Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027617 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sagor, E. Sagor,Eli UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Citizen Science on Working Lands: Experimentation and Exchange through the Great Lakes Silviculture Library
1027618 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Huff, E. Huff,Emily MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Building Woodshed Maps for Industry, Extension, and Woodland Owners in the Great Lakes States
1027628 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bunting, T. Bunting,Tod SERVICEMEMBER AGRICULTURAL VOCATION EDUCATION CORP KS SAVE provides transition assistance, training, therapy, job placement services and succession assistance to veterans and transitioning servicemembers who want a career in agriculture.
1027670 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Forbes, C. Forbes,Cory UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON TX Supporting Undergraduate Teaching and Learning about Socio-Hydrological Challenges through Data-Driven Modeling in the FANH Sciences
1027684 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS PICCIANO, L. PICCIANO,Lorette RURAL COALITION DC Sustaining Rural Communities through Beginning Farmer Mentorship, Training and Marketing
1027697 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Clarke, J. Clarke,Jennifer UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE National Ag Producer Data Cooperative: A Strategic Framework for Innovation
1027732 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Seymour, D. K. Seymour,Danelle Kathleen UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA SP: Use performance of 300 hybrids in established trials to map Huanglongbing tolerance/resistance genes and release superior new rootstocks
1027735 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Atwood, L. Atwood,Leah AGROECOLOGY COMMONS CA Building Beginning Farmer Resilience through Hybrid Participatory Education, Urban-Rural Networks, Mentorship, and Incubation
1027742 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Diepenbrock, L. M. Diepenbrock,Lauren Marie UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Regional management strategies for Asian citrus psyllid and HLB prevention in commercial groves and residential plantings
1027743 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stelinski, K. S. Stelinski,Kirsten Suzanne UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Targeting the Asian citrus psyllid gut to block Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus transmission
1027767 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dutt, M. Dutt,Manjul UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Utilizing HLB tolerant citrus germplasm and understanding their role in mitigating Huanglongbing
1027939 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Baez Carrion, S. Baez Carrion,Shelia PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PR Puerto Rico Expansion- FRSAN Southern Region
1028083 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Marlow, A. Patrick,John LAC COURTE OREILLES OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE WI Wisconsin Land Grant System Partnership for Enhancing Native College Student Readiness and Retention
1028324 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Butler, M. Butler,Meredith KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Department of Air Force 4-H Military Partnership Outreach and Support
1028497 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Buckner, E. R. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions, Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
1028535 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, S. Zhou,Suping TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN Title: Strengthen Plant Biotech Program By Integrating Genome Editing and Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Tomato Projects
1028542 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brillante, L. Brillante,Luca CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA Enhancing Education and Research Capacity in Data Assimilation for the Spatial Analysis of Soils and Crop Performance
1028546 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Boyd, J. Boyd,John NATIONAL BLACK FARMERS ASSOCIATION INC VA American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - National Black Farmers Association
1028562 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burns, H. J. Norwood,Terence ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Upward Alabama: research and community programs to investigate and support economic mobility in Alabama urban centers
1028566 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jaiswal, G. Hopfer,Elizabeth Newcomb NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Enhancing Teaching and Learning Capabilities in Flat Pattern Making Through the Development of Animation-Based Teaching Tools
1028572 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bhargava, K. Bhargava,Kanika UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMA OK Developing and Applying Functionally Bioactive Pulse Prebiotics as Novel Food Ingredients
1028592 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Boaitey, A. Creutzinger,Kate UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - RIVER FALLS WI Calf Management Practices and the Social Sustainability of the Dairy industry: A Multi-stakeholder Assessment
1028602 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Winstead, C. Winstead,Cherese DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Emerging IoT Technologies for Smart Agriculture
1028605 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mitchell, A. Mitchell,Adam TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY - TIAER TX Partners in Pollination: Capacity building for agriculture STEM research in pollinator conservation on Texas grasslands
1028607 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reddy, C. Reddy,Chandra TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN 1890 Center of Excellence for Natural Resources, Renewable Energy, and the Environment: A Climate Smart Approach
1028633 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sriharan, S. Andrews-Brown,Danielle M. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Professional Development for Teaching/Continuing Education Project Based on Research on Remote Sensing in Environmental Science
1028637 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Herring, J. Herring,Joshua ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL An HBCU Mini-Sabbatical in Food Science Focusing on Extrusion and Sensory Science
1028640 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ahmed, K. Ahmed,Khaled SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV IL Artificial Intelligence for Greener Livestock: Educational and Research
1028661 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Meddaugh, M. Meddaugh,Melinda CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF SULLIVAN COUNTY NY Sullivan County Food Safety Outreach Program