Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027157 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Redmond, S. Redmond,Sarah SPRINGTIDE SEAWEED, LLC ME Development of Seaweed Farming Systems for New Nori and Dulse Aquaculture Crops.
0229041 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pearce, C. Pearce,Cedric Mycosynthetix Inc NC Production of the organic herbicide Mevalocidin by fungi
0190913 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Goldman, J. Goldman, J. FINS TECHNOLOGY, LLC MA Improving Striped Bass and Hybrid Striped Bass Farming via Selective Breeding
1029815 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Shende, A. Shende,Anuradha SHENDE LLC SD Energy-Efficient Extreme Winter Greenhouse for Urban Farms in Rapid City, SD
1020485 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Merrill, M. Merrill,Matthew LUNA INNOVATIONS INCORPORATED VA On Demand Nitrate Production for Fertilizers
0221756 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Carvey, C. Carvey,Crile CRILE CARVEY CONSULTING, INC. WY Integrated analytical, visualization, and decision support software for placement of wind turbines by rural residents and small businesses
0206539 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Czokajlo, D. Czokajlo,Darek IPM DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OR Q-TRAP: In-Transit Detection of Bioinvasive Forest Insects in Intermodal Shipping Containers
0211057 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wright, D. W. Kuhrt, Fred MICROANALYTICS, INC. TX Metalized FEP-An Improved Alternative to Tedlar Bags for Downwind Odor and Volatiles Emission Sampling of Confined Animal Operations
0199600 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stocker, R. Stocker, R. ARENA PESTICIDE MANAGEMENT CA A Reverse Venturi Atomization Chamber
1027654 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Simonpietri, M. Simonpietri,Marie-Joelle SIMONPIETRI ENTERPRISES LLC HI Reducing Cost of Cellulosic Jet Fuel Made from Woody Biomass
1006341 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, G. Johnson,Glenn HEXPOINT TECHNOLOGIES LLC FL Veterinary probiotic preparations to protect against plant toxins
0196215 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lu, F. Lu, F. ALGAEN CORPORATION NC Biotechnology for Commercial Production of Edible Nostoc as a New Aquatic Crop Plant
1030058 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Yadavalli, N. Yadavalli,Nataraja CYTONEST, INC. GA Building sustainable food systems: edible 3D nanofiber scaffold solutions for cell-cultured meat
1023830 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sahi, S. K. Sahi,Sunil Kumar SOLGRO, INC. TX COVID-19 Rapid Response: Low-Cost Light Spectra Optimization to Increase the Profits of Greenhouse Growers
0221891 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tibbetts, C. Tibbetts,Clark TessArae LLC VA Resequencing Microarray-based Diagnostic Assay for High Priority Swine Infectious Diseases
0207655 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kermekchiev, M. B. Kermekchiev,Milko B. DNA Polymerase Technology, Inc. MO Soil Inhibition Resistant Mutants of Taq DNA Polymerase
1012553 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Priore, R. J. Priore,Ryan CIRTEMO, LLC SC Multivariate Optical Element Platform for Post-Harvest Inspection
0217756 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Williams, C. Williams, C. HYDROLINEAR IRRIGATOR INCORPORATED WA Efficient Mobile Power Supply and Energy Reclamation for Linear-move and Center-pivot Irrigation Systems
0203089 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Johnson, D. R. Johnson, D. R. Webwriters LLC MI Economic Development of the West Michigan Lakeshore Through Application of 3D Virtual Tourism
0190914 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McGrath, S. F. Talley, R. H. Resodyn Corporation MT Sonic Technology for Enhanced Agricultural By-Products
1029817 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Schmid, M. Schmid,Michael MICRO NANO TECHNOLOGIES LLC FL Solar-powered Efficient Dryer for Crop Preservation, Conditioning, and Storage
0233834 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tabanpour, M. E. Tabanpour,Menachem E Nutrient Recovery and Upcycling LLC WI Phosphate fertilizer recovery from anaerobic acid digesters in sewage treatment plants.
0213634 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Heilman, M. A. Heilman,Mark SEPRO CORPORATION IN Aquatic Bioherbicidal Formulation Development for Mycoleptodiscus terrestris
0199796 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kassab, H. Hisham Kassab MOBILAPS, LLC MD Empowering WiFi-Based ISPs to Bridge the Rural/Urban Broadband Digital Divide
1028481 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Liang, D. Liang,Dangsheng APEX BAIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CA Snulex: A Semiochemical Lure and Phagostimulant Enhanced Novel Bait for Controlling Snails and Slugs
0206587 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McCallum, C. M. McCallum, C. M. ARCADIA BIOSCIENCES AZ Tilling for Enhanced Bolting Resistant Lettuce
0196501 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Donovan, A. J. Donovan, A. J. HUMMINGBIRD CONSULTING AZ Developing Software for Search and Rescue Planning and Operation
1030262 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Herring, C. D. Herring,Christopher D ENCHI CORPORATION MA Accelerated cellulosic ethanol production using continuous cascade fermentation and engineered thermophilic bacteria
1025868 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ryan, R. Ryan,Rachael BACKYARD FARMS, LLC NM Technical and Market Feasibility of Using Lyophilization to Improve Local Fruit and Vegetable Market Sales.
0226237 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Dobres, M. S. Dobres,Michael S NOVAFLORA INC PA Development of marker free crown gall resistant roses.