Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028484 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Weaver, D. Weaver,Daniel B WEAVER APIARIES INC TX Selecting and producing virus-resistant honey bees
0206584 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cheetham, R. M. Cheetham, R. M. AVENCIA INCORPORATED PA DecisionTree: A Framework for Location-Based Business Sitting Decision in Rural America
0196431 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mahaffy, K. E. Mahaffy, K. E. agentAI, Inc. CA Distributed Human Augmentation of Artificial Intelligence
1030058 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yadavalli, N. Yadavalli,Nataraja CYTONEST, INC. GA Building sustainable food systems: edible 3D nanofiber scaffold solutions for cell-cultured meat
1025833 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chambers, S. A. Chambers,Sandi A. SOUTHERN ESCAPE VANILLERY LLC FL Domestic Vanilla Cultivation: Agrivoltaics, Propagation, And Breeding
0226169 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Manning, S. Manning,Sarah LEARNIMATION NY Early Math & Science Intervention for Rural Communities
1028393 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Weissman, J. Weissman,Jeffrey Precision Combustion, Inc. CT Ethylene Control for Produce
1008653 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Arvik, T. J. Norton,Dawn M. Sonomaceuticals, LLC CA Validation of Chardonnay Grape Seed Flour Manufacture and Study of Human Metabolic Response to Foods Containing it
0214616 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT King, S. M. King, S. M. SMK PLANTS MT Novel Use of Plant Tissue Culture for Site-adapted, Acid Soil, Heavy Metal Tolerant, Native Plants Useful for Mine Land Reclamation
0202952 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Zondlo, M. A. Dr. Mark A. Zondlo SOUTHWEST SCIENCES, INC. NM Nitrous Oxide Flux Monitor to Help Quantify Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions
0222871 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Baxter, J. J. Baxter,Jeff BAXTER LAND COMPANY, INC. AR Commercial-Scale Implementation of Blue-Catfish Germplasm for Hybrid Production
0210059 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lew-Smith, J. E. Jodi Lew-Smith HIGH MOWING ORGANIC SEEDS, INC. VT Hybrid Seed Production Techniques for Cucurbita pepo in Organic Agricultural Systems
0197546 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ryan, D. B. Dale Ryan POLYMER BRIDGE SYSTEMS INC. SD A Kenaf Fiber Based End-Grain Sandwich Core Material for Composites
1030262 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Herring, C. D. Herring,Christopher D ENCHI CORPORATION MA Accelerated cellulosic ethanol production using continuous cascade fermentation and engineered thermophilic bacteria
1027288 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vargochik, A. Vargochik,Amanda SINNOVATEK, INC. NC Clean, cost-effective technology to recover and stabilize phytoactive fruit compounds from waste streams.
0203125 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT luo, H. Hong Luo HYBRIGENE, INC. RI Development of Environmentally Safe Transgenic Turfgrass with Improved Traits
0192907 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Quiroga, G. S. Quiroga, G. S. NATIVE AMERICAN BOTANICS CORPORATION AZ Traditional Herbal Products: New Suppliers From Indian Country
1028973 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rocheford, E. Rocheford,Evan NUTRAMAIZE LLC IN Nutritionally Enhanced Orange Corn: A Natural Domestic Source of Antioxidant Carotenoids for Improved Poultry and Consumer Well-Being
1022640 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Boltz, K. Wang,Renhou SOIL CULTURE SOLUTIONS, LLC FL Generating zebra chip-resistant tomatoes and potatoes using CRISPR/Cas9
0221784 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wimberly, M. Wimberley,Michael Joseph Pharaoh Industries MI Developing Innovative Marketing Strategies and Distribution Networks for Hope Goods
1028585 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Dawson, E. Kaiser,Benjamin PATHHOUSE LLC OR PathHouse: Prototyping High-Volume, Mass Timber, Modular Housing
1013402 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mattos, E. Mattos,Erico PHYTOSYNTHETIX, LLC GA Plant adaptive supplemental lighting control system
0217790 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT lavery, D. S. Donald Lavery WILKS ENTERPRISE, INC. CT Portable Mid Infrared Analyzer for Onsite Measurement of Nitrate and Organic Matter in Soil
0203126 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vadlani, P. V. Vadlani, P. V. AGRENEW, INC. KS Low-Cost Succinate Production Using Grain Sorghum and Engineered E. coli
0228723 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Brown, J. Brown,Jeff Agri Wind Turbines, LLC AR Using A Modified Grain Silo To Power A Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
0211423 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tang, I. I-Ching Tang BIOPROCESSING INNOVATIVE CO. OH An integrated fermentation-ultrafiltration process for the production of xanthan gum from whey lactose
0199655 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lawton, T. Trebor Lawton New England Rare Reagents ME Novel Reagent Development for Chronic Wasting Disease
1028407 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sutterlin, W. R. Sutterlin,William Rusty AMERICAN RENEWABLE METALS, LLC AL Glycerol Derived Compounds as Substitutes for Conventional Solvents
0206506 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Elliott, B. J. Elliott, B. J. TDA RESEARCH, INC. CO Low-cost Conversion of High Free Fatty Acid Oils and Fats into Methyl Esters (Biodiesel)
0196256 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McClellan, P. McClellan, P. MAPTECH, INC. VA Nutrient Utilization Patterns (NUP) for Determining Sources of E. coli and Enterococci in Water