Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026106 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ulrich, D. Ulrich,Danielle MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT The carbon cost of a healthy root microbiome under environmental stress
1026783 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ulrich, N. Cato,Robert Alan Friends of Zenger Farm OR COVID Relief 2020-70030-33122: Matching Community Demand for Year-Around Produce by Extending the Growing Season of Local Farms
1030071 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Unal, B. Unal,Baris EMERGINGDX INC MA Low-cost Diagnostic Platform for Aquaculture
1022281 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Upadhyay, A. Upadhyay,Abhinav UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Novel microbubble technology to reduce contamination of poultry products and fresh produce for small and medium veteren farmers
1027890 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Upadhyay, A. Upadhyay,Abhinav UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Developing phytochemical based dietary strategies to reduce listeriosis risks in humans
1020284 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Urban, J. M. Urban,Julie M PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA SCRI CAP Proposal: Biology, Management, and Reducing the Impact of the Spotted Lanternfly in Specialty Crops in the Eastern USA
1029848 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Urieta, D. M. Urieta,Diana M NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC YEA: Advancing Equitable Agriscience Pathways (AEAP) through the National Juntos Consortium (NJC) and STEM Agriculture Pathways (AP)
1024590 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Urquidi, K. T. Harlan,Sariah NEBRASKA INDIAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE NE Efficiency and Durability of Photovoltaic System Components in Agricultural Settings
1027931 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Urriola, P. Urriola,Pedro UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Additional zinc intake in late gestation increases survival of newborn pigs: an investigation into the mechanism of action
0225477 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vachta, K. Vachta,Kerry OAKLAND UNIVERSITY MI The Detroit Child Health Incubator Research Project (CHIRP)
1009553 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vadas, P. Vadas,Peter AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Reactive Nitrogen Cycling And Impacts On U.S. Dairy Farms: The Feasibility Of Sustainable Milk And Agro-Ecosystems
0201030 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vadhwa, O. P. Vadhwa, O. P. ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Use of Functional Genomics for Pyramiding Favorable Allele Combinations for Enhancing the Technology to Produce Seedless Watermelon
0203126 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vadlani, P. V. Vadlani, P. V. AGRENEW, INC. KS Low-Cost Succinate Production Using Grain Sorghum and Engineered E. coli
1026986 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vafaie, E. Khan,Dr. Rafia TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Integrated pest management of the European Pepper Moth
1027581 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vahedifard, F. Thompson,Diego MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS SCC-IRG Track 1: Reducing the Vulnerability of Disadvantaged Communities to the Impacts of Cascading Hazards under a Changing Climate
0199900 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vaidyanathan, R. Ranji Vaidyanathan Advanced Ceramics Research, Inc AZ Soybean Oil Based High Performance Nanocomposites
1025240 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Valent, B. Valent,Barbara KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Strategic Resource Development and Deployment to Limit the Spread of Wheat Blast
1026988 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Vales, M. Vales,Maria Isabel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
1031349 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Vales, M. Vales,Maria Isabel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
1020773 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Vales, M. I. Vales,M Isabel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
1012204 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Valliere, J. M. Valliere,Justin Michael CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY CA Weeds of change: Exploring eco-evolutionary consequences of global change on functional traits of invasive plant species
1026042 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Valliyodan, B. Valliyodan,Babu LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Building Research, Extension and Outreach/Education capacity to Establish Industrial Hemp Production in the Midwest
0202497 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Bloem, S. J. Carro-Figueroa, V. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Regeneration by Basal Sprouting Following High Winds in Forests: Linking Physiology to Ecosystem Structure
1027857 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van de Walle, G. R. Harman,Rebecca Mary CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A novel biotherapeutic to control methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)
1013094 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Van Den Berghe, G. Padget,Gregory PRACTICAL FARMERS OF IOWA IA Groundtruthing Farm Viability: Providing a Continuum of Advice, Support, Education and Outreach to Create Long-Term Sustainability for Beginning Farmers
1023811 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Van Dis, K. Pistacchi-Peck,Ann HIGH DESERT FOOD & FARM ALLIANCE OR Enhancing the Success and Viability of Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Central Oregon
1029847 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Van Hook, L. Van Hook,Lucille WICKED WILD, LLC ME A Maine Wild Blueberry Value-Added Product for Profitability and Sustainability of Small and Mid-Sized Growers
1029829 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Leuven, J. T. Van Leuven,James T UNIV OF IDAHO ID Phage-bacteria interactions in honey bee microbiomes: Identifying factors contributing to healthy bees and disease prevention
1022687 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Os, J. Van Os,Jennifer UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Building public trust in dairy farming: Understanding the role of farm culture, training and risk factors that lead to poor animal handling.
0211035 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT van Santen, V. L. van Santen,Vicky Lin AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Effects of viral immunosuppression on disease in vaccinated chickens