Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1025992 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Salze, G. P. Salze,Guillaume KNIPBIO, INC MA Off-flavor Mitigation in Atlantic Salmon Grown in RAS via the Use of a Novel Single Cell Protein Based Feed
1022868 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Buentello, A. Buentello,Alejandro ICHTHUS UNLIMITED, LLC IA From waste/pollution to prime aquafeed ingredient: Use of tuna processing waste soy and cotton seed meal to produce highly nutritious meals for aquaculture
0199675 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Czokajlo, D. Philipp Kirsch IPM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OR Remote Insect Sensing Technology for Wireless Automated Pest Monitoring Networks
1009624 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ibrahim, P. J. Ibrahim,Princella J JIMFINA INTERNATIONAL INC NC Value-Added Production of Sorrel Juice from Red Sorrel Plant
0214702 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT whalen, J. John Whalen HARMON BROOK FARM (MAINE SMELT HATCHERY ME "Intensive Commercial Rainbow Smelt Culture"
1025751 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lundberg, B. M. Lundberg,Brock FIBERSTAR, INC. WI Highly Functional Weighting Agent By Green Modification of Natural Fibers to Stabilize Flavored Oils in Beverages
0225221 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Andrews, C. P. Andrews,Cody Powell AXAT Inc ME The feasibility of developing a low cost, remote sensing technology to provide information critical to finfish hatchery operations
0210080 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Moehs, C. P. Moehs, C. P. ARCADIA BIOSCIENCES AZ Improving Rice Abiotic Stress Tolerance
0199515 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hemingway, R. W. Hemingway, R. W. PLANT POLYPHENOLS, LLC LA Procyanidins Made from Douglas-Fir Bark and Tea Leaves: Structure and Physiological Properties
1031865 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cavender-Bares, K. Cavender-Bares,Kent ROWBOT SYSTEMS LLC MN Robotic greenhouse gas monitoring to measure impacts of climate-smart farming practices
0217813 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hansen, S. L. Hansen,Soren Lund SEA & REEF AQUACULTURE, LLC ME Development of culture methods for marine ornamental fish larvae
0203146 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Li, Y. Yan Li NaSource Company CA Lignin-Based Polymeric Materials from Byproduct of Biomass Conversion
0193648 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Castillon, J. DRY CREEK LABORATORY CA Commercial Production of Crown Gall Resistant Fruit and Nut Trees
1029953 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Groele, J. Groele,Joseph Fourth State LLC MI Towards a scalable continuous flow plasma water treatment architecture for PFAS destruction
0200722 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Canning, J. R. Canning, J. R. FOREST ROBOTS, LLC ID Development of a Small, Semi-Autonomous Vehicle for Reducing Fuels in Forests
1028846 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Li, C. Li,Cheng NANOSEPEX INC. NJ Carbon nanotube enhanced membrane distillation with air sparging for economic separation of biofuels from fermentation products
1015904 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cumbie, W. Cumbie,William PANCOPIA, INC. VA Swine Lagoon Treatment and Odor Capping System
0217815 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnston, E. Johnston, E. D. Eldertide LLC ME Developing Elderberries as a Specialty Crop for Herbal Supplements, Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
1027332 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Banfield, M. Banfield,Michael SPRINGSTAR, INC. WA Tick Surveillance and Mass Capture Trap
0229041 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pearce, C. Pearce,Cedric Mycosynthetix Inc NC Production of the organic herbicide Mevalocidin by fungi
0211744 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT fromme, G. A. Guy Fromme BinTech L.L.L.P. CO Early Detection of Spoilage in Stored Grain
0199676 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Godinez, V. Richard Finlayson Physical Acoustics Corporation NJ Acoustic Emission for Characterization of Leather
0221726 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lu, F. Lu, F. ALGAEN CORPORATION NC Bioremediation of Animal Wastewater Using Oil-Rich Microalgae
0206534 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pedersen, L. D. Pedersen, L. D. DANTECH ENGINEERING, INC. CA Technology for Controlling Net Weight of Fish Fillets
0196315 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hawthorne, J. Hawthorne, J. HAWTHORNE MUSHROOMS, INC. IN Creating Sustainability of Mushroom Production in U.S. Rural Areas
1030202 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wang, J. Wang,Joseph BIOSTONE ANIMAL HEALTH LLC TX Developing A Commercial Multi-Antigen Confirmatory ELISA To Detect Antibodies To African Swine Fever Virus Under Biosafety Level 2 Conditions
1025776 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT DiNovo, A. DiNovo,Augustine GUILD ASSOCIATES, INC. OH Development of a novel reagent for release of biofilm-embedded microbes from surfaces for detection by monitoring techniques
0199586 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Anderson, C. Anderson, C. NetQuest Services, LLC KY Advanced Telemetry System for Early Detection of Feedlot Disease and Lifetime Tracking
1033078 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chen, Z. D. Chen,Zhi David ZDC TECH LTD. CO. KY Durable High-Temperature Humidity Sensors for Precision Food Processing