Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1000093 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pryor, S. J. Pryor,Stephen James PRYOR, STEPHEN CA Development of BMPs for nest establishment of wild-caught queen Yellow faced bumblebees, Bombus vosnesenskii, for greenhouse & outdoor crops
0213655 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Moon, J. K. Moon, J. K. DEVICIX, LLC MN Cell phone location monitor and user report platform for diet and energy balance
0199900 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vaidyanathan, R. Ranji Vaidyanathan Advanced Ceramics Research, Inc AZ Soybean Oil Based High Performance Nanocomposites
0221802 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT GILMAN, V. Gilman,Vladimir INFOSCITEX CORPORATION MA Development of a High Sensitivity and Specificity Quantitative Aptamer Assay for Coldwater Disease Management Applications
0206608 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Plewa, J. S. Dan Mueth ARRYX, INC. IL Holographic Optical Cell Manipulation for Automated Development of Improved Yeast Strains for Ethanol Production
0196505 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Flynn, T. Flynn, T. Primordial Solutions, Inc. CO Development of Photosynthetic Nitrogen-Fixing Biofertilizers for Arid Land Reclamation
1030071 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Unal, B. Unal,Baris EMERGINGDX INC MA Low-cost Diagnostic Platform for Aquaculture
1025915 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT RAJAN, S. RAJAN,SANJAY KONBIT PBC CO "Regenerative Renaissance — Planet, People, Prosperity. Together™.” Localize food production using novel business model that incorporates social entrepreneurship in Native American communities.
1029027 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Delius, C. Delius,Charlie HOOD CANAL MARICULTURE INC WA Paradigm Shift Technology for Scalable, High-Density, High-Yield Commercial Multi-Species Mariculture
1022770 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ahrens, T. Ahrens,Toby NORTHERN SPENT GRAINS LLC ME Puffed Spent Grains: Low-Calorie, High-Protein Snacks from Brewers' Spent Grains
0221832 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hummos, A. Hummos,Ali INSECTIGEN, INC. GA Development of a BtBooster Synergist for Bt Transgenic Plants
1028445 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ihlo, A. Ihlo,Amelia ROOTED FARMERS, LLC NH Redesigning Floriculture Marketplace & Inventory Management Tools for Small Produce Farms to Increase Accessibility and Reduce Cost
1009624 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ibrahim, P. J. Ibrahim,Princella J JIMFINA INTERNATIONAL INC NC Value-Added Production of Sorrel Juice from Red Sorrel Plant
0214910 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT coleman, R. D. Coleman,Robert SUMMERDALE, INC. WI Safer, Non-Selective Weed Control for Organic Growers and Home Consumers
0202994 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rico, E. E. Rico, E. E. BCN Research Laboratories, Inc. TN Interactive CD Guide for Food-Borne Fungal Identification
0225221 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Andrews, C. P. Andrews,Cody Powell AXAT Inc ME The feasibility of developing a low cost, remote sensing technology to provide information critical to finfish hatchery operations
0210147 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Talukdar, K. Talukdar, K. HARRIS ACOUSTIC PRODUCTS CORPORATION MA Development of acoustic cavitation based affordable milk processing technology for small rural dairy farms
0199517 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Megy, J. A. Joseph A. Megy JDC, INC. WV Kiln Phosphoric Acid Process
1031115 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jaffe, S. M. Jaffe,Stephen M TRGEL LLC CA Non-food, Biobased, Drop-in Replacement for Fossil Fuel based Polyols
1027604 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Peterson, R. J. Peterson,Raymond John GRANITE POINT VENTURES LLC MD AI Approach to Curing Deformed wing virus in Honey Bees
0203200 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT MacDonald, A. MacDonald, Alexander Innolytics LLC NJ Towards Improved Absorption of Nicarbazin Used to Limit Population Growth in Canada Geese
0196087 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Talukdar, K. Talukdar, K. HARRIS ACOUSTIC PRODUCTS CORPORATION MA Acoustic Cavitation Treatment Against Biological Threats to Rural Water Supplies
0200776 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Theriault, G. Theriault, G. BEN-CAP, LLC WY Encapsulated Bentonite for Abandoned Well Sealing
1028626 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Richardson, D. Richardson,Donald SOLARID AR, LLC. AR Integrating artificial intelligence and computer learning into the SolaRid monitoring device to create a comprehensive decision-making support system
1015904 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cumbie, W. Cumbie,William PANCOPIA, INC. VA Swine Lagoon Treatment and Odor Capping System
0217849 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Trost, S. M. Trost,Steve STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL, LLC OK Improved Animal Traceability via Active EID
1027182 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Congrove, M. S. Congrove,Michael Spohn OYSTER SEED HOLDINGS, INC. VA Stabilizing and expanding bivalve shellfish seed supply: The mobile oyster hatchery
0229041 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pearce, C. Pearce,Cedric Mycosynthetix Inc NC Production of the organic herbicide Mevalocidin by fungi
0213507 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Barclay, J. A. Barclay, J. A. PROMETHRUS ENERGY COMPANY WA Valveless temperature swing adsorption purifier for biogas from animal manures
0199680 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kirsch, P. Philipp Kirsch IPM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OR AVID- An Automated Vector Identification Detector for Rural Communities