Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027931 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Urriola, P. Urriola,Pedro UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Additional zinc intake in late gestation increases survival of newborn pigs: an investigation into the mechanism of action
0225477 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vachta, K. Vachta,Kerry OAKLAND UNIVERSITY MI The Detroit Child Health Incubator Research Project (CHIRP)
1009553 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vadas, P. Vadas,Peter AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Reactive Nitrogen Cycling And Impacts On U.S. Dairy Farms: The Feasibility Of Sustainable Milk And Agro-Ecosystems
0201030 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vadhwa, O. P. Vadhwa, O. P. ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Use of Functional Genomics for Pyramiding Favorable Allele Combinations for Enhancing the Technology to Produce Seedless Watermelon
0203126 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vadlani, P. V. Vadlani, P. V. AGRENEW, INC. KS Low-Cost Succinate Production Using Grain Sorghum and Engineered E. coli
1016625 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vaillancourt, L. Vaillancourt,Lisa UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY A Novel Function for the Highly Conserved Signal Peptidase in the Regulation of Biotrophy in a Plant Pathogenic Fungus
1025240 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Valent, B. Valent,Barbara KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Strategic Resource Development and Deployment to Limit the Spread of Wheat Blast
1020773 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Vales, M. I. Vales,M Isabel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
1026988 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Vales, M. Vales,Maria Isabel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
1031349 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Vales, M. Vales,Maria Isabel TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Potato Breeding and Cultivar Development in the Southwest
1025408 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Farmer, J. Valliant,Julia INDIANA UNIVERSITY IN Incentivizing Land Access for Small, Beginning and Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers: Research, Extension and Community of Practice
1012204 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Valliere, J. M. Valliere,Justin Michael CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY CA Weeds of change: Exploring eco-evolutionary consequences of global change on functional traits of invasive plant species
1026042 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Valliyodan, B. Valliyodan,Babu LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Building Research, Extension and Outreach/Education capacity to Establish Industrial Hemp Production in the Midwest
1026002 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schroeder, K. J. Van Allen,Jason TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Equine-Assisted Positively Fit: A Family-based Obesity Intervention for Rural Youth
0211035 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT van Santen, V. L. van Santen,Vicky Lin AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Effects of viral immunosuppression on disease in vaccinated chickens
0215328 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Tassell, C. P. Van Tassell,Curtis Paul AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE MD Implementation of Whole Genome Selection in the US Dairy and Beef Cattle Industries
0219128 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Tassell, C. P. Van Tassell,Curtis Paul AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE MD Implementation of Whole Genome Selection in the US Dairy and Beef Cattle Industries
1026420 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT van Vliet, S. van Vliet,Stephan DUKE UNIVERSITY NC Understanding Linkages Among Cattle Production Systems, The Biochemical Richness Of Beef, And Human Health: A Triple Metabolomics Approach
1021981 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Voorhis, W. Van Voorhis,Wesley UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WA Bumped Kinase Inhibitor for Toxoplasmosis and Sarcocystis
1029200 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Wyk, J. I. Van Wyk,Jennifer I UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Interactive effects of climate change and pathogens on pollinator health and pollination services: Bombus impatiens and tomato
1027624 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT VanBuren, R. VanBuren,Robert MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Identifying the mechanisms controlling stress tolerance in the resilient grain and forage crop teff (Eragrostis tef)
1028356 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT VanderWaal, K. VanderWaal,Kimberly UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Translating genetic data to antigenic phenotype for improved management of PRRSV in U.S. swine populations
0196597 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vanni, M. J. Vanni, M. J. MIAMI UNIV OH Effects of Improved Watershed Management on an Agriculturally Impacted Reservoir Ecosystem: Response to Reduced Nutrient and Sediment Inputs
0197716 EXTENDED HATCH Varcoe, K. Varcoe, K. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Interactions of individual, family, community, and policy contexts on the mental and physical health of diverse rural low-income families
1027154 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Varenhorst, A. Varenhorst,Adam SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD South Dakota State University Integrated Pest Management Program
1028990 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vargas-Hernandez, N. Vargas-Hernandez,Noe UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Freshwater Prawn Production: Solving the National Problem of Prawn Postlarvae (Seed) Availability through Engineering and Automation
1027079 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vasco-Correa, J. Vasco-Correa,Juliana PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Training Professionals in BioRenewable Systems for a Sustainable Future
1028650 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vasco-Correa, J. Vasco-Correa,Juliana PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Biofilters for Methane Mitigation from Livestock Facilities
1025297 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vatamaniuk, O. Vatamaniuk,Olena K CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Investigation Into The Role Of Copper In Grain Size, Storage Protein And Carbohydrate Accumulation In Cereals