Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027079 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vasco-Correa, J. Vasco-Correa,Juliana PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Training Professionals in BioRenewable Systems for a Sustainable Future
1027080 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Koprak, J. Koprak,Julia THE FOOD TRUST PA COVID Relief 2020-70030-33186: Food Bucks: Responding to Food Access Needs in Pennsylvania and New Jersey during the COVID-19 Crisis
1027084 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kwon, J. LeHew,Melody L. A. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Advancing Environmental Sustainability Knowledge And Skills Of The FANH Sciences Work-force In Hospitality And Retail Industries
1027094 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Earnheart, M. Earnheart,Marty AGRICULTURE, MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF MT Montana 2021 FRSAN Application
1027097 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Goellner, S. Travis,Carley DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MISSOURI MO Missouri Farm Stress Project
1027098 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, P. Wang,Ping N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Understanding the Molecular Genetic Basis of a Novel Mechanism of Bt Resistance in Insects ofr Risk Assessment of Bt-crops
1027101 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Henley, S. Henley,Shauna Carol UNIV OF MARYLAND MD TRAIN: Targeted Resources Addressing Identified Needs in Maryland worker food safety training via on-farm piloting of a mixed media toolkit
1027106 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bahm, K. Bahm,Karla AGRICULTURE, NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF NE FRSAN-SDA Nebraska Behavioral Health Voucher Project
1027107 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, L. Wang,Leyi UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Veterinary Microbiology Residency Program at the University of Illinois Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
1027108 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Martin, D. E. Martin,Donna E Field MID-AMERICA REGIONAL COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES CORPORATION MO COVID Relief 2020-70030-33185: Kansas-Missouri Nutrition Incentive Expansion
1027120 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, E. W. Smith,Erin Williamson JACKSON MEDICAL MALL FOUNDATION MS COVID Relief 2019-70030-30401: Double-Up Mississippi`s Emergency Response Plan to COVID Induced Food Insecurity Matters Facing SNAP Consumers
1027124 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Byrd-Bredbenner, C. Byrd-Bredbenner,Carol RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ iENDEAVORS: Innovative Enhancements of Nutrition and Dietetics Education using Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality to Overcome RDN Shortages
1027125 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Szczepaniec, A. Szczepaniec,Adrianna COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Colorado Extension Implementation Program
1027126 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Derhake, A. Jones,Kristi AGRICULTURE, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF IL Farm & Ranch Stress Assistance Network-State Departments of Agriculture
1027127 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Roth, J. A. Roth,James Allen IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Expanding Rural Veterinary Practice through Continuing Education in Organic and Non-Conventional Livestock
1027128 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Robak, O. Williams-Helm,Alison AGRICULTURE, COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF CO Colorado Farmer and Rancher Mental Health Support Grant
1027129 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yemmireddy, V. K. Yemmireddy,Veerachandra UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Closing the GAPs: Food Safety Education and Outreach to Underserved Communities in the Lower Rio Grande Valley
1027130 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS de Figueiredo Silva, F. de Figueiredo Silva,Felipe CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Kale Alternatives Leading to Enhanced Economics (KALE): Improving Profitability and Evaluating Marketing Decisions of Organic Kale Farmers Facing Alternaria Leaf Spot in the Southeastern U.S.
1027131 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ward, B. K. Ward,Brian K. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC iCORP: Increasing Coastal Organic Rice Production in South Carolina Using Salt Tolerant Cultivars
1027132 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Foreman, T. Foreman,Tevis PRODUCE PERKS MIDWEST , INC. OH COVID Relief 2018-70025-28154: Expanding Food Security & Food System Resilience via Statewide Nutrition Incentive Programming in Ohio
1027138 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wallingford, A. Vinchesi-Vahl,Amber UNH Cooperative Extension NH University Of New Hampshire 2021-2023 Integrated Pest Management Extension Implementation Plan
1027140 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ragan, V. A. Ragan,Valerie Ann VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Training the Veterinary Public Practitioner
1027141 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fousek, A. Fousek,Amy FOUSEK, AMY CA I, Amy Fousek, will be developing a rural veterinary clinic and expansion of current large animal services in veterinary shortage area CA 213.
1027148 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mpanga, I. Brown,Judith K. UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ Assessing Soil and Plant Health Response to Composted and Solarized Grape Pomace with manure in Semi-arid Soil
1027151 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Farrell, B. P. Farrell,Beth Pugh Rollins Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory NC Farmer and Rancher Stress Assistance Network - North Carolina (FRSAN-NC)
1027154 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Varenhorst, A. Varenhorst,Adam SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD South Dakota State University Integrated Pest Management Program
1027155 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Plewa, D. Plewa,Diane UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Illinois State-Based Integrated Pest Management Program
1027159 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ellison, S. ELLISON,SHELBY UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Collection, Pre-Characterization, And Preservation Of American Hemp Germplasm