Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1030047 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wakefield, D. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions, Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
1031212 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wakefield, D. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Alcorn State University-School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Facility Grant
1020327 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walden, M. Walden,Mark BEREA COLLEGE KY Grow Appalachia Beginning Farmer Coronavirus Response Supplemental Funding
1003360 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Waldrop, M. Waldrop,Mark U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CA Microbe-mineral interactions and the fate of carbon along soil climo-chronosequences
1026044 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nanjundaswamy, A. Waliullah,Sumyya ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Engineering Impact-Resistant Hydrophobic Microcrystalline Cellulose Biocomposites Using Switchgrass, Giant Miscanthus, And DDGS
0205096 EXTENDED EVANS-ALLEN Scott, J. Walker, J. H. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC Historical Patterns in the Formulation and Implementation of U.S. Nutrition Policies in South Carolina
1022196 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walker, E. L. Walker,Elsbeth L UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Optimizing The Nutritional Quality Of Corn: Mechanisms Of Iron Accumulation.
0203530 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walker, E. L. Walker,Elsbeth Lewis UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Mechanisms of Iron Uptake in Grasses
1027431 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walker, L. T. Walker,Lloyd T ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL A Strategic Project to Support 1890 Scholars in Agricultural and Related Sciences at Alabama A&M University
1009103 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT WALKER, M. J. WALKER,MARK J UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION NV Forging a Working Partnership in the Southwestern United States for locally relevant, action-oriented climate change education
1028923 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Walker, R. R. Walker,Ronald R. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program 2022
0222744 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walker, S. L. Walker,Sharon UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Building Bridges Across Riverside through Nano-Water Research
0211853 EXTENDED HATCH Wallace, A. Wallace, A. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Regulation of PXR Expression and Activation by Xenobiotics Induces Human Metabolizing Enzymes
1023989 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallace, H. S. Wallace,Heather Sedges UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network: Southern Region
1023454 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallace, J. M. Wallace,John M PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Intensifying Organic Grain Production: Balancing Production and Conservation Goals
1026912 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallace, J. M. Wallace,John M PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Integrating high-residue cover crop and residual herbicide tactics to improve herbicide-resistance management in Mid-Atlantic field crops.
0211704 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Waller, D. M. Waller, D. M. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Predicting invasions and their impacts on forest regeneration and plant diversity
1028916 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Roseberry, K. Walls,Caitlin ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Continuing Extension Activities at Ilisagvik College for Tribal Health and Equity
1029290 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Snow, P. Walls,Caitlin ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Holistic Learning and Community Growth through Extension and Outreach at Ilisagvik College
1027027 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. Walsh,Doug M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Washington State IPM Extension Implementation Program 2021-2024
1028323 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walsh, L. L. Walsh,Lisa L. DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER MO Evaluating and Improving Pathways to Recruit and Retain Students in the Ag Career Pipeline
0225300 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Walsh, S. Walsh,Sean 3F, LLC NC Modification of Natural Fibers for use as Reinforcement in Advanced Composite Materials
0228846 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walter, M. T. Walter,Michael Todd CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Twenty-first century development of 21st century precision agriculture for water quality protection
1031363 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walters, C. Walters,Cory UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Northern Plains Regional Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Partnership
1019815 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Waltzek, T. B. Waltzek,Thomas B UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Development of In Vitro and Molecular Diagnostic Tools for the Globally Emerging Tilapia Lake Virus
1019184 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Walzem, R. Walzem,Rosemary TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Probiotic modulation of appetite to improve breeder pullet welfare
1025869 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wan, C. Wan,Caixia UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Tunable Platform for Co-production of Renewable Chemicals and Advanced Carbon Materials
0204896 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, B. Wang, B. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Empowering Undergraduate and Graduate Students with Advanced HPLC-MS Through Class Instruction and Research on Functional Foods
1027893 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, D. R. Wang,Diane Ran PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN PLANT BREEDING PARTNERSHIP: Modeling genetic variation of rice hydraulic response to changes in soil moisture
1027811 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, H. Wang,Haoying NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY NM Addressing agricultural drought in the New Mexico High Plains through soil & groundwater management and climate adaptation