermal stress in cattle
1032089 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sun, X. Sun,Xiaolun UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Developing vaccine and bile acid interventions to prevent chicken necrotic enteritis
1032088 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Howe, S. Howe,Samantha UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Determining the role of commensal Corynebacterium and pathogenic Mannheimia in the bovine respiratory disease
1032084 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Orlowski, S. Orlowski,Sara ARKANSAS AGRIC EXTENSION SERVICE AR Mechanistic Understanding Of Water Homeostasis In Divergently Selected Broilers For Low- Or High-Water Efficiency
1032083 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dickson, R. Dickson,Ryan UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Soilless long-cane production of blackberry
1032082 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Newton, I. Newton,Irene INDIANA UNIVERSITY IN The interplay between queenliness, the honey bee microbiome, and colony health
1032081 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Thornton-Kurth, K. J. Thornton-Kurth,Kara J UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT The impact of estradiol and/or trenbolone acetate on the metabolome and skeletal muscle metabolism of beef cattle
1032080 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jarosinski, K. Jarosinski,Keith UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Toward a cell-free Marek's disease vaccine
1032078 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhang, L. Zhang,Lu OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Molecular Mechanism underlying Alternate Bearing of Pecan
1032077 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hughes, C. H. Hughes,Camilla Helen Kroehler PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Role of immune cells in the establishment and activation of the ovarian reserve
1032076 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Trotta, R. J. Trotta,Ronald Joseph UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Potential Amelioration of Fescue Toxicosis by 5-Hydroxytryptophan in Beef Cattle
1032075 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Amalaradjou, M. Amalaradjou,Mary Anne UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT CT Effects of in-ovo probiotic supplementation and post-hatch feed deprivation on muscle growth and productivity in broilers
1032074 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, L. Chen,Liuhong PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Developing Genomics Approach For Mitigating Enteric Methane Emissions In Goats
1032073 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walsh, E. Walsh,Elizabeth USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS No More Mummies: Novel and integrative treatment options for Ascosphaera apis in honey bees
1032072 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT WHITE, H. WHITE,HEATHER UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Comprehensive Tissue Collection From High and Low Feed Efficient Cows: elucidating tissue metabolism and fetal programming of cow and fetus
1032071 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Voruganti, V. Voruganti,Venkata Saroja UNIV OF NORTH CAROLINA NC Nutrigenetics, Nutrigenomics and Precision Nutrition: A workshop-styled short course
1032070 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mathias, J. Mathias,Justin WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Resolving the impact of wildfire smoke on forest carbon cycling
1032069 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Schwarz, M. H. Schwarz,Michael H VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Experimental Models To Accelerate Innovation In Preventing/Correcting Off-Flavors In Farmed Trout And Salmon
1032068 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Haddad, N. Haddad,Nicholas MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Diversified cropping systems for biodiversity and ecosystem services
1032067 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Johnson, D. M. Johnson,Daniel M UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Partnership: Impacts Of Fire Intensity And Seasonality On Post-Fire Response Of Eastern and Western United States Oak Saplings