Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017303 NEW HATCH Stockinger, E. Stockinger, E. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Developing high-yielding winter-hardy malting barley varieties adapted to Ohio and the neighboring Midwestern, Great Lakes, and Northeastern State regions
1017302 REVISED HATCH Wilson, RO, S. Wilson, RO, S. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH The individual, social and institutional drivers of water quality decisions
1017301 NEW HATCH Kick, ED, . Kick, ED. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Future Challenges in Animal Production Systems: Seeking Solutions through Focused Facilitation
1017299 TERMINATED HATCH Pritts, MA. Pritts, MA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY The Influence of Cultural Management Practices on Strawberry Yield, Flavor and Quality
1017298 NEW HATCH Holt, JO, PA. Holt, JO, PA. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Behavior, physiological responses, nutrient requirements and performance of swine experiencing environmental stress
1017295 TERMINATED HATCH Overton, TH. Overton, TH. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises.
1017293 REVISED HATCH Lascano, GU, . Lascano, GU. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Management Systems to Improve the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Dairy Enterprises.
1017292 NEW HATCH Servello, FR, . Servello, FR. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Administrative Project for Hatch Agricultural Research Program
1017291 REVISED HATCH Kim, HY, . Kim, HY. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Resource Optimization in Controlled Environment Agriculture
1017290 NEW HATCH Casey, K, D. Casey, KE, D. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Measuring and Mitigating Aerial Pollutant Emissions from Confined Animal Feeding Operations on the Texas High Plains
1017288 NEW HATCH Philipp, DI, . Philipp, DI. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Increasing nitrogen use efficiencies in ruminant-based livestock production systems in Arkansas
1017286 NEW HATCH Burke, IA, CR. Burke, IA, CR. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Integrated Crop and Weed Management Systems
1017281 NEW HATCH Burgos, NI, . Burgos, NI. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Molecular and Physiological Mechanisms of Resistance to Herbicides in Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)
1017279 TERMINATED HATCH Robbins, GA, . Robbins, GA. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Agrochemical Impacts On Human And Environmental Health: Mechanisms And Mitigation
1017276 NEW HATCH Lee, KI, . Lee, KI. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Identification and use of magnum-specific promoters for production of target proteins in avian eggs
1017274 NEW HATCH Shew, B. Shew, B. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Management, epidemiology, and diagnosis of economically important diseases in North Carolina and the United States
1017273 NEW HATCH Sharpley, A. Sharpley, A. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Assessing the Effectiveness of Conservation Practices to Reduce Edge-of-Field Nutrient Runoff
1017269 NEW HATCH Jepsen, SH, D. Jepsen, SH, D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Surveillance of Agricultural Injuries and Fatalities in Ohio
1017268 NEW HATCH Dewey, R. Dewey, R. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Optimizing Homologous Recombination Mediated Genome Editing in Nicotiana tabacum
1017259 NEW HATCH Baumler, DA, . Baumler, DA. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis
1017258 NEW HATCH Zhu, JU, . Zhu, JU. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Future Challenges in Animal Production Systems: Seeking Solutions through Focused Facilitation
1017257 REVISED HATCH Atungulu, GR, . Atungulu, GR. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Engineering Novel Energy-Efficient Processing Technologies for Grains and Bioproducts to Preserve Quality and Safety
1017256 REVISED HATCH Eisemann, J. Eisemann, J. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Improving efficiency of protein accretion in growing cattle
1017255 NEW HATCH Pierce, M. Pierce, M. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Improving Plant Growth by Regulating Endomembrane and Vacuole Dynamics
1017254 NEW HATCH Tzanetakis, IO, . TZANETAKIS, IO. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Plant and fungal virus epidemiology and control
1017244 NEW HATCH Loux, M. Loux, M. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Integrated strategies for management of herbicide-resistant weeds in Ohio
1017243 REVISED HATCH Ferraz Dias de Moraes, LU, . Firkins, JE, L. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients for Lactating Cows
1017242 NEW HATCH Yousef, AH. Yousef, AH, EL. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Screening food microbiota for novel bacteriocins suitable for food preservation
1017241 REVISED HATCH Kiss, E. Kiss, D . KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Behavioral economics and the intersection of healthcare and financial decision making across the lifespan