Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029204 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Berti, M. Berti,Marisol NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Establishing Alfalfa in Intercropping with Sunflower and Sorghum to Improve Alfalfa Yield and Profitability
1029205 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ziegenmeyer, H. Fish,Jessica CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND CCCC Equity in Natural Resource Education for Tribal Students
1029208 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hill, M. Hill,Michael PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN NPDN National Database/National Network of Diagnostic Center
1029209 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dunn, J. Dunn,Joe Sitting Bull College ND Sitting Bull College Vet-Tech
1029216 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Henderson, J. Mosiman,Amanda PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Advancing Agrosecurity and Community Resilience through Collaboration, Capacity-Building and Extension Program Innovation
1029217 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Byrne, J. Byrne,Janet MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI North Central Plant Diagnostic Network
1029222 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McRoberts, N. McRoberts,Neil UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Western Plant Diagnostic Network Regional Center
1029228 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Daye, G. Daye,Germaine NAVAJO TECHNICAL COLLEGE NM Navajo Technical University Equity Project
1029233 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Welton, W. Machina,Alexia HASKELL INDIAN NATIONS UNIVERSITY KS Developing Student Leaders in the Sustainability Field
1029234 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kpachavi, K. Kpachavi,Koffi GRAND TRAVERSE CONSERVATION DISTRICT MI Great Lakes Incubator Farm: Enhancing Agricultural, Environmental, and Economic Resilience in Northwest Michigan and Beyond
1029235 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hafer, J. Hafer,James CHIEF DULL KNIFE COLLEGE MT Chief Dull Knife College Equity Program
1029244 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Romero, J. Romero,Juan UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME A novel approach to expand our understanding of alfalfa hay spoilage and improve the efficacy of hay preservatives
1029245 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Merchant, L. Smith,Jodee LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Gikinawaabi: Improving Student Success with Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Field-Based Education in the Sciences (Gikinawaabi: S/He/They learn through observation)
1029248 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dhar, A. Dhar,Arun UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Development of PCR-based diagnostic assays in support of disease free attestations of formulated aquafeed.
1029249 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS DeVetter, L. W. DeVetter,Lisa Wasko WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving end-of-life management of plastic mulch in strawberry systems
1029253 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bordeaux, S. Bordeaux,Shawn Sinte Gleska University SD From Ranch Wrangler to Ranch Owner: Growing the Lakota Ag Producer
1029254 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Roberts, S. B. Roberts,Steven B. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Improved climate resilience in oysters through optimization of hatchery-based environmental conditioning practices
1029255 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lane, J. Lane,Jessica KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Building community resilience to prevent suicide in vulnerable rural communities in Kansas through evidence-based mental health education
1029260 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cain, K. D. Cain,Kenneth D. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Efficacy and immunomodulatory property of probiotic C6-6 for early life stage management of coldwater and columnaris disease and coinfection
1029262 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lopez, R. Hegde,Shraddha TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX How risky are U.S. aquaculture businesses: Economic risk assessment of aquaculture species, production systems, and risk management strategies
1029270 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stewart, S. Stewart,Susan STEWART S & ASSOCIATES GA 2023, 2024, and 2025 National 4-H Conference Logistics
1029271 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Swain, B. Swain,Banikalyan UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Self-Destructing Edwardsiella Piscicida: DNA Vaccine And Antigen Delivery Vector System To Prevent Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV) Infection
1029272 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bilen-Green, C. Kallmeyer,Alan NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Circling Back, Affording Tribal Students Opportunities to Flourish
1029274 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS BAUER-ARMSTRONG, C. L. BAUER-ARMSTRONG,CHERYL L UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Deepening Native Education Pathways through Experiential Learning, Cultural Connection, and Knowledge Exchange
1029275 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Barger, P. Barger,Priscilla AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Rapid validation of immunogenic targets from hypervirulent Aeromonas hydrophila for development of a recombinant protein vaccine against vMAS in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
1029278 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sudbeck, K. Sudbeck,Kristine NEBRASKA INDIAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE NE The Native Path Educational Mode
1029281 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rainey, R. Rainey,Ron ARKANSAS AGRIC EXTENSION SERVICE AR Southern ERME Meat and Poultry Processing Grant
1029286 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Singh, P. Singh,Prashant FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY FL Acquisition of VITEK 2 Compact at Florida State University for Enhancing Microbiology and Antibiotic Resistance Research
1029289 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Daye, G. Daye,Germaine NAVAJO TECHNICAL COLLEGE NM Navajo Technical University Extension Project
1029290 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Snow, P. Walls,Caitlin ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Holistic Learning and Community Growth through Extension and Outreach at Ilisagvik College