Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028930 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cervantes, J. C. Quijada,Adrian Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Planting the seeds of culture and food: Agricultural experiential education with Micro-credentials
1028933 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Grantham, D. G. Grantham,Deborah G. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Northeastern IPM Center: Strengthening IPM Adoption 2022 - 2026, Regional Coordination Program
1028934 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gallagher, D. D. Gallagher,Dusti INFINITE EVERSOLE-SPECIALTY CROP SERVICES, LLC AR Specialty Crop Regulatory Assistance Workshop: Nuts and Bolts of U.S. Regulatory Dossiers for Genetically Engineered Products
1028935 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kinsey, D. Kinsey,Dan Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Improving Access, Learning and Achievement in Aaniiih Nakoda Ecology
1028936 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Londo, A. Londo,Andrew OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Updating the 2018-2022 RREA Strategic Plan
1028937 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Gunn, D. Gunn,Danielle UNIV OF IDAHO ID USDA - NIFA Fort Hall Agricultural Extension Program
1028938 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pearlman, M. Pearlman,Marc INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC MACHINES CORPORATION NY Complete Autonomous Ventilation Environment System (CAVES) for Small and Mid-Size Farms
1028946 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Canada, B. Canada,Barbara NATIONAL EXPERIENCED WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS, INC. VA NIFA Mission Support Via Engagement of Experienced Worker Program Enrollees
1028947 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ellington, E. H. Ellington,Edward Hanson UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Developing a national program for providing extension resources in Spanish
1028949 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brunner, L. Bellanger,Tammy WHITE EARTH TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Revitalizing the Transference of Ancestral Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Agricultural Practices and Leadership
1028950 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kitzes, E. W. Kitzes,Edwin Wolf UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND 2022 Equity Grant for United Tribes Technical College
1028953 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT King, K. Aufdembrink,Lauren FRONTLINE BIOTECHNOLOGIES INC. MN A Sorbent Technology for eDNA Collection and Concentration for Aquaculture Pathogen Detection
1028955 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Waugh, B. Waugh,Bradford JOHNNY'S SELECTED SEEDS ME An efficient greens spinner for improving food safety and increasing profitability for small to mid-size farms
1028957 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Buckner, E. R. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS Scholarships for Students at 1890 Institutions, Alcorn State University School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
1028958 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Edler, R. Edler,Rebecca COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Weaving Global Indigenous Methods Into Education
1028966 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Capouya, R. Capouya,Rachel OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Genome Sequencing for Detection of Phytophthora in Landscape Plants
1028969 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Wilson, T. Wilson,Tracy OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE OR Growing Lifelong Learners and Abundance - Warm Springs Extension Program 2022-2026
1028970 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peterson, J. Peterson,Jim BLACKFEET COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Experiential Learning at Blackfeet Community College
1028973 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rocheford, E. Rocheford,Evan NUTRAMAIZE LLC IN Nutritionally Enhanced Orange Corn: A Natural Domestic Source of Antioxidant Carotenoids for Improved Poultry and Consumer Well-Being
1028974 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Skurupey, L. Skurupey,Leigh Ann NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Expanding Opportunities for Tribal Youth and Native Food Systems
1028976 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nortz, P. E. Nortz,Patrick E OTISCO ENGINEERING LTD. OH Advanced Research and Commercialization of the Otisco Ground-loop System (TM) for Geothermal Heating and Cooling for Farmstead Applications
1028977 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Nordrum, S. Katras,Mary Jo UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Woodland Wisdom: Building Healthy Relationships with People, Land, Water and Indigenous Traditions
1028982 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moore, V. Moore,Virginia CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Building A Resilient Organic Hemp Industry From Seed To Market: Assessing Research, Extension, And Education Needs
1028983 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Joshi, V. Joshi,Vijay TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Systems Approach to Maximize Organic Spinach Productivity
1028990 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vargas-Hernandez, N. Vargas-Hernandez,Noe UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Freshwater Prawn Production: Solving the National Problem of Prawn Postlarvae (Seed) Availability through Engineering and Automation
1028993 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yanni, S. Yanni,Steve BAY MILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE MI Bay Mills Agricultural Education and Student Success Initiative
1028994 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Nomee, S. Gosz,Russell UNIV OF IDAHO ID Coeur d` Alene - Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program
1028996 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Helman, H. Fischweicher,Alicia FARMSHARE AUSTIN TX Fresh for Less Mobile Markets and Curbside Delivery Produce Prescription: Increasing Incentives and Equity for Local Fruits and Vegetables
1028999 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Maunsell, F. P. Maunsell,Fiona P UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL 2022 FARAD - UF Component