Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028797 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Erwin, A. Erwin,Anna UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX The Indiana Farmworker Resilience Project: Organizational Opportunities and Challenges During Covid-19.
1026494 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Erwin, A. Erwin,Anna PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN The Indiana Farmworker Resiliency Project: Organizational Opportunities and Challenges during COVID-19
0215011 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tewksbury, J. J. Joshua Jordan Tewksbury UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA The indirect impacts of the invasive Brown Treesnake on forests and agriculture in Guam.
0199055 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hammer, R. Hammer, R. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI The Influence of Amenities and Proximate Population Concentrations on Population and Economic Growth in the Rural United States
0214636 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bowling, L. C. Bowling, L. C. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN The Influence of Subsurface Drainage on Watershed Stream Flow and Nitrate Load, and the potential for Water Conservation
0210267 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Norconk, M. J. John F Foss DIGITAL FLOW TECHNOLOGIES, INC. MI The Mass Loading Monitor -- Worker Safety and Equipment Protection in Grain Handling Facilities
1029339 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dedecker, J. Dedecker,James MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI The Midwestern Hemp Research Collaborative: Participatory Research and Extension to Grow a Sustainable Hemp Industry
1015094 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Patterson, D. J. Patterson,David J. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI EXTENSION MO The National Center for Applied Reproduction and Genomics (NCARG) in Beef Cattle
0193747 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Acheson, D. W. Acheson, D. W. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND MD The National Pediatric Diarrhea Surveillance Study
0209884 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Tang, E. Tang, E. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES DC The National Plant Genome Initiative: Achievements and Future Directions
1029278 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sudbeck, K. Sudbeck,Kristine NEBRASKA INDIAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE NE The Native Path Educational Mode
1006451 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Luke, S. L. Luke,Stacy Lee NH ASSOCIATION OF CONSERVATION DISTRICTS NH The New Hampshire Road Map to Local Foods Access for All
1028864 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Goetz, S. J. Goetz,Stephan J PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development 2022
1027353 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jablonski, K. Jablonski,Kevin NORTHERN COLORADO FOODSHED PROJECT CO The Northern Colorado Farm Business Accelerator
1019071 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Brouder, S. Brouder,Sylvie PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN The NutriNet Knowledgebase for Synthesis of North American Tile Drainage Research
1026736 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Jepsen, S. D. Jepsen,Shelly Dee OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH The Ohio AgrAbility Program
0214318 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hoenig, S. Hoenig, Sam THE NEGEV FOUNDATION OH The Ohio-Israel Ag & Rural Development Initiative
0227820 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gray, S. M. Gray,Stewart M Agricultural Research Service PA The orchestrated role of three multifunctional luteovirus proteins in virus movement within plant hosts and aphid vectors
1026802 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Galvao, K. N. Galvao,Klibs Neblan Alves UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL The origin and progression of the uterine microbiome in cattle
1032460 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Aoun, N. Aoun,Nathalie UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA The paradox of efflux pumps contribution to pathogen fitness in planta
0222268 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fochs, K. Fochs,Kevin Livingston School Districts 4&1 MT The Park High School Technology Project
1031334 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rosati, K. G. Rosati,Kitty Gurkin PATTERSON SCHOOL FOUNDATION, INC. NC The Patterson School Incubator Farm Program: A Second Century of Agricultural Education and Environmental Stewardship
1016601 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Robinson, J. Robinson,Jillian INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, INC. NY The Phoenix New Roots Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program
1019235 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gilbert, K. Gilbert,Kadeem PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA The physiology of phylloplane pH regulation and its consequences on the microbiome
0192607 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT McCauley, D. E. McCauley, D. E. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY TN The Population Genomics of an Invasive Species in its Native and Introduced Ranges
0226029 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hendrich, S. Hendrich,Suzanne IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA The Power of Thinking Like a Scientist Applied to World Hunger
0189815 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kothari, S. Kothari,S. Iowa State University of Science and Technology IA The Proteome of Photosynthetic Membranes
0193643 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Olsen, L. J. Olsen, L. J. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MI The PTS2 Protein Import Pathway of Plant Peroxisomes
1025239 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Turner, S. C. Green,John J. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS The Racial Wealth Gap, Persistent Poverty, and Heirs` Property: Analysis, Connections, and Solutions