Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029360 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Knight, S. Large,Tallie RED LAKE NATION COLLEGE MN Red Lake Nation College Community Connections: Supporting Sovereignty in Food, Culture, Health, and Education
1029361 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Litson, B. Litson,Benita NAVAJO NATION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, THE AZ Dine College Tribal College Extension Delivery Program
1029362 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT O`Connor, L. O`Connor,Lauren Agricultural Research Service PA Developing a Research Roadmap about processed foods, food processing, and human health in the context of the US food system
1029363 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kowalczak, C. Kowalczak,Courtney FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Gidakiimanaaniwigamig Youth Camp Special Emphasis Project
1029364 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bordeaux, S. Bordeaux,Shawn Sinte Gleska University SD Sinte Gleska University Extension Program: Expanding Opportunities for Health, Wellness, & Prosperity for the Sicangu Lakota Oyate
1029365 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Malmberg, M. Malmberg,Michael URBAN FOOD INITIATIVE INC, THE MA Scaling Double Up Food Bucks in the Boston Region through Daily Table
1029367 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Monteau, C. Russette,Ursula STONE CHILD COLLEGE MT SCC NIFA Extension Program
1029368 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Comeau, R. Comeau,Richard TULSA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OK Double Up Oklahoma | Expanding access to fruits and vegetables for low-income Oklahomans
1029369 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Alferez, F. M. Alferez,Fernando Miguel UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Combining Individual Protective Covers (IPCs) and brassinosteroids to prolong health and improve fruit yield and quality in newly planted trees under HLB
1029374 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kenning, R. Kenning,Robert SYS_ORG - SALISH KOOTENAI MT Growing a New Generation of Stewardship for Tribal Natural Resources
1029376 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nipp, K. R. Nipp,Kelly Richard LEECH LAKE TRIBAL COLLEGE MN Community Health and Vitality: Enhancing Indigenous STEM Programs for a Brighter Future in Ojibwe Communities
1029377 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Morales, M. Friskics,Scott Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Aaniiih Nakoda College Extension Program-Capacity Grant
1029378 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Real Bird, S. G. LaForge,Kirt LITTLE BIG HORN COLLEGE MT Promoting Agriculture Capacity and Equity in the Crow Reservation
1029379 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Gao, W. Gao,Wei COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Global Change, Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research Program
1029382 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aksenov, A. Aksenov,Alexander UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT SP: A method for generating an optimally attractive scent for Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) biocontrol
1029383 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McCarron, K. McCarron,Kristy YMCA METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON DC YMCA Produce Prescription Project (YPRx)
1029384 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Laux, C. Laux,Catherine KEWEENAW BAY OJIBWA COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Native Food Pathways: Promoting Community Well-Being Through Food and Culture
1029386 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Woodard, J. L. Nussbaum,Marjorie LITTLE PRIEST TRIBAL COLLEGE NE Little Priest Tribal College Extension: Strengthening Communities through Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Health Education, 2022-2026
1029387 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Landry, D. Nez,Felix BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Blackfeet Community College Tribal College Extension Program
1029388 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Del Rio Mendoza, L. Del Rio Mendoza,Luis NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Enhancing Sustainability of Canola Production in North Central US
1029392 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Downs, M. Downs,Melanie UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Food Proteomics Research and Extension Mass Spectrometry Platform
1029396 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simon, A. E. Simon,Anne E. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD SP: CYVaV VIGS vector for vaccinating seedlings and controlling HLB in infected fruit bearing trees
1029407 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kuo, Y. Kuo,Yen-Wen UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA SP: Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) using insect specific viruses to manipulate psyllids as a strategy to control citrus greening/HLB
1029408 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ristroph, K. Ristroph,Kurt PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Scalable low-cost organic nanocarriers for efficient foliar uptake of registered anti-HLB agents
1029409 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bajwa, Z. Bajwa,Zahrine CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION ASSOCIATION OF SUFFOLK COUNTY NY Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County Partnership with Healthcare Providers to facilitate fresh fruit and vegetables vouchers to underserved populations.
1029411 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chater, J. M. Chater,John M UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: HLB-resistant rootstock candidates for the citrus industry: validating and understanding disease resistance
1029413 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Grosser, J. W. Grosser,Jude William UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Accelerating the delivery of conventionally developed HLB tolerant citrus scions and rootstocks as pathogen-free budlines for replicated multi-site testing
1029415 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stelinski, K. S. Stelinski,Kirsten Suzanne UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Toward a reliable, insect cell culture-based technique for culturing CLas bacteria
1029428 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gilmour, L. Gilmour,Lindsay EASTERN SHORE ENTREPRENEURSHIP CENTER INC MD Expanding the Capacity of Community-Based Produce Safety Educators to Serve Hard-to-Reach Farmers in the Mid-Atlantic