Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021958 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Strasburg, G. Strasburg,Gale MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Turkey Breast Muscle Development: The Biological Response to Thermal Challenge in Production Birds
1027415 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Flessner, M. L. Flessner,Michael Luke VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Turning the combine from a weed seed spreader into a weed seed predator
1026910 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kaplan, I. Kaplan,Ian PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Turning the table on a key vegetable pest: Exploiting plant- and insect-derived volatile aggregation cues to improve cucumber beetle IPM
0197461 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Laducer, S. Laducer, S. TURTLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Turtle Mountain Community College Education Equity Grant Program
1029026 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hamley, M. Hamley,Mark TURTLE MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Turtle Mountain Community College, Tribal Colleges Education Equity Grant Program
1022361 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ankumah, R. O. Vaughan,Barrett TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Tuskegee University Food and Agricultural Scholars Program (TUFASP)
1027479 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ankumah, R. O. Vaughan,Barrett TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Tuskegee University Food and Agricultural Scholars Program (TUFASP)
0228846 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walter, M. T. Walter,Michael Todd CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Twenty-first century development of 21st century precision agriculture for water quality protection
0213808 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ermer, S. Wulf,Dresden Petty HAWKEYE COMMUNITY COLLEGE IA Two-Year Degree in Food Science: Production to Consumption
1019096 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Geary, S. Geary,Steven UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT U. S. Animal Vaccinology Research Coordinator Network - UConn
0213931 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lotz, J. M. Lotz,Jeffrey UNIV OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI MS U.S. Shrimp Farming Program - GCRL
1026941 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Slupsky, C. M. Slupsky,Carolyn Marie UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA UC Davis Dietary Biomarkers Development Center
1028011 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bastarrachea, L. J. Bastarrachea,Luis J UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Ultraviolet Light-A: A Novel Agent to Dehydrate Foods
1027199 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dill, J. Dill,James UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME UMaine Integrated Pest Management CPPM-EIP
1029196 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smart, A. Smart,Alicyn UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME UMaine Northeastern Regional Center NPDN 2022-2026
1021877 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Collick, A. S. Timmons,Jennifer University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD UMES Stormwater Management Research Facility: Investigating nutrient and sediment reduction from poultry house stormwater drainage systems
1021100 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lachowiec, J. Lachowiec,Jennifer MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Uncovering Developmental Mechanisms To Sustain Grain Number During Heat Stress
1026364 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hippee, A. C. Hippee,Alaine C UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IA Uncovering impacts of historical North American crop domestication on the origin of pest insects
1018652 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, L. Li,Li AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE MD Uncovering novel genes and mechanisms underlying carotenoid accumulation in melon fruit
1025336 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tang, Y. Tang,Yi UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Uncovering Small Molecules that Mediate Beneficial Plant-Fungi Interactions
1020966 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Li, M. Li,Mengyan Foundation at New Jersey Institute of Technology NJ Uncovering the Molecular and Microecological Basis for the Biotransformation of Antimicrobials by Rhizobacteria and Endophyte
1021856 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Batistel, F. Batistel,Fernanda UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Uncovering the Relationship Between Dietary Fatty Acids and Fiber Digestion in the Rumen
1022919 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Krey, K. L. Krey,Karol Lynn AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Uncovering the role of vector salivary glands: Can we utilize CRISPR to control pathogen transmission?
1022181 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Campbell, M. A. Campbell,Michael A. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Undergraduate Experience in Viticulture and Enology: From Vines to Table
1018028 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chang, J. H. Chang,Jeff H OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Undergraduate Learning Experiences in working with Big Data in Agriculture
1015136 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Jander, G. Jander,Georg BOYCE THOMPSON INSTITUTE NY Undergraduate Research: Plant Biotic Interactions in Agricultural Systems
1014972 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kohn, R. Kohn,Rick UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Understanding Mechanisms of Changes in Ruminal Metabolism
1015235 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Haggerty, J. Haggerty,Julia MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Understanding and Addressing Research Fatigue in Rural Communities: Lessons for the Social Sciences from Energy Boomtowns
1012161 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Davenport, M. A. Davenport,Mae A UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Understanding and Building Capacity to Address Changing Water Availability in the Upper Corn Belt