Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1010478 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barnes, C. Barnes,Colter SOUTHEAST ISLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT AK Island Fresh Student Enterprises, Southeast Island School District
1007526 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barnett, G. M. Barnett,George Michael BOSTON COLLEGE MA Seeding the Future: Integrating Financial Literacy, Environmental Education and Scientific Research through Hydroponic Food Production
0223546 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barni, M. T. Barni, M. T. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION OH The BEAN Project (Beginning Entrepreneurs in Agricultural Networks)
0204952 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ A National Agricultural Program: Clearance of Chemicals and Biologics for Minor or Special Use/Pesticides (Support for the ARS IR-4 Program)
0208048 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Biopesticide Demonstration Project
0208714 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Update the Number and Location of Crop Field Trials in the USA
0211890 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Jerry Baron RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ PAS-Travel Subsidies for Interregional Research Project No. 4 (IR-4) Staff
0212257 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ Interregional Research Project #4 (IR-4) Quality Assurance and Research Activities
0215476 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Field Demonstration Projects for Biopesticides
0216118 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ IR-4 Quality Assurance and Ornamental Horticulture Research Activities
0220015 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Palmer, C. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY NJ IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Research Activities
0223823 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron, J. J. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ IR-4 Quality Assurance, Ornamental Horticulture Research, Residue Analyses & Repeat of Food Use Field Trials
0227041 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baron, J. J. Baron,Jerry J. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Minor Use Pesticides Umbrella Project
1010625 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barr, R. Barr,Rodney NORTHWEST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY MO Agriculture and Food Literacy Initiative at Northwest Missouri State
1007530 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barragán, M. J. Jiménez,Alwin UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Consolidating a Premier Masters of Science Program in Agricultural Economics for the Caribbean Basin
1016312 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barrett, J. E. Barrett,John E VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Life-Cycle Assessment of Biochar in Agricultural and Forest Ecosystems: Effects on Production, Soil Fertility, and Economic Impact
0219704 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barrick, R. K. Barrick,R. Kirby UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL USDA Cooperative Agreement: National Food and Agri Sciences Teaching, Extension and Research Awards
0225076 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barrick, R. K. Barrick,Kirby UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL The North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference
1000266 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barrick, R. K. Turner,R Elaine UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL USDA Cooperative Agreement National Food and Agricultural Sciences Teaching, Extension and Research Awards Program (TERP)
1003723 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barrie, D. Lopez,Leticia SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CA STEM Engagement for the Enrichment of Diverse Students (SEEDS) Scholars Program
1001584 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bartholic, J. F. Bartholic,Jon F. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI An Integrative Decision Support System for Managing Water Resources under Increased Climate Variability
0226959 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bartholomew, C. Bartholomew,Candace L. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT University Of Connecticut, Cooperative Extension, Pesticide Safety Education Program
0230816 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bartholomew, C. Bartholomew,Candace L. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT University of Connecticut, Cooperative Extension, Pesticide Safety Education Program
1001264 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Barton, S. S. Fratello,Melissa M. GRASSROOTS GARDENS OF BUFFALO,INC. NY The Buffalo Neighborhood Food Project
1010777 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baszler, T. Baszler,Timothy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA NAHLN:WA-Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Participation as a Level 1 Laboratory in the National Animal Health Laboratory Network
1026946 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baszler, T. Baszler,Timothy WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA NAHLN:WA Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Participant as a Level 1 Laboratory in the National Animal Disease Laboratory Network
1007733 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bates, T. R. Bates,Terence R. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Precision Vineyard Management: Collecting and Interpreting Spatial Data for Variable Vineyard Management
0219812 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Bates-Benetua, M. Bates-Benetua, M. SOLID GROUND WASHINGTON WA Seattle Community Farm and Good Food Project
0222292 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Batie, S. Batie, S. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Social Science Research Planning Workshop: Climate Change, Bio-Energy, and Natural Resources