Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0204822 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Engle, C. R. engle, C. R. UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Expanding Aquaculture Graduate Program Offering: A Need for Aquaculture/Fisheries Research and Educational Library (AFREL)
0204823 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Pomper, K. W. Pomper, K. W. KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Development of Biotechnology Courses to Enhance Aquaculture and Life Science Programs and Recruit Students to Kentucky State University
0204824 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Perkins, J. A. Judy A. Perkins PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX Recruit and Prepare Underrepresented Environmental Engineers and Natural Resources
0204829 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Nahashon, S. N. Nahashon, S. N. TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN A Science-Based Training Program to Enhance Capacity in Food and Agricultural Bio-Security
0204860 TERMINATED SERD GRANT OKIROR, L. L. Linda Okiror UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Science Readiness and Academic Achievement in Agriculture, Environmental and Life Sciences
0204966 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Olson, D. Olson, D. S. Missouri Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture MO Web-Based Agriculture Classes - MO
0204998 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Yadav, A. K. Yadav, A. K. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Educating the Educators: With Further Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology Education Enrichment for K-12 School Teachers
0204999 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Carter, J. Carter, J. FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY GA Outdoor Forestry Classroom/Laboratory to Enhance Teaching and Training
0205113 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Sharma, G. C. Sharma, G. C. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL The Consortium for Bioinformatics Instruction
0205121 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Quinones-Seiglie, C. Diaz-Garcia, L. University of Puerto Rico - Utuado PR Enhancing Quality and Safety Practices in the Food Science Curriculum and Establishing a Food and Health Nutrition Program
0205252 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Irudayaraj, J. M. Irudayaraj, J. M. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Nanoscale Education for Agricultural and Food Based Curricula
0205518 TERMINATED SERD GRANT DeHayes, D. H. Maria Erb THE RUBENSTEIN SCHOOL OF ENVIRON & NATURAL RESOURCES VT Multicultural Scholars Program at UVM- The Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources
0205530 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Cohen, N. L. Cohen, N. L. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA University of Massachusetts Amherst Multicultural Nutrition Scholars Program
0205531 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Foltz, J. C. Foltz, J. C. UNIV OF IDAHO ID University of Idaho College of Agriculture Multicultural Scholars Program
0205547 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Goodwin, J. K. Goodwin, J. K. UNIV OF NORTH DAKOTA ND UND Multicultural Scholars into Dietetics Program
0205549 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Morris, P. V. Coolbaugh, R. C. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Multicultural Undergraduate Scholars in Agriculture at Purdue University
0205550 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Allen, S. W. Allen, S. W. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Promoting Cultural Diversity in the Veterinary Workforce
0205558 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Graham, D. L. Graham, D. L. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR University of Arkansas Multicultural Scholars Program
0205606 TERMINATED SERD GRANT SWEET, J. SWEET, J. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Enhancing Diversity: Multicultural Scholars Program at the College of Veterinary Medicine - Cornell University
0205608 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Hill Duin, A. Lorenz, K. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Fostering Multicultural Diversity with College of Agri., Food & Environmental Sciences Scholarships Through Student Learning Comm. Cohorts
0206031 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Dickson, M. A. Judith Trefsger UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Social Responsibility in Textile, Apparel, and Footwear Industry Supply Chains Development of a Post-Baccalaureate Core
0206336 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Klein, B. A. Barbara Klein DINE COLLEGE AZ Cryptic Biodiversity of Dine' Bikeyah: Fungal Endophytes of Native Plants on the Navajo Nation
0206377 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Palaniswamy, U. Palaniswamy, U. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT International Farming Systems: Sustainable Farming and Natural Resources Management Practices in the Developing World
0206379 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Saulo, A. Saulo, A. UNIV OF HAWAII HI Enhancing Hawaii's Global Competitiveness and Business Performance in International Agribusiness with Focus on Food Processing
0206380 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Rickerl, D. Rickerl, D. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD An Indigenous Model for Internationalization
0206381 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Sylvia, G. Sylvia, G. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Enhancing Global Competitiveness of the U.S. Seafood Industry: Educational Case Studies in International Trade and Marketing
0206385 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Peterson, N. Peterson,Norman Jay MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Global Climate Change and Implications for Agriculture: An International Undergraduate Research Seminar
0206386 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Loveridge, S. Loveridge, S. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Enhancing Agricultural-Based Economic Development in Rural Communities: A Partnership to Internationalize Teaching, Research and Extension
0206387 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Shultz, C. Shultz, C. ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY EAST AZ The Balkans & Black Sea Project: American-Greek-Romanian Initiatives to Enhance Understanding of Multicultural Market Opportunities
0206388 TERMINATED SERD GRANT Mueller, P. Mueller, P. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC An Interdisciplinary Team Approach to Building International Collaboration in Organic Agriculture