Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029978 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cheng, X. Cheng,Xuemei INDUSTRY VISION AUTOMATION CORPORATION MD Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Increase Capabilities and Efficiencies of Poultry Productions
1029988 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Boltz, T. P. Boltz,Timothy Paul MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Improving Feed Safety of Pelleted Broiler Feed during the Feed Manufacture Process Through Integrated Research and Extension Workshops
1029996 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rock, K. Rock,Kelly Micronic Technologies, Inc. VA Tornadic Water Purification for Abandoned Mine Sites on Federal Land
1029999 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kim, J. Kim,Jongkyoo MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Investigating Skeletal Muscle and Adipose Tissue Response to Heat Stress in Beef Cattle
1030011 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kuchipudi, S. V. Kuchipudi,Suresh Varma PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Molecular pathogenesis and adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer and implications for spillover to cattle and pigs
1030012 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gonzalez, G. Gonzalez,Guadalupe SAGINAW CHIPPEWA TRIBAL COLLEGE MI Enhancing Connections with Tribal Community
1030017 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roodenko, E. Roodenko,Ecatherina MAX-IR LABS INCORPORATED TX Infrared biochemical sensor for Algal production efficiency improvement
1030028 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Drewry, D. Drewry,Darren OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Developing Field-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping for Coffee Yield, Physiological Performance and Disease Resistance
1030031 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Han, K. Han,Kyung-Hwan KOPESS AGTECH LLC MI XERICO Drought Tolerance Technology
1030036 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chanda, A. Chanda,Anindya MYCOLOGICS LLC VA A novel biobased approach for managing root rot in sugar beet industry
1030038 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tan, L. Tan,Libo UNIV OF ALABAMA AL Developing Lutein Emulsion-Based Formula for Supporting Early-Life Health
1030040 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arif, M. Arif,Mohammad UNIV OF HAWAII HI Detection and Tracking System for Bacterial Threats to Potato and Vegetable Industries
1030047 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wakefield, D. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions, Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
1030049 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cosseboom, S. D. Cosseboom,Scott David UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Understanding Fitness Costs Associated with Fungicide Resistance using Gene Editing
1030058 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yadavalli, N. Yadavalli,Nataraja CYTONEST, INC. GA Building sustainable food systems: edible 3D nanofiber scaffold solutions for cell-cultured meat
1030059 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, R. Johnson,Rick APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC OH Investigation into Integrated Phosphorus and Ammonia Recovery in Swine Applications
1030063 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Miller, R. Miller,Raymond KOPESS BIOMASS SOLUTIONS LLC MI EliteTree Biomass Tree Crop Technology
1030067 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Law, E. Law,Eugene UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Advancing integrated weed management research with computer vision technology
1030071 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Unal, B. Unal,Baris EMERGINGDX INC MA Low-cost Diagnostic Platform for Aquaculture
1030084 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Rudar, M. Rudar,Marko AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Delineating The Interaction Among Low Feed Intake, Sulfur Amino Acid Metabolism, And Gut Function In Newly Weaned Pigs
1030089 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sims, N. A. Sims,Neil Anthony KAMPACHI FARMS, LLC HI Commercialization of PDMA (Partially Digested Macroalgae) to decarbonize animal feeds by improved control of macroalgae fermentation processes
1030094 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT May, A. May,Alexa WEAVER LABS LLC OK Investigation of Novel Fluor Mop Adsorbent for Prevention and Remediation of PFAS contamination in Livestock
1030096 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kalsi, M. Kalsi,Megha LEPIDEXT L.L.C KY A biological alternative to chemical pesticides to control corn earworm in Hawaii
1030113 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Klein-Gordon, J. M. Klein-Gordon,Jeannie Marie MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Characterizing current Phytophthora blight pathogen populations and identifying effective integrated management strategies
1030116 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kohl, S. Kohl,Scott VISIONARY FIBER TECHNOLOGIES, INC TX Pretreatment of Animal and Vegetable Waste Fats for Renewable Fuels Processing
1030132 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gill, U. Gill,Upinder NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Aegilops Umbellulata Resource Development to Boost Climate-Resilience in Wheat for Future Food Security
1030134 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Du, X. Du,Xiaoxue UNIV OF IDAHO ID SUPERMinDS: Sustainable Undergraduate Program for Extension/Research/Management in Data Science
1030138 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wishnick, D. Wishnick,David NUTRABERRY WA Analyzing Nutritional Benefits of Micronized Defatted Berry Seed Powders Using an in-vitro Model of the Human Gut Microbiome
1030155 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kuchipudi, S. V. Kuchipudi,Suresh Varma PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Development of rapid, flexible, and cost-effective molecular diagnostic methods for COVID-19 detection in animals
1030157 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bastarrachea, L. J. Bastarrachea,Luis J UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT UV-A Light Activated Biodegradable Antimicrobial Packaging: A Sustainable Hurdle Technology for Food Preservation