Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030619 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bigelow, D. Bigelow,Daniel OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR How Do Urbanization and Other Large-Scale Drivers Affect Timberland and Farmland Markets? A Parcel-Level National Econometric Analysis
1030620 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Igwe, A. Igwe,Alexandria UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI FL Multi-omics and synthetic biology approaches for exploring and exploiting rhizosphere microbial ecology in Ipomoea batatas
1030621 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hamilton, A. R. Hamilton,Adam Robert FORGEBEE, LLC IL An automated system for honey bee husbandry that enable high-throughput biological assays
1030625 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Velni, J. M. Velni,Javad M CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC DSFAS: Big Data-enabled Real-time Learning and Decision Making for Field-based High Throughput Plant Phenotyping
1030638 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Callaway, T. R. Callaway,Todd Riley UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Support for the 11th International Shiga (Verocytotoxin) Producing Escherichia coli Infections Symposium
1030645 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jiang, Z. Jiang,Zhihua WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Workshop on the Central Dogma of Phenomics
1030661 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tortorelli, C. Tortorelli,Claire UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Predicting forest resilience under compounding disturbance to inform sustainable management: Drought and fire in California forests
1030687 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adeleye, A. Adeleye,Adeyemi UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE CA PARTNERSHIP: Nanoparticulate soil amendments for achieving Closer to Zero via metal(loid) encapsulation
1030708 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lisenbee, W. Lisenbee,Whitney UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Modeling Land Use and Climate Change Scenarios to Manage Water Quality in Integrated Agricultural-Urban Landscapes
1030732 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jenkins, A. Jenkins,Adam UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Developing an Understanding of Nitrogenase by Engineering Metalloprotein Analogues
1030774 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Roth, K. Roth,Katerina CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Improving the precision of Alicyclobacillus spoilage predictions at the intersection of genotype and environment
1030776 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ricatto, P. Ricatto,P. J BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE NJ Bergen Community College New Jersey NexTGen for Sustainable Farming
1030782 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Krogstad, K. Krogstad,Kirby Craig MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Advancing Gut Health In Dairy Cattle: Immunophenotyping and Inflammation Of The Rumen
1030800 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tallerday, E. Tallerday,Emily UNIV OF NORTH CAROLINA NC Regulation Of Rice Growth And Yield By The Cytokinin Type-A Response Regulators
1030820 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Heiden, N. Heiden,Nathaniel OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Characterizing X. translucens growth inducers from its barley host
1030822 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kriete, A. Kriete,Alexis NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Developing a sex transformation system in Lucilia cuprina with CRISPRi (Predoc fellowship for: Alexis Kreite)
1030838 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Barlow, J. W. Barlow,John W. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Sabbatical Proposal: Tools and Approaches for Antimicrobial Stewardship and Resistance Surveillance on small- to medium-sized dairy farms
1030875 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Pekarcik, A. J. Pekarcik,Adrian Joseph AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE SD Population genetics of Asiatic garden beetle: are Great Lakes populations infesting agronomic crops unique?
1030879 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McGuire, S. McGuire,Steve UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA CRUZ CA Persistent Autonomous Monitoring of Distributed Sensor Networks
1030904 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Kowalkowski, B. Kowalkowski,Brian COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Building Menominee Teen Resilience
1030910 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Kim, Y. Kim,YaeBin UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV University of Nevada, Reno Sustainable Community Project: Enriching Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for Kids and Families
1030921 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Joseph, H. Joseph,Hugh THIRD SECTOR NEW ENGLAND, INC. MA Providing Excellence in Outreach and Assistance to Community Food Projects
1030940 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Harrelson, F. Harrelson,Flint MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY KY Teaching Swine Unit Modernization
1030941 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Tzenis, J. Robideau,Kari UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN Minnesota and North Dakota joint CYFAR Sustainable Community Project: Ka Joog 4-H Leadership Clubs
1030942 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Zak, C. Zak,Claire LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Louisiana State University Sustainable Community Project
1030963 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Brandon, D. P. Brandon,Dorothy P. ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Parent-Child Financial Literacy in Progress Program
1030966 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Greder, K. A. Greder,Kimberly Ann IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Iowa State University Sustainable Community Project: Fostering Latino Youth Career and College Readiness
1030969 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Betz, M. R. Betz,Michael Ryan OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Promoting And Enhancing Positive Youth Development In Rural Ohio Through Evidence-Based School Programs
1030986 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Maxey, L. Maxey,Lori THE HOUSE TUSCALOOSA AL Know : Grow : Show Community Garden Service-Learning Program