Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1025389 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Brown, C. A. Brown,Cynthia A. ENERGY INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. LA A Feasibility Study of a Cooling Technology for Internal Combustion Engines in Off-road Diesel Vehicles, Including Tractors, Combines, Spreaders and Applicators
0199528 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sahul, R. Sudarshan, T. S. Materials Modification Inc VA Monitoring Ozone Exposure in Plants
1032232 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Silpe, J. Silpe,Justin PUMPKIN BABY INC. NJ Color-reactive diagnostic for at-home breastmilk shelf-life testing
1028407 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sutterlin, W. R. Sutterlin,William Rusty AMERICAN RENEWABLE METALS, LLC AL Glycerol Derived Compounds as Substitutes for Conventional Solvents
1003406 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Martin, K. Martin,Kyle TROUTLODGE, INC. WA Genetic Sex Reversal in Rainbow Trout
0213671 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT English, J. D. English, J. D. ENERGID TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION MA Robotic Mass Removal of Citrus Fruits
1023043 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chaikin, E. Chaikin,Eric PEAK PROTEIN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MT Cricketein: Cricket Derived Protein Hydrolysates with Versatile Techno-Functionalities and Bio-activity for Food Ingredient Applications
0221863 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cartwright, D. K. Cartwright, D. K. Agricultural Research Initiatives, Inc. AR Development of a Mycoherbicide for Control of Dandelion
0206663 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wardell, G. I. Wardell, G. I. S.A.F.E. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LLC AZ Controlling Varroa Mites in the Honey Bee, Apis Mellifera
0196542 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pilgrim, R. A. Pilgrim, R. A. Concurrent Solutions, LLC KY An Ultralight Autonomous Robot for Weed Control
1031754 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Watkins, G. Watkins,Ginger ORB TECHNOLOGIES, LLC KY A Novel Bonding Method for a Plant-Based, Load-Bearing Insulation for Carbon-Storing Buildings
0215013 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Huang, Y. Huang, Yu (Ivy) MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH, INC CA A Novel, Low-Energy Stripper-Membrane Hybrid Process for Bioethanol Production, Phase II
0203004 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kermekchiev, M. B. Kermekchiev, M. B. DNA Polymerase Technology, Inc. MO Soil Inhibition Resistant Mutants of Taq DNA Polymerase
0189610 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Green, T. A. Green, T. A. IPM WORKS WI Risk Management Products for Improving Ag Economics and Environmental Impacts
1029022 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schwalbe, J. Schwalbe,Jay NITRICITY INC. CA Heat integration of plasma reactors for electrified fertilizer production
1020181 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jethmalani, J. Jethmalani,Jagdish NOVOL, INC. CA Corn based chemistries for making renewable optical polymers
1028612 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sodani, A. Sodani,Avinash AGROFOCAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC CA Real-Time Crop Monitoring System mountable on any Farm Vehicle
1010384 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xu, Y. S. Xu,Yunsheng Shawn ENERGY AMERICAS LLC MO Technology of Transforming Waste Heat and Moisture into Energy in Poultry Barns
0215070 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Radin, D. N. Radin, D. N. BIOSTRATEGIES, LLC AR Plant-based BioProduction of Chicken IL-12 Adjuvant for Bird Flu Vaccine
1025833 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chambers, S. A. Chambers,Sandi A. SOUTHERN ESCAPE VANILLERY LLC FL Domestic Vanilla Cultivation: Agrivoltaics, Propagation, And Breeding
0225300 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Walsh, S. Walsh,Sean 3F, LLC NC Modification of Natural Fibers for use as Reinforcement in Advanced Composite Materials
0210258 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Anderson, D. B. Anderson,David B. ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, LLC. CO Reducing in-transit losses in swine by modification of electrolyte balance prior to transportation
0199530 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lin, S. Lin, Samuel Applechem Inc NJ Develop Value-Added Natural Oils With a New Oil-Structuring Technology
1033078 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chen, Z. D. Chen,Zhi David ZDC TECH LTD. CO. KY Durable High-Temperature Humidity Sensors for Precision Food Processing
0217898 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kerkman, T. M. Kerkman, T. M. ECO-SOL, LLC AZ Improved Feed Products From Pima Cottonseed: By-products of Biofuels Feedstock Production
0204198 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Parsons, J. E. Parsons, J. E. TROUTLODGE, INC. WA Genetics of Growth and Reproduction in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Fed a Plant-Based Diet
0196189 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Goldstein, C. Goldstein, C. HAWAII AGRICULTURE RESEARCH CENTER HI Improved Production of an Economically Important Botanical
1030031 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Han, K. Han,Kyung-Hwan KOPESS AGTECH LLC MI XERICO Drought Tolerance Technology
1023180 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Davis, A. Davis,Aubrey MICROBIO ENGINEERING, INC CA Cultivation of Microalgae for Aquaculture Feed Applications
0199681 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Edwards, J. Philipp Kirsch IPM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OR Semiochemical-Based Management Tactics for Varroa Mite