Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029138 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bojrab, M. Bojrab,Michelle PARKVIEW HOSPITAL, INC. IN Veggie Rx to HEAL Enhancement
1029140 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Rains, G. C. Rains,Glen UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Assistive Technology Program for Farmers with Disabilities: (AgrAbility) in Georgia 2022
1029141 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moore, M. Tyner,Mekko COLLEGE OF THE MUSCOGEE NATION OK This a travel and learn project that is titled "Returning to the Homeland to Learn"
1029145 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reed, D. Reed,Debbie MURRAY STATE UNIVERSITY KY NAHLN: Purchase of Equipment, Service and Maintenance contracts
1029146 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mader, B. Goodman,Hunter ARKANSAS AGRIC EXTENSION SERVICE AR Extension Health Ambassadors: A Community-Based Volunteer Health Education Training Program For Improving Health In Rural Arkansas Communities
1029147 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Riggs, N. Riggs,Nathaniel COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Sustainable Community Project for a Family-Inclusive Lifestyle Intervention for Teenagers in Rural Colorado
1029150 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dandurand, L. Dandurand,Louise-Marie UNIV OF IDAHO ID Systems approach to controlling nematodes in US potato production
1029151 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Clark, M. Clark,Matt UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Completing the Grapevine Powdery Mildew Resistance Pipeline: From Genes-on-the-Shelf to Sticks-in-the-Ground
1029153 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Borden, L. Borden,Lynne UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN The University of Minnesota for the CYFAR PDTA Center
1029155 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Grenwelge, C. Grenwelge,Cheryl TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Texas AgrAbility ACE (Assisting, Connecting, Educating) Project
1029158 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Langellotto, G. A. Langellotto,Gail Ann OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Growing a U.S. Native Plant Nursery Network to Sustainably Meet the Demand for Native Plants in Ornamental Landscapes
1029162 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Turner-Depue, N. Turner-Depue,Natalie WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Trauma-Informed Communities of Practice: Building Capacity to Address Opioid Misuse in Rural and Tribal Communities
1029165 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Hewitt, S. Mraz,Amy NUPHY, INC. WA Development of a High-Throughput Crop Virus Diagnostic Service Using Viral Enrichment and RNA Sequencing
1029167 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Harmon, C. L. Harmon,Carrie Lapaire UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL The Southern Plant Diagnostic Network
1029168 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stack, J. P. Stack,James P KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Great Plains Diagnostic Network
1029182 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, C. Baker,Robyn FORT PECK COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Increasing Participation in STEAM programs at Fort Peck Community College
1029191 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Randall, J. Randall,Jennifer J NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Trees for the future: Coordinated development of genetic resources and tools to accelerate breeding of geographic and climate adapted pecan trees
1029196 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smart, A. Smart,Alicyn UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME UMaine Northeastern Regional Center NPDN 2022-2026
1029200 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Wyk, J. I. Van Wyk,Jennifer I UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Interactive effects of climate change and pathogens on pollinator health and pollination services: Bombus impatiens and tomato
1029201 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ramirez, R. A. Bernhardt,Scott UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT The Compatibility and Contribution of Natural Enemies in Western US Alfalfa Management
1029203 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ribeiro De Resende J, M. F. Ribeiro De Resende J,Marcio Fernando UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SweetCAP: Integrated technologies to improve sweet corn breeding, production and marketability
1029204 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Berti, M. Berti,Marisol NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Establishing Alfalfa in Intercropping with Sunflower and Sorghum to Improve Alfalfa Yield and Profitability
1029205 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ziegenmeyer, H. Fish,Jessica CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND CCCC Equity in Natural Resource Education for Tribal Students
1029208 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hill, M. Hill,Michael PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN NPDN National Database/National Network of Diagnostic Center
1029209 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dunn, J. Dunn,Joe Sitting Bull College ND Sitting Bull College Vet-Tech
1029216 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Henderson, J. Mosiman,Amanda PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Advancing Agrosecurity and Community Resilience through Collaboration, Capacity-Building and Extension Program Innovation
1029217 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Byrne, J. Byrne,Janet MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI North Central Plant Diagnostic Network
1029218 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Luck, B. D. LUCK,BRIAN UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI AgrAbility of Wisconsin
1029222 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McRoberts, N. McRoberts,Neil UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Western Plant Diagnostic Network Regional Center
1029228 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Daye, G. Daye,Germaine NAVAJO TECHNICAL COLLEGE NM Navajo Technical University Equity Project