Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027155 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Plewa, D. Plewa,Diane UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Illinois State-Based Integrated Pest Management Program
1027156 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pratt Lickley, A. Woods,Caily AGRICULTURE, IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF ID Enhancing and Expanding Idaho`s Producer Stress Assistance Programs
1027159 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ellison, S. ELLISON,SHELBY UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Collection, Pre-Characterization, And Preservation Of American Hemp Germplasm
1027160 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zhang, Z. ZHANG,ZHOU UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI AlfAdvisor: A web-based cyber-platform to estimate alfalfa yield and quality to support harvest scheduling
1027161 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simion, K. Young-Uhk,Steven COLLEGE OF MICRONESIA FM Yap Prepare to Grow: Facilities and Equipment for Agriculture in Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia
1027162 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cherney, J. Cherney,Jerome CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Improving Profitability and Reducing Producer Risks of Alfalfa-Grass Bicultures with Low-Cost NIRS
1027163 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ganjegunte Keshava, M. Ganjegunte Keshava,Murthy TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Developing Canola as an alternative crop for marginal lands irrigated with brackish waters in the southern great plains region.
1027165 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Durgan, B. Durgan,Beverly UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Accelerating IPM Implementation for Greatest Impacts in Minnesota
1027166 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schell, S. Schell,Scott UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY University of Wyoming Extension Implementation Program Team Plan
1027167 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moynihan, M. Moynihan,Meg AGRICULTURE, MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF MN Bend, Don`t Break -- Managing Stress in Agriculture
1027171 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Riggs, N. Riggs,Nathaniel COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Colorado State University Sustainable Community Project
1027173 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kratsch, H. Kratsch,Heidi UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Nevada FY21 Crop Protection And Pest Management Extension Implementation Program
1027174 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Downey, J. Downey,Jayne MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Rural Resiliency: Expanding Access to Youth Aware of Mental Health
1027176 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reagan, T. E. Stout,Michael J. LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Integrated Pest Management Extension Implementation for Louisiana
1027178 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Flores, N. Chamberlin,Barbara NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM iTIPS: Interactive Tools to Improve the Practice of Food Safety
1027183 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reed, D. Reed,Debbie MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Nahln: Purchase Of Equipment For Breathitt Veterinary Center
1027184 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hashley, J. Hashley,Jennifer B TUFTS UNIVERSITY MA Training Beginning, Immigrant, and Organic Specialty Crop Producers in FSMA Compliance to Access Wholesale and Institutional Markets
1027185 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tucker, J. Tucker,Jennifer UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Alfalfa Nutrient Preservation, Utilization and Cycling in Sustainable Southeastern Livestock Systems
1027186 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Miller, G. Bish,Mandy UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI EXTENSION MO IPM for Missouri Agriculture and Horticulture
1027187 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Shaw, A. M. Johnsen,Ellen IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Ensuring Food Safety Competency of Produce Growers and Processors in the NCR Through Expanded Collaboration with Diversified Populations
1027188 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Studebaker, G. Studebaker,Glenn ARKANSAS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AR 2021 Arkansas Extension Implementation Project
1027190 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dominguez, C. Dominguez,Cristina La Semilla Food Center NM Growing the Culture, Collaboration, and Capacity of Farmer to Farmer Food Safety Trainings
1027192 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McSwain, K. McSwain,Karen CAROLINA FARM STEWARDSHIP ASSOCIATION NC Diversified Farm FSMA Training Initiative
1027193 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hall, J. Hall,Janice AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Building a Food Safety Training Program to Empower Disadvantaged Producers in Alabama
1027194 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schneider, K. R. Schneider,Keith R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Southern Regional Center for Food Safety Training, Outreach and Lead Regional Coordination Center
1027198 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Allard, M. Allard,Molly NORTHERN RHODE ISLAND CONSERVATION DISTRICT RI Supporting Urban Growers Through The Providence County Urban Growers Leadership Program (UGLP)
1027199 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dill, J. Dill,James UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME UMaine Integrated Pest Management CPPM-EIP
1027201 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Feng, Y. Feng,Yaohua PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Developing an active-learning outreach program to support small and very-small dried fruit processors’ food safety management
1027203 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reay-Jones, F. P. Reay-Jones,Francis CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Crop Protection and Pest Management Extension Implementation Program for South Carolina
1027204 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hazelrigg, A. L. Hazelrigg,Ann L. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Vermont IPM Extension Implementation Program (VT EIP): 2021-2024