Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027544 NEW OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. Walsh,Doug WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Enhancing Supply Chain Sustainability and Global Competitiveness for Pacific Northwest Hops
1027543 NEW OTHER GRANTS Owens, M. Owens,Maritza HARVEST HOME FARMER'S MARKET, INC. NY Healthy Seniors Healthy Shoppers 2.0
1027542 NEW OTHER GRANTS Flynn, R. Flynn,Reggie NORTH FLINT REINVESTMENT MI The North Flint Food Market
1027541 NEW OTHER GRANTS Mills, I. Mills,Igalious TEXAS AGRIFORESTRY SMALL FARMERS AND RANCHERS TX Developing and Sustaining Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Texas
1027540 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kisekka, I. Kisekka,Isaya UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Sustaining Groundwater and Irrigated Agriculture in the Southwestern United States under a Changing Climate
1027539 NEW OTHER GRANTS Libah, M. Libah,Muhidin SOMALI BANTU COMMUNITY LEWISTON OF MAINE ME Opening New Land and Opportunity for the Somali Bantu Farmers Agricultural Future
1027538 NEW OTHER GRANTS Barker, D. E. Barker,Dorathy E. OPERATION SPRING PLANT, INC. NC Preparing Socially Disadvantaged, and Veteran Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in North Carolina for Sustainability
1027536 NEW OTHER GRANTS Wu, V. C. Wu,Vivian C.H. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE CA Prevention of Pathogen Contamination in Agriculture Water in the Lettuce Production Continuum
1027535 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ray, T. Ray,Tiffany GENERATION INFOCUS FOUNDATION INC, THE GA Beginning Farmers Georgia Agribusiness Incubator Network (B-GAIN)
1027533 NEW OTHER GRANTS Nakahara, M. Hixson,Amanda SIERRA HARVEST CA Collaborative Training and Mentorship Pathways for Beginning Foothill Farmers and Ranchers
1027532 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Khanna, M. Khanna,Madhu UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Designing Agrivoltaics for Sustainably Intensifying Food and Energy Production
1027531 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Steiner, J. Steiner,Jeffrey OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Sustainably Incorporating Hemp Biobased Economy into Western U.S. Regional Rural and Tribal Lands
1027530 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Barragan, AD, A. Barragan, AD, A. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Managing Inflammation and Hypocalcemia in High-Risk Cows: Keys for Optimal Welfare and Health in Transition Cows
1027529 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Lewis, K. Lewis,Katie TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Enhancement through the Utilization of Regenerative Agricultural Management Practices
1027528 NEW OTHER GRANTS Black, B. L. Black,Brent L UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Improving the economic and environmental sustainability of tart cherry production through precision management
1027527 NEW OTHER GRANTS Dasgupta, S. Folck,Alcinda Central State University OH Fastrack Farming: A Training Program for Socially Disadvantaged and Military Veteran Beginning Farmers during the COVID 19 pandemic
1027526 NEW OTHER GRANTS Castro, I. Castro,Iana SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CA Increasing Food Access in San Diego County through Produce Distribution
1027525 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hill, C. Millares,Marie VEGGIELUTION CA Eastside Food Initiative: Improving Food Security, Healthy Food Access, And Community Self-Reliance In East San Jose
1027524 NEW OTHER GRANTS White, C. J. White,Chana Janine NATIVE BRAND HONEY, LLC NC Creating Profitable Farm Business Opportunity for Native Americans and Veteran Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in North Carolina
1027521 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rodríguez-Besosa, T. Rodríguez-Besosa,Tara DEPARTAMENTO DE LA COMIDA DE PUERTO RICO INC. PR Desde Abajo (From the Ground Up): Building a Grassroots Food Hub Model for Food Sovereignty in San Salvador, Puerto Rico
1027517 NEW OTHER GRANTS Selby, K. Selby,Kristin Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas KS New Roots for Refugees Farm Program Expansion
1027516 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stettler, K. Bacigalupo,Amy Land Stewardship Project MN Regional Farmer-led Education and Training Hubs for Building Resiliency and Viable Farms in Minnesota and Wisconsin
1027515 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Löest, CL, A.. Loest, CL, A.. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Nutrient supplementation via drinking water: impacts on health and performance of feedlot receiving cattle
1027514 NEW OTHER GRANTS Cisneros-Zevallos, L. Cisneros-Zevallos,Luis TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Next-Generation Smart Surfaces and Coatings to Improve Food Safety and Water-Efficiency of U.S. Specialty Crops
1027513 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schahczenski, J. Coggins,Andrew NATIONAL CENTER FOR APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY MT Preparing a Resilient Future: Beginning Farmer and Rancher Training for Organic Field Crop and Livestock Producers in the Northern Great Plains
1027512 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Prokopy, L. Prokopy,Linda PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN #DiverseCornBelt: Resilient Intensification through Diversity in Midwestern Agriculture
1027511 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shriner, S. Shriner,Suzanne SYNERGISTIC HAWAII AGRICULTURE COUNCIL HI Coordinated Approach to Coffee Leaf Rust
1027510 NEW OTHER GRANTS Michelmore, R. W. Michelmore,Richard W UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Enhancing Resource Utilization for Sustainable Lettuce Production in Changing Climates
1027507 NEW OTHER GRANTS Fox, M. Fox,Megan MALAMA KAUAI HI Kaua‘i Beginning Egg Farms PEEP: Poultry & Egg Education Project
1027506 NEW OTHER GRANTS Toerdal, A. Toerdal,Amanda KAWERAK, INC. AK Increasing Access to Fresh Produce for Bering Strait Tribal Communities