Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0225977 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kinoshita, C. Kinoshita,Charles UNIV OF HAWAII HI University of Hawaii Agribusiness Education, Training and Incubation (AETI) Project
0225970 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Parcell, J. L. Parcell,Joseph UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Student Understanding of Price Risk Management through Experiential Learning via Distance Education Delivery
0225967 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Vineyard, C. Vineyard,Christy UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Phase II - CariPac Consortium Distance Education Grant for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas
0225966 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Branson, J. L. Branson,Janice L. TENNESSEE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY TN Food Safety in Agritourism
0225965 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kraus, S. Kraus,Sibella Sustainable Agriculture Education CA Cultivating a New Generation of Farmers and Ranchers at the Urban-Rural Edge
0225962 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dupuis, V. Dupuis,Virgil F SALISH KOOTENAI COLLEGE MT Flowering rush (Butemous umnbellatus) Influences on Habitat and Food Web Implications to Non-native and Native Fishes in the Flathead Basin
0225958 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Tootle, D. M. Tootle,Deborah M. ARKANSAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AR Arkansas 2011 Flood Recovery Project
0225949 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cohen, S. D. Cohen,Seth Daniel APPALACHIAN STATE UNIVERSITY NC Developing Fermentation: Enhancing Agriculture through Value Addition
0225941 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Gwinn, K. Gwinn,Kimberly D. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN BRIDGE for the Future: Building Research Interest and Developing Global Engagement in USDA-NIFA Priority Areas
0225940 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Neff, J. Neff,Jason UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CO Carbon Management on Public Lands in the Intermountain West: Projected Impacts and Decision Support Tools
0225939 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wattiaux, M. A. Wattiaux,Michel A UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Teaching and Learning in the Animal Sciences A National Effort to Challenge Assumptions and ESTABLISH New Foundations for the 21st Century
0225938 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Yang, M. Yang,Moua Community GroundWorks WI Gaining Ground: A Farm Incubator with Training and Technical Assistance for Beginning Socially Disadvantaged Farmers in Wisconsin
0225932 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS LeHew, M. L. LeHew,Melody L A KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Making Climate Change a Functioning Thread in Baccalaureate Curriculum: Initiating a Transformation in Fiber, Textiles & Clothing Education
0225929 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Burden, R. W. Burden,Ray W. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Tennessee Flood Recovery Project
0225928 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Threadgill, P. Threadgill,Paula MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Mississippi Flood Recovery Project
0225926 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Crossman, S. Crossman,Stafford UNIVERSITY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Enhancement of Competitiveness and Sustainability of Beginning Virgin Islands Farmers Using a Value-Chain Agribusiness Delivery System
0225924 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rolls, A. Rolls,Alice Georgia Organics GA Cultivating Sustainable and Organic Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Georgia
0225923 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Shrimpton, N. H. Shrimpton,Nicole H SUNY Empire State College NY An Undergraduate Research Experience: Using Technology to Monitor Japanese Beetles, Related to Climate Change, Across New York State
0225918 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Schumacher, C. Wetsit,Lawrence FORT PECK COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Financial, Credit, and Marketing Training for Socially-Disadvantaged, Limited-Resource, and Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Montana.
0225916 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Horne, J. E. Horne,James E. KERR CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE OK Developing Enterprises for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Oklahoma Through Training, Mentors and Resources
0225915 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wirth, F. F. Wirth,Ferdinand F. SAINT JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY PA Transforming food marketing education: Modules to integrate social justice education and research training across undergraduate curricula
0225913 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kwon, J. Kwon,Junehee Kansas State University KS Advancing Food Allergy Education for Hospitality Management and/or Dietetics Students Using Storytelling
0225911 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS WARNER, R. M. WARNER,RYAN MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Genomics-based approaches for improving Petunia production efficiency and performance
0225910 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Miske, S. Miske,Sally NATIONAL 4-H COUNCIL MD 81st Annual National 4-H Conference
0225900 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McEligot, A. J. McEligot,Archana Jaiswal California State University, Fullerton CA A Childhood Obesity and Nutrition Curriculum for a Diverse and Changing Population
0225899 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Splan, R. K. Splan,Rebecca Kathryn Virginia Tech VA Building research capacity and 21st century skills among second-year students in the agricultural sciences: A planning proposal
0225896 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Block, D. R. Block,Daniel Ralston Chicago State University IL Chicago South Side Urban Agriculture Initiative
0225895 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Eichler, J. F. Eichler,Jack F The Regents of University of California CA Enhancing Foundational STEM Instruction and Recruitment of Students to Agricultural Science Careers
0225893 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Harder, A. M. Harder,Amy Marie UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Teaching Locally, Engaging Globally: Increasing Undergraduates` Knowledge of International Dimensions